Please spend on turrets

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by AARPS, November 4, 2010.

  1. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Juiced people do bad things to turrets :(
  2. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    seriously if you see the effects of a 3.3 shave... w a s t e d j u i c e . . My fave is the inside forward at G3 - you can see cloaked assn past the middle of the field!

    Paired is better though. I'm sure there would be different talk if the early days included everyone building shave and LB or Rockit combos. But when it was released, noone built them and by the time juice chains were a thing everyone had already decided that turrets had no value. But if you combine them together the tower defense is viable once again.
  3. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I suppose the main reason most people don't bother with ShavIce is that you get absolutely nothing from enemies effected by it. The other turrets do damage, so as long as they shoot something they give the builder some cash for assists (bot and pro assists). ShavIce obviously don't do damage, but perhaps giving the builder assist credits for things that are killed while under the effects of a ShavIce will give some extra incentive to build them. They are after all the second most expensive turret to build and upgrade, and I imagine after the DLC this will still hold true.

    I'm not proposing a lowered cost for ShavIce as mass ShavIce doesn't do any good if there's nothing nearby to do damage. I think simply giving the builder some cash in return when something is destroyed while slowed by a ShavIce would help give players more incentive to make them.
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    there is a list of things that should give an assist to players:
    ~healing a player that gets a kill
    ~enemies under shaveice effect
    ~enemies frozen by ice bombs (or "scrambled" while we are mentioning snipers)

    and after all that is done, the fact of the matter is that a while back, someone said that you get sooo much money for an 11+ killstreak because it rewards you per kill and not milestone (considering this isnt tdm), and this wouldnt probably help that...

    ...i dont suppose it would hurt either way or hurt to leave it alone, but maybe in the distant future this would all be addressed or passed at the same time or seperately. id rather have more assists than the kill-money system given a slight balance if i had to choose.
  5. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Agreed but there is low emphasis on assists right now so it may not be enough incentive. Witness the numerous cries that the "Team Leader" and "Team Player" tags are reversed. The team leader has the most teamwork. amIRightOrWhat?

    I'm guessing the juice cooler is going to fix this anyway. I'm hoping this preemptive plea mixed with DLC will let me convince a couple players in-game. I heard the support beacon twinging in my ear as I hit "post".
  6. cutecakes

    cutecakes Member

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    Oh God, yes, I'm with the OP.

    I almost play exclusively as an Assault and nine times out of ten I am the only person on the team building turrets.

    It's kind of annoying/funny when I see my team keep dying at the hands of lvl3 Lazers when they try to rush the enemy, yet it doesn't cotton on for them to build the same defenses for our own base :roll: :lol:
  7. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    turtle on turtle...

    i wonder how many countries and providences that turtle fights are prohibited in :mrgreen:

    anyhow, turtle does seem like an effective approach to turtle, if you know how to do it. it sure beats giving a turtle team constant juice, escpecially after thats the only way to get constant juices after the cooldown is implemented.
  8. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    yes spend on turrets so i can come along and motar them, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :twisted:

    me and my friend thought about that after the DLC our whole base is going to be FILLED with turrets...we like to use shave ice ones to see assassins to....they are crazy when hacked
  9. stonebu

    stonebu New Member

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    i like turrets a bunch, and appreciate peeps throwing down a couple. even a lvl1 laser takes 2 shots, which slows the kids down a little. (maybe less for some classes, i've only played three so far)

    btw, as an assasin, lvl1 & 2 freeze turrets provide an excellent shield and opportunity for me to build up juice and attack the other threats. i've honestly never seen a lvl3 freeze, so no comment there:) anyways, just wanted to add that, and vote YES for turrets!
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I buy turrets, even after they are destroyed over and over, just so the enemy bots have some resistance walking towards my team's moneyball. God knows how many players just walk past bots even when they are in their own base.
  11. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    What's funny is that this is the first tower defense game I have played where building turrets actually benefits the other team more than yours. The very first week that MNC was released was still the best as turrets were a huge part of the game. Now, as others have already stated, there are far better things to spend your money on that will get you a better return for your investment.
  12. PaPa Slick

    PaPa Slick New Member

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    This. Anything to slow the other team down is how I see it. Although I often say that I will never again build a turret during a match in which several of my turrets have been destroyed, as it turns out, this is always a lie. I can't help myself. After a strong enemy push, the first thing I say to my team mates is that we need to get turrets back up.
  13. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Of course nothing irks me more then when I see a level 1 laser blazer. Because it's going to get knocked down in like 5 seconds, and then will have to remain a burning stump for like 20 seconds. Its actually detrimental to buy a lvl 1 laser if you aren't going to upgrade it, becasue now I can't upgrade that burning stump. :?
    I never buy a laser turret unless I can build it up all the way to 3, lvl2 bare minimum.
  14. mute

    mute New Member

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    Maybe the person that built the level 1 is trying to send a message, as in "upgrade/build turrets damnit!" because that person has been and is low on $ themselves..

    I only build lvl3 lasers anymore (and the occassional shaved depending on the map), particularly if I'm support and then hack them up. They're incredibly cheap and will stop any bot flows. Babysitting them while needed isnt a big deal, because its usually midmatch if it happens and after a few minutes i'll be able to leave the base as long as my team isn't dumb and not leaving the base themselves (re: sitting ducks).

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