Scrambler Uses

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Shammas, October 29, 2010.

  1. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    No really. That idea sounds great to me. Better than giving snipers the option of sending more money to the enemy team.
  2. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    It felt after that, that their moral just went totally negative, that or for witnessing it i invisibly gained platinum endorsements in everything
  3. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    As it turns out, a scrambler melee does as much damage to a turret as an air strike. The problem is getting them there.
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    umm... i call BS? no really, show me the card "makes a pun"

    does it really? can a dev or a bunch of other people confirm this?

    sadly, i made a joke that they should be a walking airstrike the other day. if this is true, i officially look like an ***...
  5. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    I didn't know sniper and asasin alt grapples could grapple jackbot. does it do same animation and damage?
  6. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Both of the sniper's grapples and the assassin's grapple take exactly 50% of the Jackbot's health.

    You can also grapple black jacks and bouncers.
  7. Rickshaw

    Rickshaw New Member

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    Been times as a tank or assault when an assassin or support catches me by surprise with a random scrambler and the assassin grapples me and I don't even realize I cannot use charge and while I'm trying to use it I get killed. Or the support is shotgunning me and I try to charge and then die.

    Scramblers are helpful. Just not to the sniper.
  8. Kyver

    Kyver New Member

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    I use scramblers a lot but I often have to use myself as a distraction for my scramblers to get anywhere near the enemies/enemy base. I've recently replaced gold ROF with gold armour and it helps a lot in this situation. If you do want to use scramblers use them on Lazor Razor, you could get away with using them on Grenade III if in the right situation, they are pretty much useless on Ammo Mule as you can see them coming a mile away, scramblers almost always get killed if used on Steel Peel unless an enemy is pinned in their base. Spawning them after blackjacks is always a good idea as blackjacks are quite bulky and offer physical cover from enemy units.

    Oops long post, anyway this is all IMO but I agree scramblers are quite difficult to use effectively.
  9. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    if you need gold armor to escort a scrambler, you have one crappy team. couldnt the support or assassin make use of the scrambler? i escorted another persons scrambler as a support before, watched that thing make a fur rug out of an assassin who hid in a corner thinking their drained cloak was going to somehow save them. scramblers now and again can do some work. and especially with the proper escort and/or against turrets. thus, i still say snipers should get gapshots and supports get scramblers.
  10. Kyver

    Kyver New Member

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    Didn't say I needed gold armour, just said it helps, and I don't play with a team so I end up escorting them myself because most people I'm paired with just PK.

    Also snipers should spawn jackbots.
  11. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Seeing threads like this makes me sad. The coolest looking bot (an alien/prawn bot hybrid) was as useful as a care package on a roof. I think they should be like the ghost in SC (only no cloak). Basically, I would like for them to be able to "lock down" a single enemy pro for maybe 3 seconds. The skill isn't AoE and the range could be that of the HH gun. The pro couldn't switch weapons or use skills, but can fire the equipped wpn. The new scramble can also lock down turrets where, the turrets won't fire.

    This would all but cripple AZAZNs and probably armorless snipers (me), maybe even supports. But at leas the bot could be useful. Let's say the cooldown for it's skill is that of the bouncer grapple. This would also make people go out of their way to kill scramblers if they see them since now a scrambler disable turrets.
  12. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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  13. Pumamobile

    Pumamobile New Member

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    So i was playing assassin and i was going up against this gunner. i missed my grapple and he just stands their still for a second. so i go around and backstab him. It took me a second to realize he was being drained by a scrambler and didnt realize it. he must have tried to ground slam and not realized he was being drained.

    scramblers for teh lulz
  14. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Allied scramblers don't drain the team dude...

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