Shoulder View Swicther

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by JPMaxx, November 3, 2010.

  1. JPMaxx

    JPMaxx New Member

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    I do believe that we should be able to toggle the side of the shoulder we can veiw, so leftys could aim much easier
    along with being able to shoot off the side of every wall :p

    --just a thought, with my two-cents
  2. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    I don't see why not. I think the tank would be the only one who would get an advantage from it, and it would be pretty small.
  3. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Really? Would it really help to see over the other shoulder? I'm a righty, so maybe thats why I'm having trouble understanding.
  4. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    I think it would be interesting if the Tank could have a button that switched which side he was carrying his rail gun on, which in turn switched which side the view was on. You could extend this to other guns as well, but I thought it fit best with the tank.

    Edit: I realized this is what you meant originally. Go me.
  5. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    ANY class would get an advantage from this, i know i would with how i play assault
  6. JPMaxx

    JPMaxx New Member

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    Bump, c'mon thers gotta be more of ya
  7. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    I'm here to be the bearer of bad news again.

    We will not be including camera shoulder switching in any future patch or DLC.

    Early in the game development we made this decision and the level designs were actually built with this in mind. To get switching to work requires effectively 2x the number of animations or considerably more engineering work to get the animation system to allow for this. It also means all weapon designs need to be either ambidextrous or designed to flip in some way. Ultimately, it was too much work and would of taken too many resources to include.

    Internally we refer to this as "the right hand advantage", nearly all weapons have a slight advantage around corners if the wall is on the player's left.
  8. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    yes, this is noteable as to how lazorrazor is build symmetrical so you can use the assaults grenade launcher at a tight corner on either side of the enemy base.

    had it been build to where the tunnel is on the opposite side, you wouldnt be able to do squat with assaults grenade launcher and not die to the turret your trying to kill.

    your reason for doing this seems fine, and you did design the levels to be played around this, so its just a gameplay feature that must be noticed and played around. once noticed, each map for the most part is designed so you can take a method of cover-and-fire that cooperates with the angle you carry your weapon.
  9. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    It's interesting, early on we tried a C shaped map. It seemed like great fun until we realized that with the "Right hand advantage" one side actually had an unfair advantage on the map. So we redesigned the map and that redesign actually lead to the prototype of the new Spunky Cola Arena.
  10. alanebro82

    alanebro82 New Member

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    I had kind of noticed how maps were either symmetrical on both axes or they were symmetrical on one and mirrored along the other. Interesting to know why.

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