Announcements relating to in-game events

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Organous, November 19, 2010.

  1. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Another thread brought up the idea of giving monetary rewards for killing players who are doing exceptionally well. Given that my counter-suggestion was so expansive and not really talking about money, I felt I should bring this up on its own merit. Extra announcements are definitely great, but they can serve a better purpose if they're actually related to things happening in the game. Certainly feel free to add any announcements you feel would benefit the game in this way.

    * Have Mickey Cantor announce when MVP's has graduated to the next streak level. "Booyah, the Hotshots MVP is really taking it to the Icemen! It's a one-man wrecking crew with a contract in pain."
    *Announce when a player gets a triple kill or better. "A Hotshots member's taking out the Icemen almost single-handedly! Nothing like a bit of genocide to brighten up your day."
    * Announce when a player has taken out 15 or 20 bots in rapid succession. "Whoa-ho, the Gunner's really working crowd control on those bots! Remind me to hire him at my next autograph signing."
    Last edited: November 19, 2010
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I like the one for taking out the bots.
  3. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    In Crossfire this wouldn't be a bad thing. Less of him in Blitz would be nice, though :|
  4. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I like it, and I can't think of anything to add to it. Nice.
  5. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    The only times I ever hear Mickey in Blitz:
    1. Start of the game
    2. Annihilator ready
    3. 10-60 wave sponsors
    4. I get launched off by a Jackbot slam

    Less is more I guess?
  6. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    You hear him every time anyone dies in Blitz. I don't mind carrying three new players by myself, but I do mind hearing him every few seconds going on about how they're dying :|
  7. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    dont forget when an enemy juices, when an ally juices (the crowd cheering is too vague), and when your turrets are at very low health and when they are destroyed.

    and the pitgirl, who is less annoying, can do some of those announcements.
  8. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    I wasn't aware of those announcements already existing. I think this is pretty nifty and some sort of an alert/message (can be vague and barely noticeable) would be amazing for me since I can't hear announcements.
  9. CyberZero

    CyberZero New Member

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    This may be another TF2 to MNC suggestion (like the CTF and additional weapons), there should be domination and revenge lines. This will involve Micky Cantar, Pit Girl, and the pros themselves in which Cantar will comment on the domination/revenge kill, Pit Girl will cheer you on, the pro you are using will make some wisecrack. Here are a couple of lines I came up with.
    Assault Dominating Assassin:
    "For the record, I thought you were a guy."
    "Sorry baby. No backstabbing for you today."
    "Dominated you ghost!"
    "You can't Dominate playing ninja!"
    "Bullets beat shurikens, every time."
    Assault Dominating Gunner:
    "A big gun doesn't make a big man."
    "Maybe you aint as good as you thought."
    "Too slow! As usual."
    "Dominated Chunks!"
    "*mockingly*Chill bah, cuz yo dominated!"
    Assault Dominating Sniper
    "Camp in a place where I can't hit you."
    "Dominated Skinny!"
    "That an Assassin behind you? No! It's me."
    Assault Dominating Support:
    "Steel Peel kills yah, try some Survivitol."
    "Lay off those pizzas pal, seriously."
    "Dominated geek squad"
    "You and your toy don't stand a chance."
    "*sarcastically*I'm sorry, were you busy?"
    "My guns are hot and yours are not."
    "I bring the dominating ban-hammer on you hackers!"
    Assault Dominating Tank:
    "Pulverise THAT!!!"
    "Come on! Best 2 out of 3 tough guy!"
    "Being tough isn't being a man."
    "Hard to dominate a guy when he's just out of you reach."
    "Heh, pretty embarrassing for your girlfriend to see you dominated like that."
    "If only you could run."
    Got nothin for Assault dominating Assault yet. And I wasn't gonna put everyone I has in mind in one post.

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