My Guide To be an offensive Support (Shotgun)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by An Artic Fox, November 8, 2010.

  1. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    First off this stratagy got me from 473 shotgun kills to 2,500 in 5 days. The first thing is the Support build, as the name says this is for you shtty fans. Heres the build. lvl3: Total Recoil lvl2: steel peel lvl3: grandma bettys.

    When the game starts the first two skills to upgrade are the passive support and air strike. The air strikes can be used to ward off enemies and tak turrets down quickly. This style relies on buying juice mostly but does not involve juice chaining. Stick to the upper levels and stay away from the ground floor, use the hieght to you advantage and ambush unknowing pros from the top. As you gain money focus on getting lvl 3 passive support for the extra health giving you a huge advantage against lunge grabbing assassins. Reload after every kill or attempted kill so you are never caught with your pants down and reloading in a fight. Normaly I will buy juice twice in a match and get it naturally once when juiced almost always you will one hit kill people. The heal/hurt gun works wonders on turrets when juiced so save that weapon for healing teammates when nececcary and for clearing a way for your bots. When you see that overtime is nearing get in your base and heal thigns like cray to get your juice to half. When over time arrives you will have full juice. sneak over to the enemy base throw air strike on the money bal and pummel it with the shotty. one juice shotty blast to a money ball takes down nearly 1/10th of its health so keep pummeling it. Now when useing the offensive strategy you must be able to notice assassins quickly and know danger lurking near you. Basicly this is a hit and run strategy. Also just with assassin pick your fights. your slow and cannot jump high unless the fight is brough to you. In that case pray your shotty aim is spot on. To end it all a tip against assaults. lure them into charging you then move to the side and make them miss the charge, if they mis it often then panic and are easy pickings!

    This strategy's Pros:

    Quick devastating close combat
    A good decoy.
    Suprises teams to see a rushing support

    This strategy's Cons:

    Headfirst diving into combat can get you killed alot
    Long range weapons (sniper rifle railgun minigun) can stop you before you get close
    Makes you a revenge target as no one likes being killed by a rushing support.

  2. Black Jack Davy

    Black Jack Davy New Member

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    LOL, so you are the arctic fox doppelganger!

    I was playing MNC with a friend's friend for the first time the other day and I asked him why he chose the gamertag "Arctic Fox." He gave a bunch of good reasons that boiled down to the fact that the arctic fox as an animal is "unique."

    Then, the very next game, there was another guy on our team also named Arctic Fox. :)
  3. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I didn't see you post anything in there about a firebase. Even a level one firebase with a level one hack is good both for guarding a bot lane (which nets you some extra cash) and some extra map control. Pro kills with a firebase are an extra I think. Otherwise a good guide.
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    you already thought my thought. you run around acting like the shotgun executioner of the wild wild west, ill blow your *** all the way back to the wild wild west for the rest of the game.

    nah, i just dislike the shotgun being used really offencively. firstly it has a MW2 Team Deathmatch feel to it. secondly it has a kamikaze feel to me.

    not that i think its overpowered. anyone decent should be able to beat a team of supports. shotguns or heal gun, either way
  5. Fox

    Fox New Member

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    Ahhh... Hypocrisy, "I have a _____ ratio and I never buy juice. ever" Remember that?

    Also, the word arctic has a "c" in it.

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