Foul play?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Kyver, November 21, 2010.

  1. Kyver

    Kyver New Member

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    Ok, so I just finished playing a strange match on Steel Peel, I was playing as Sniper and we had the enemies moneyball to 50% ours at 100% until the host migrated. It took around 30-45 seconds to migrate, now comes the fishy part, once the match starts back up all of our teams turrets were severely damaged, not only that but one of the rockit turrets (that you start with) was now an enemy turret! I'm 100% sure there was no enemy support in our base before the host migration. We were left with 2 players, the other team with 6, needless to say we got slaughtered. Also (yes theres more) there was 1 player on the other team called enthilsa who had a rank of -1, is this even possible?

    So yea I was pretty pissed after this and thought I'd let you guys know.
    If this is in the wrong place feel free to move/remove this thread, thank you.
  2. mikl

    mikl New Member

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    This has happened to me on a number of occasions
  3. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    woah woah woah :!: :?: :!:

    negative rank? turrets on the wrong teams nub? 2v6 the rest of the game?

    what the falcon-duck is going on??? thats ridiculous. thats like one game i played in MW2, where i got a care-package-nuke in search-and-destroy that took forever to fall to the ground, from a killstreak i got from knifing someone from across a building...
  4. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Sounds like a series of really, really bad glitches all cascading together to me. Things like this happen in other games too.

    Both Left 4 Dead games can have it happen: if someone hosts on their own connection but it's slow they can actually be moving around in-game before anyone else even finishes loading the current map. It's also possible to have 5v3 games, but it's pretty rare(it only really showed up often when Versus Survival was around somehow).

    What I believe happened was that the Support became the host, the game made everyone but him/her wait before playing, they smacked the Annihilator, and made some more moves before anyone else could do anything. Shame on them for exploiting it though :(
  5. Kyver

    Kyver New Member

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    Yea that pretty much explains it all, well apart from the rank -1 guy, that's still bugging me.
  6. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    I have somewhat experienced this glitch before, but split. In a recent game, I got the severely damaged turrents after migration. I can't recall who I was playing with at the moment, but I'm pretty sure someone from the forums can back me up. I also got a game a week or so ago where the Rockit changed teams, and that just let bots walk right in.

    The fact that you got both of these in the same game sucks a**.
  7. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Same here, after host migration, all of my base turrets were suddenly damaged. Where as before the migration they were overhealed or at 100% health.

    Doesn't happen all the time, but it happens.
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Funny enough I came across the -1 rank glitch the other night. Host quit and it migrated and a 99 was turned into a -1. Very odd.
  9. QuestionMarx

    QuestionMarx New Member

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    Yeah, I have had this happen to me several times. I hate the host migration now. I usually end up losing my 8k in money because the host migrated and force me to become the worst player on the other team. >w< I have gone from 35-0 to 0-23 before. Very frustrating, plus I won't even be the same class :|

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