I3illy Rueben's Class Setups

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Billy Rueben, November 15, 2010.

  1. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I'm too lazy to write a guide, and I play too many classes to write a guide about anyway. These classes are all effective (for me at least), and have been tested both in pub stomp rooms and in tougher private games. They work for me. So, to anyone curious, here are the classes and builds that I play from most played to least played:

    Custom Class 1: Tank
    Gold: Skill Regen
    Silver: Speed
    Bronze: Rate of Fire
    This build is pretty straight-forward, and if you know how to play a Tank, you should know how to use this build. Refer to Hudson's skill spam Tank guide.

    Custom Class 2 & 3: Assassin
    Gold: Speed | Gold: Rate of Fire
    Silver: Armor | Silver: Armor
    Bronze: Rate of Fire | Bronze: Skill Regen
    This build is a bit more complex. I use the Assassin on the left first, because I think that while you still have only your dagger, speed is much more important than damage. I think that you need to get in quick, kill as many bots as possible, then run away fast. Once I get Dash and Passive upgraded to level 3, I switch over to the Assassin on the right, which does a ton of damage and can go toe-to-toe with any pros (even the Tank if used properly).
    Note: If you are going to use the Assassin on the left, you have to know how to effectively get away from fights. This is a hit-and-run build.

    Custom Class 4: Support
    Gold: Rate of Fire
    Silver: Skill Regen
    Bronze: Speed
    This is also a straight-forward setup. Yes, I know that there isn't any armor on this class, but I've learned to get past that, and I still consistantly score very high and have high K/D ratios.

    Custom Class 5: Sniper
    Gold: Skill Regen
    Silver: Armor
    Bronze: Rate of Fire
    Another one of my strange setups. This setup plays more like a mid-line support fighter. You throw ice-traps where the baddies are, not at your feet. Flak also plays a large part in this build. Find someone big to stay with, go for body shots, and throw Flak as much as you can. I end the game with +10 assist a lot and usually earn a ton of money doing so. Trust me when I say this build works.

    Custom Class 6: Assault
    Gold: Criticals
    Silver: Rate of Fire
    Bronze: Skill Regen
    The Assault I have only recently learned how to play effectively, but this setup can really bring the pain. Just make sure you upgrade to the level 3 passive ASAP.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Dude the other day when you said something about Gold Crits. on Assault I had to give it a try. That **** is murder.
  3. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    I'm now going to copy all of your classes so I to can pubstomp with the best of them. :p
  4. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I always thought my class setups were a little different than the norm. Just wanted to give everyone a new perspective when they make their own classes.
  5. Noob Sa1bot

    Noob Sa1bot New Member

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    I may have to try your support build... I've noticed before that when I play my "Joke" support classes that armor doesn't necessarily help as much as I thought. Perhaps you may be onto something, I'll try it later and I may have to switch it to my main as I've lately been getting very irritated with bronze skill recovery. Airstrikes are not only good for kills but damnit, area denial and bot control is how I play my support, perhaps it's time I tried something new...
  6. Kyver

    Kyver New Member

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    May try some of these setups later, can't believe I never thought of putting speed on Support.
  7. ROWAN1551

    ROWAN1551 New Member

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    Hmm, These are quite Different from mine. I may need to try some of these, especially after the butt-wooping you handed to me this morning.
  8. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    Hmmm I really want to try the run-away Assassin build, that sounds like fun :) I quite like being able to hit and run. My favourite thing to do as her.

    The Sniper is interesting but I don't really run with people too much, so I'd fail. *coughcough*inotherwordsiamacampingfag*coughcough*

    And for the Support, what do you do most as him with that build? I personally when I play Support just do it for jokes and end up birthing a fire base somewhere and then running wild with my shotgun :D Sure I die a ton, but it is insanely fun to shotgun a Gunner in the butt- and win.

    As far as Assault goes, only played him recently, don't do much with him though, I just do it when everyone on my team feels like Assault spamming. So maybe I'll try the Critical on mine for fun and see if there's a big difference for me.
  9. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    Well I'll be damned, your Assault class really works Billy!
  10. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I'm I3illy Rueben, and this is my favorite Assault setup on the forums.
  11. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    With that setup, once you upgrade to Dash 3, you move so fast it's disgusting.
    I like to throw my firebase in an area where it can kill a lot of bots, so I can earn cash quickly. It's also good to put it near by so you can retreat to it if you are getting pounded by the other team. I normally find a "fatty" to heal for most of the game, get his health to full, and pull out my shotgun when the fighting starts.

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