Ask Gray Fox

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by grayfox, August 25, 2012.


All Pros, barring exploits, are well balanced. Outliers are within Δ10% overall efficiency.

  1. Yes

    42 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but with greater stretch.

    27 vote(s)
  3. No

    22 vote(s)
  1. killien

    killien Active Member

    Likes Received:
    When she was released
    Intended mechanic: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=17572
  2. thetrollingking

    thetrollingking New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thoughts on certain chowder members being recently disbanded?

    © heepfar 2012
  3. HiipFire

    HiipFire Active Member

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    Are you brony/furry?

    ©tbone 2012
  4. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    If you charge mid air or off a ledge, you lose your jets. This is to stop you from tapping them to go 9001 feet at high speed.

    She is a female enforcer.

    I'm not a fan of playing Leo, but he's one hell of a game extender. Leo says Overtime, AND YOU BETTER LIKE IT. His Venice Defense packs a decent punch. It's mainly nice because of the wide range and less noticeable projectile. If you get hit by a firebase, it hurts, it's loud, you know where it is because the bullets trace back to it. Get hit with a Venice Defense, it takes longer to figure out where the heck it is. Usually a second rocket longer. It's lovely to leave on ledges and things due to its self healing nature. The teleport is and always will be lovely. My little Death Dodger. I am not a fan of Leo as the only healer on the team. Too many Leos do not pay attention to the global health indicators, and he's too infrequent for me tastes. I do not trust a Leo healer unless I know them personally very well.

    As some rocker guy once said " I'm Omnisexual, baby!"
    But notrly. I am a heterosexual male with no current court-partner relations. I've dated sparingly, as I do not date someone with the thought of impermanence on my mind. If I date someone, it is because I've assessed them and deem them a marriage possibility.

    High skill cieling class via aim much more than situational awareness (Commandos are vice versa). If their headshot ratio is less than 60%, I'll bring the pain directly. Otherwise, it's lulling them into security by keeping tabs on how often I attack and how often they see me. I used to like Gunslinger more than Sniper, as I did better with her. I've gotten better with Sniper over time, so I'm OK with both of them play wise. Still, I have Grandma hands when it comes to headclicking in this game. Global Agenda? Gold Ranked Snipercon (top 5%) 3 times running, Silver (top 10%) 5 times. Winner of 3 AVA seasons. Here? Can't click a head to save my life.

    Accidentally 11.

    I love the dance, but require invitations.

    Hate? Too strong. Irritated, and that's in the past. Don't you remember this game of fun times?

    I'm not sure what you mean by wanting a mute function because you were trying to communicate. Information feed is great and always accepted. In the last month or two we've played, I'd say you've been an allaround enjoyable person. There are past grievances/irritations that no longer apply, but I'd keep that to private messaging.

    Also, your new microphone is way better.

    Vibrating hydrogen atoms and light.

    Fair. Was there since the beginning. Here, have a shiny!
    (Do note that this is content that has been released)

    Not for quite a while, really. Awpteamoose and Coverop were the most recent, I think. Those were around Treasure Ball time and further back. If you're referring to any recent stinks, it's from long-held data.


    I enjoy the ponies. I don't enjoy the fursonas. If you show me a picture of a well drawn Sergal, I'll say "That's nice". If you show me well drawn anything, really, I'll say "That's nice", or comment on it and give my critical view. Past that, I'm quite reserved.

    Bronydom and Furrydom are both plagued by loud minorities, or at least, heavily insulted minorities. I'm also not a fan of god-awful attention-grabber colour schemes. If there's one thing I will say positive about furries, it's that they know how to build a suit. They make that **** from scratch and have built in fans and ****. They make it themselves - teach themselves how. If I ever need some kind of costume, my first stop would be a furry.

    In general, I'd say that I don't care about what people do as much as I care if they're good at doing it. If you can't show something of quality, I don't recommend flaunting it.
  5. madpony

    madpony Member

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    I'm an average player. I usually play pretty good, or at least not bad.
    Going for like 1.5 k/d ratio in every match, while often being the 1st or 2nd best bot killer.

    There are some matches where I shine and completely carry my team, and some where I do pretty bad. Although I'm not a feeder, I sometimes die way more than I should.

    I'm trying to enjoy the game, but that's pretty hard since I only solo queue. There's a lot of game where I get a team that doesn't really know how to play, and we get stomped by some people who are happy because they do 3-men team in order to stomp new players. Assassin, yup D:

    I used to play Tank, Gunner, Support and Leo, but I tried Veteran and Cheston and thought they were pretty good. I especially have a lot of fun with Veteran, and I think I'm pretty decent with him and his ka-claw.

    I don't agree with some of the most experienced players statements about balance, but I guess that's because I only solo queue.

    So here's my question : Am I playing this game right ?

    This question may look weird, and maybe you won't give me the answer(s) I'm expecting, but if you could try to answer, that would probably help me.
  6. skullkid239

    skullkid239 New Member

    Likes Received:
    What are your thoughts on the defenders, who do you think best deserves the title "defender" and why?

    What are your personal thoughts on various methods of cheating?
    Examples include: Aimbots, afk boosters, blitz farmers various hacks, etc. for both private and public games

    What do you think about recyclo?

    What do you think about the current trade system, with "I want to get the better cash value" being the mindset of most traders, rather than "I'm not using this item and he has something i want"
  7. Just1more

    Just1more Active Member

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    nvm saw someone else asked already
  8. captain_dynamite

    captain_dynamite New Member

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    What do you think about explosion skills having fall-off?

    Do you believe Spark trumps Assassin like everybody says?

    If you were forced to only play one Pro forever, who would it be?

    If it was up to you, which (1) Pro from the Pro Concept forums would you select to be put in the game and why?

    Silly: Why is it that our Sparks look almost identical? ... 66AA68BED/
    Are you going Wascot on me?!
  9. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    1st or 2nd bot kills means you're probably playing close to right. A lot of the game is situational awareness, positioning, sound, understanding all Pro speeds, and constant tabs on things like health values, respawns, purchasable cooldowns, etc. I can't tell you what you're doing right/wrong if I don't have a video to look at.

    Leo stopping robot pushes by literally blowing them the fug up is quite defensive. His turret is decent, but it's clutch ability is for saving your skin. Both of his weapons see more optimal uses on bots than players. His charge heal is a literal pocket resurrection. Leo stops things from happening. This is what a defender does - a goalie. Other defenders lower the probability of things happening and increase the probability of others.

    Aimbots are always a bad thing. Afk boosters are an accepted evil based on thresholds. Custom games are a good example. If someone really wants to farm credits SO BAD that they're willing to idle at 10% gain rate, so be it. It puts them there instead of the game queue. Blitz AFK is a worse, but it's still off the main system. They're making less credit per second than they could actually playing the game, and they aren't directly corrupting a game queue. Hacks are always bad in practice, but I can give on lenience. If you do it in a private game, everyone is accepting of it, and you keep your dam mouth shut about it, there can't be an issue because no one else would know about it and it doesn't negatively affect anything.

    Great. Very positive returns on investment. Gives me something to do with lackluster prizes. Decreases grind.

    I don't trade too often because I usually buy what I want. Such is the glory of cash on hand. The times I have traded have either been charitous or equivalent exchange as deemed by the users. Someone may be getting a change in cash value, but they have factors coming into play as to why that's OK. Ability to use, whether or not it's a Pro they like, they prefer a different aesthetic, it's completing a set, etc.

    The traders can have their trade world. Whenever one of them comes knocking at my door, they better be ready for a hard negotiation. Prices are percieved. There is nothing to hold me to a in-circle database standard.

    The distance away from the center making explosions do less damage, you mean? Seems legit. Increases the skill floor a while dropping maximum efficiency slightly (no aiming in the middle of things to hit them all for max). Also makes sense on a natural level. I haven't seen any changes from it that I didn't like. No one suffered too greatly.

    He did for a long time. Assassin has had many bug fixes and tweaks since. Worst one in my book was the inability to grapple mid-swing animation. I still wonder what she'd be like with a swingback animation. Spark's bot killing efficiency was lowered more than his player killing efficiency when swings till charged up went 3->4. I still find Flip Switch a little lackluster, and avoid it entirely in team based games (I don't upgrade it, just ringout with it). In solo queues, I upgrade it more because it is much less common for anyone to interrupt my pummeling of their ally.

    Assault. Veteran and Spark are close seconds. I like Assault a little less due to my bad aim, but he's a core class that can handle most situations. By that I mean, considering that only a small percentage of my games involve highly aware opponents because I solo queue, Assault can handle situations Enforcers or Commandos would,"well enough". He can't do as much as them in their particular niches, but he can get close enough for most possible games.

    First, ask yourself how often you think people read the Pro Concept forum.
    Second, my Pro, the Sorcerer. Granted, there would have to be multiple ability tweaks. I just want a wizard or medieval styled character, dang nabbit. I love the idea of a person who thinks he's actually magical, but it's all really inlaid technology. It's like Fortune from MGS 2, sans the working in the end.

    I was first! I use silver shades because of Spark's metallic helmet. Buzzspark head because I'm from Georgia Tech, it looks awesome, and I like both Killer Moth and The Monarch. Christmas Sweater because DAT CHRISTMAS SWEATER. Infinite levels of swag. Mr. Cheepers, Protecter of Pants, because with that much swag coming off the sweater you NEED some pants protection. Light Spark Pants because I like them more than the Xmas pants and vertical lines draw the eye up. Sparkles Voltage Spike because it's the only one noticeably different, it looks hilarious, and it looks extra hilarious with my hilarity-centric skin.
  10. donut7577

    donut7577 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Can you plz buff 5man queue?
  11. SnappleT

    SnappleT Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Should I make my own Q&A?

    How do you feel about SMNC's community/universe/etc?

  12. Vetr

    Vetr Member

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    So...I guess I have a series of questions.

    One, do you think assassin could be worked slightly so that they could make her more useful...such as adding damage to her flash bomb and leap and making her cloak block shield and rocket lock on...yet at the same time giving her small changes so she isn't so strong against new players? I think she is fine as is minus who stupid glitches.

    Two, do you think we should have assists products so that getting an assist is actually useful...I've found that assisting isn't worth the money. I can have 0 kills 40 assists (literally, did it this morning) and even bot kills and yet i'll still be on the bottom of my team. I just find it a bit frustrating to feel like theres no reason to help my teammate if I think they will win without me. Only time an assist is good is when its against someone who is stomping my team...and then its sort of just eh.

    Three, I haven't answered your poll yet because tank breaks the question, while I think most pros are balanced outside of glitches (exploits etc as oyu put it) I find I have trouble with the tank. He has a longer lasting blind than the assassin, which blocks the palyer interface. (While players can see through it, skilled palyers can see through the assassin's as well.) He more or less has a damage mobility skill. In turbo cross he almost has an effective one hit combo. We don't balance to turbo, I know, but if everything is scaled lamost the same that means that combo is just as relatively strong in SC. I use it a lot when trolling, its easy and effective. I also find people saying that he is slow etc to be utter BS because speed is very easy to make up for on this game. Whether I buy metabolightning, use spend endos, or use products, going fast isn't a problem. The biggest thing I get is that tank is hard in high levle play, I've done one or two games in high levle paly as tank, I can definitely say he is far more useful than assassin in high level play, so while he isn't a pub stomp, he is still playable and useful. Whats your opinion on him?
  13. sgtcuddles

    sgtcuddles Member

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    Sure I have a question: why does this thread exist?

    Also, what's your favorite color?

  14. donut7577

    donut7577 Active Member

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  15. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    Most Chowder members seek to buff 5man queue in several ways. It's an agreed need and common topic.

    Hidden "lol pandering", interesting.

    Anyway. Making a Q&A is your call. Ask yourself how many people would be interested, and if you're comfortable with that amount.

    The universe of wacky hypercapitalism is highly enjoyable. Sometimes I feel like we focused on it more in MNC than SMNC. This is mainly because we actually have voice announcements that pertain to current game action now. That, and Cantor was just Cantor, man. The community is better than others I've been in or dealt with. I also want to see more of the universe, of course. As much as possible. There's an MNC Bible. A book filled with all kinds of theorized goodies for the MNC universe. I hope to read it cover to cover some day.

    I could understand a 10 damage tick on smoke bomb to ensure assist credit. Nothing more. Sin usually hits them after a bomb anyway.

    I don't use kill products to begin with. Focuses too little on main objectives, too sporadic, and not enough relative benefit. Assisting is always good. Kill securing is always good. Even when it's a kill steal. I could theorize an assist product that would give you more cash from assists, but thats a very dangerous route that I would be cautious as all hell going down. I don't like the idea of getting the types of buffs kill products make on assists, either.

    I find tank UP and in need of a Quality of Life boost. Shield should give less per upgrade, and instead give some per level up. Grenade split could also be instituted at an earlier upgrade rank. Tank currently has a low skill floor, but a lower skill cieling than other Pros. If dealing with higher than medium-skill players, he becomes an inefficient choice. There are better Pros to pick.

    I was bored.

    Blue. No, Gray! AYEEEEEeeeee....

    On an existential level, gray, because of what it represents. I like it as a colour too, but it's very closely tied with the royal colours, gold and purple.

    You probably don't want to ask me about Gray. It's a long ramble.
    Last edited: August 26, 2012
  16. qu4ckers

    qu4ckers Active Member

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    Because Gray Fox may be the only one with an ego big enough to match O.D's or JustJeff's.
  17. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    I haven't seen OD in eons. The last time I saw JustJeff, I sent a horde of people to his livestream to force his shirt off.

    You know, one would hope that increase in observant population would make one more conscious about these things. Unfortunately, the less dignified females of the world seem to prove this wrong.
    Last edited: August 26, 2012
  18. qu4ckers

    qu4ckers Active Member

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    Then I guess I'm the only one who even comes close. Congratulations on having the biggest actual ego in smnc.
  19. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    I'm not sure what not hearing from someone or shirt stripping shenanigans have to do with egos, but you seem to find mine very large.

    You might even call it,

    a Super-ego.
  20. sgtcuddles

    sgtcuddles Member

    Likes Received:
    i also like ego waffles.


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