What's a good build for support when yo uwant to turtle?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by HI IM SNARF, November 22, 2010.


    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    And how do you spend your money?
  2. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    Skill regen / armor / RoF

    You can have 3 hacked turrets comfortably with skill regen. As far as what to spend money on to turtle, buying turrets to hack is good and start making you money on bot kills. Mid-match, spawn gap shots (on all but Steel Peel). Maybe consider buying passive first, then hack, then firebase, then airstrike as far as skill progression buying goes, but there's nothing more deterrent than an airstrike when the other team is pushing.

    The best map to turtle on is LazeRazor and the worst is probably Grenade III. Grenade III is basically a race to who can get the turrets down faster and get bots in to hit the money ball. Hate that map.
  3. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    I usually use ROF/Armor/Skill so I can try to out-heal damage to turrets and overheal everything as much as possible. I sometimes switch the Skill to silver.

    I buy hack first and probably a turret, then passive. You want passive early so that if you are behind a wave of your bots facing an equal wave of enemy bots yours will win. From there I play by ear, I'll usually get FB 2, Strike 2. Although...

    Lately I've been trying to hold off buying anything until I get hack 3, but that only works if your team can keep the bots away. Almost any vantage point the enemy can get can be reached by LVL 3ing the right turrets. On Giii and Lazor the MB's rokkits (or replacement LBs) can reach closest camping spots. It's also the best way to maximize team costs/contribution, you save for .3, they buy the turrets for you to hack.
  4. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    I saw the topic name, so OF COURSE I had to post here.

    I agree with AARPS. Gold RoF, Silver Armor, and Bronze Skill Rec. is an excellent Support build for turtling. RoF gives maximum healing output, Silver Armor allows you to survive incoming bot rushes, and Skill Recovery is purely so you can keep your Hacks up.

    Also, if you feel confident enough to run with less Armor, a variation on IlliniJen's build (Gold Skill Rec., Silver RoF, Bronze Armor) will also work. Your Hack is essential for turtling, and having it as active as possible is a good way to keep up your defenses. This build also doesn't sacrifice RoF too much, as it's just a little slower than Gold. I've been running this build more often, but once I get enough Air Strikes, I'll be going back to y previously-mentioned build.

    The only things I upgrade whilst doing so is Firebase 2 and Hack 3. Hack 2 merely increases the range of Hack 1, whereas Hack 3 increases the Rate of Fire, which can be very handy. Firebase 2 increases its damage output (not sure if it's a RoF or damage increase, I forget), and can really put the hurt on Juiced Pros. The rest is spent on Lazer-Blazers and Shaveice turrents, and maybe a Gapshot or two to get rid of any enemy turrents.

    Hacking the Lazer-Blazers and Shaveices would be best, as the Lazer-Blazers tear through intruders, and the Shaveices deter Juiced Pros. However, if you or someone else has invested in a Rockit (Level 2 or 3), hack those instead of the Lazer-Blazers. They take out bots much quicker.
  5. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    hack and firebase to 3 here. not only does it increase damage output, it increases overall turret armor (and makes the turret heal pros)

    i do this mainly cuz i know how to use a firebase. to kill two enemy bot lanes at once, to be well defended against enemy pros (well enough anyway, if a pro spends +1 minute killing a firebase, then it was worth delaying them while you fortify your base). firebase is the cheapest turret you have; you have it infinitely for a one time cost of 150-550...

    and i would get passive 1, but not any airstrikes or passive3 unless i really need it bad. the rest is fed into turrets and bot fortifying...

    this usually works for me. i play support to effect important areas of the map. not to fight. if you want a combat support, then go gold rate, silver accuracy, and bronze armor, pick up some speeds, and run around with a shotgun (im kidding, please God dont...)
  6. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Skill Recovery, Rate of Fire, Health Recovery.
    I usually just pick a side and build a lazer blazer up and hack to 2, then throw down my firebase. With my skill recovery gold, I can defend my turrets with air strikes at lvl 2, and heal my turrets pretty good with rof. I'm a very timid support with this class, (no armor) so if I'm getting rushed, I throw air strikes and hop like the wind! Another thing I like to do when I'm using this is check the area around our base for teammates to heal in a gun fight. I think this particular build is good for Ammo Mule, and maybe Laze, but there's a lot of traveling on Laze, so I would put silver speed there.

    SHOW YOUR HEART New Member

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    I'm not even sure why people are still posting. SXD is not only the chief turtle for Team OxyTeam, but the law on turtling in general.
  8. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    I'm new here, what is this "turtle" tactic?

    I'm a level 84 Support.

    Sorry, but I have never talked to anyone about MNC.

    This is the only place I have seen where people will talk about it.

    EDIT: BTW Supports are awesome. It's the only class I play. :p
  9. willofnadal3

    willofnadal3 New Member

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    a turtle tactic is where you sit in your base and make sure all turrets are running perfectly and with a good turtler it will take an entire team to break but turtling is just sitting in your base and making hacked turrets do all the work for HIYOO
  10. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    I love my air strikes. I am going to cry when the recharge time lengthens.

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