Group Donations

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by gearsb, August 24, 2012.

  1. gearsb

    gearsb New Member

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    My forums ( are in love with this game, and we want to form some sort of special group to gather our donations under (both those who already donated, and those who are waiting for the group option).

    We're aiming for the $5k goal so we can get a forum inspired unit in the game, but many of the other rewards are rather difficult to share among the hundreds of people who hopefully will be donating to the group.

    We're hoping to set up a deal so that besides the custom unit, we can get things like the extra game keys, beta keys, and T-shirts for those of us who donate enough to the fund, and perhaps a way to get copies of the digital soundtrack, art books, and perhaps posters as extra's as well.

    We'd also like a special sub-section of the special thanks for and our members who donated.

    We haven't set up a donation fund yet, because we want to see what you guys have to say to this, but we are very enthusiastic to support this game as a community.
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I would recommended using the ask a question function on kickstarter, which will probably reach the developers faster.
  3. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    As soon as the PA kickstarter reaches its goal, I'm starting a "Get President Robama Into PA" kickstarter.
  4. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    We are down with this kind of stuff. A unit named after a forum would be fine with us. If it's enough keys at once we will probably give a discount as well.
  5. ghargoil

    ghargoil New Member

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    Cool! Maybe my group will have to do something similar...!
  6. gearsb

    gearsb New Member

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    Well technically, it's probably going to be named after our longtime Supreme Admin, Kier.

    It just sounds like a good unit name.

    Anyway, what about other digital goodies, like the digital soundtrack and art book?

    Are those going to be extra's sometime soon, or can we make a deal on them?

    Also, what about people who already donated, or who make seperate donations to get the regular reward levels?

    I want to get Alpha Access, The Box, T-Shirt, etc in the $100 Tier, yet, I am tempted by the autographed items of the $250 Tier.

    This is my first time using Kickstarter, but can I upgrade my donation and Tier later on if the money becomes available?
  7. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Yes, for groups we can figure something out to give people digital goods.
  8. Ertwyu

    Ertwyu New Member

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    Heh, people from the Gas Powered Games' off topic forum were asking about the same thing over there, but I guess nobody brought up the idea here. I'm sure everyone from off-topic has already pledged about $5k already. I bet a GPG forums-inspired Solar Bean unit would be liked by all ;)
  9. gearsb

    gearsb New Member

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    Good, Now we need to know about people who already donated under kickstarter, and who wish to donate under kickstarter to get the physical rewards.

    For example, I'm want to donate $100 to get the Alpha key, t-shirt, box, and so on, and may be upping to $250, if money permits, on my next paycheck, which should be before the kickstarter ends.

    Can I get my name grouped with the other people in the special thanks section?

    Also, as a Forum, we are looking for three things primarily.

    A special sub-section of the special thanks section for and the names of those who contribute (or contribute enough, depending on details), Perhaps a forum specific custom commander that all Spacebattlers could use if we get the $1k, and the Spacebattles unit if we get $5k.

    Also looking for details on digital rewards, like the soundtrack, art book, keys, and anything else that can be digitized.

    Will we need to choose them one by one, like $20 for a game key, another $15-$20 for the soundtrack, etc?

    And can we get bulk discounts?

    Because I'd like to be able to offer mini-tier rewards for Spacebattles donations, like $20-ish for a game key, $35-ish for Beta Key+Game Key, $50-ish for Soundtrack+Previous, etc.
  10. E1701

    E1701 New Member

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    Whoa Gear, you might be getting ahead of yourself. I'm hoping to up my pledge to $250 if I can cut out a few purchases I might have otherwise made this month - but I know a lot of the guys on SB are students, teenagers, and people otherwise strapped by the economy. We *may* be able to pull $5K simply due to sheer size and interest of the forum... but no guarantees we could hit more than $1K, even if a few of us larger pledges kicked in. Plus you're asking them to track a ton of non individual pledges for rewards.

    Might it not be easier just to have people donate individually through kickstarter, tally the SB contribution, and see if the Uber guys would be willing to kick in a group reward and/or a nod to SB? Even then, it'd be a tiny fraction of the total funding... y'know, maybe if the forum was able to raise $50K, you could reasonably ask for all of that stuff - but the real focus needs to be getting this game off the ground.
  11. gearsb

    gearsb New Member

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    No, Spacebattles will be tracking the donations, and we'll just give a list of what we need to Uber and who it goes too.

    And that's why I included multiple goals at different price levels, so that we can still get something even if we don't get $5k or even $1k.
  12. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Well to be fair I already took care of 1/5th of that ;p

  13. TealThanatos

    TealThanatos New Member

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    Another spacebattler here. talleyed up, so far we've had about a thousand already committed to kickstarter and about the same amount who've promised in the forum that they'll do commit further (counting both those who have not done anything, and those who have already gave some).

    I'm excited. :D
  14. icewing

    icewing New Member

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    Another spacebattler... I want to make sure our fund gets credit... Will there be some kind of other link, or should I just use the main form?

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