Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by willofnadal3, November 24, 2010.

  1. willofnadal3

    willofnadal3 New Member

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    I personally think that this site could use a page for people to brag about either lucky or skillfull kills or brag but more likley laugh and complain abput sucky and funny deaths. with this communitys great help im sure this will become a topic that many people will come to for amazing stories. ill break the ice one time in lazerazor arena our team did a succesfull middle assault and whe started bombarding their base. i was holding the hot shots left side when susddenly i forgot to place my bomb by the jumppad. an enemy gunner comes and starts attacking me my charge was on cooldown for some reason and so knowing my assault rifle wont kill him i go for a really desperate and unlikley kill i stick right next to me and accepting this near suicide attack i detonated the bomb at the exact same moment he slammed he died instantly and i flew back to base from the explosin/slam and after the fire was put out i literally had .1 life left no color only a bar and yet my health regenerated and i was able to get a much more succeesful bombardment killing that same gunner three time destroying the left rocket turret and completly annhilating their hopes with an anihilator HIYOO
  2. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Ok, you want heroics? I'll give you heroics.

    So, I was defending LazerBlazer against the ravages of the evil Icemen as a Support. My carefully-managed turrets had managed to keep us in the game, but - alas! alack! - the dratted enemy had dared to build a Firebase and deploy a Gunner on the left-hand side! Acting quickly, I threw an Airstrike into the tunnel beneath the Firebase, taking out both the Support and his Firebase. The jump-pad threw me over the Gunner, and he fell to my shotgun. All of a sudden, an Assault rounded the corner with murder in his eyes and steel in his hands. Resigned to death, I threw an Airstrike and taunted.

    The Airstrike stuck.

    The Assault freaked out and charged back the way he came, in a desperate attempt to get under a bridge. Hah! To no avail! He only succeeded in taking an Assassin with him to the respawn room!

    We went on to lose, but I was a winner that fateful day.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I have kind of a funny one and JRaw can back it up. lol

    Last night I was in a match on Steel Peel as a Tank and a few juiced Snipers kept coming after me while I was bot controlling. So they kind of had the drop on me. I went to the inner catwalk to try and flank them since now I had Charge 3. Just making it to a side ring and I see a Sniper with Juice full (glowing) heading for the jump pad below me. I was thinking "Haha my charge 3 will take care of this!" He lands in front of me and activates Juice and I charge, he dodges while I fly to the stands.

    JRaw said something like "where are you going?" lol
  4. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    Uhhhhh...once the game was like 1% health each ball and nothing happened for a while actually and I shot it with 1 shotgun shell :)
  5. Edward Coug

    Edward Coug New Member

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    I remember it like it was only yesterday (maybe because it was).

    I was minding my own business, killing gnatzees, when I happened to come across Hitler's personal elite squadron of death, aka team oxycontin. It wasn't long before they had captured our base.

    They made a mockery of the treaty of versailles, my brothers, let me tell you.

    It was a massacre. A raping. It was in out, in out, real horror show. It smelled nothing like napalm in the morning. If I hadn't ejected two of them with a hilarious bit of luck, I would have donned a golden sombrero. It was quite the sad state of affairs, my friends.
  6. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I am most glad to see you tolchocked 'em good.
  7. willofnadal3

    willofnadal3 New Member

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    one time in lazerazor this was a fairly even battle and i thought ok im going to kil some enemy bots suddenly an enemy gunner comes escorting and im not kidding 20 blackjacks with him i thought but mianly paniced how am i going to defeat 20 blacks and a gunner by myself before they get to the base so as i freet i noticed something and beacame instantly happy when i paid 50 dollars o killed all 20 of the bots and ejected the gunner i felt like i won the cheapest batlle in my life such a good feeling HIYOO
  8. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I think it was yesterday when our party of six ended up having all 3.3 turrents in our base on lazerrazor. Rock its on the money ball, shave-ices in the middle, laser blazes on the outside. Every minute or so an assassin would come in juiced, and leave empty handed.
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Ohhh that was the greatest. I was fully upgraded and figured what the heck lets fortify this place. I brought both Rock-Its to lvl 3 and you and Hostile had the LazerBlazers and Shave-Ices then Hacked everything. If I remember you both had your firebases guarding the Shave-Ice turrets.

    We'd hear the Juice pop see the Assassin then in 2 seconds she was dead. Did you guys just start spawing Gapshots also, towards the end? Of course we had Ian making sure their base all had empty nubs. :lol:
  10. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    That was hilarious! I was standing in the base looking towards my left, and all of a sudden I see Stretch just fly across my screen and off the map like in hyper drive. I was like "WTF are you doing?" He replies "I missed.." You could see the :cry: on his face. Epic.
  11. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    A team of 6 Assaults :cool:
  12. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Billy, Myself, and Miss Informed were pretty much trapped in our base on laser razor against the most heavy juice chaining team I have ever seen. Our defense was strong enough to keep the bots out the entire game, and we tag team crowd controlled countless pros. We got stomped K/D wise, but as overtime drew near, the other team made a critical error. They let our last jackbot make it all the way down the lane.

    This distraction caused them to fall back, leaving enough of an opening for me to make it to the juice stands in the middle of the map. As I approached, two of them bought juice at half health....right as I charged into them and robbed them of 1000 Dollars.

    Overtime hit and I juiced their ball to 50% as they scrambled to kill me in their base. Our defense kept a juiced gunner from killing our ball as the other team's map control was now in shambles. Our 2nd tank juiced down their money ball for the win.

    Protip: If people really want to show us "forum kids" how bad we are, they should probably try to end the game before overtime, as K/D means jack when you are staring at a screen that says "you lose."

    Pro tip #2: Trash talking and excuses do no damage to the moneyball.
  13. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    I need to play with you guys sometime. One of the few prominent "forum kids" that I haven't played with. Even worse, I've NEVER seen any of you guys in a public game. :p
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Now that was just insane. I think we all had at least 25+ assists. Some of us had bombs, some had charge 3 and some had Fly. Every where you looked you just seen Assaults, coming at you in every angle. I will say though at the start of the match they had more Supports and the Lazer Blazers were really keeping us from base assaulting but about mid-game there were 10 Assaults in the game. It was just extremely hectic.

    Another great night of games guys! I had lots of fun.
  15. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    I thought the start was the funniest, seeing 6 Assaults flying down the map like a swarm :D

    I'm sure the alcohol helped :p

    This is just like Bioshock 2 all over again :roll: Although, we only started having community games AFTER the game died :lol:
  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    For who? Both of us? ;)
  17. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Ian, looking forward to coming across you one day. Is your gamertag Ian? :D
  18. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    Rhineville got a critical airstrike on a juiced gunner who had just started on our ball. That was one of the keys to the win.

    I've played against this team before, and they are nothing but chain-juicing kill farmers. I can't wait for the juice changes with the DLC, so folks will have to kill farm the old fashioned way: standing in front of the other team's spawn door and wait to get a gunner grapple. AWWWWWW YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. RANDY TRYHARD FOR LIFE!!!
  19. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    A team of 6 Supports. That was funsies. And it was with a bunch of randoms I had started playing with. Four people chose to play as Supports at the start, so I just said feck it. Watching three supports bunny-hop around Ghost-Gunner with Ghostbuster beams is a cherished memory from this game.
  20. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    I wish! That's make me seem important, like an Xbox developer or something :p Gamertag is IanHealy

    SIX Fiyurbaes? FFFFFUUUU...

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