Why can't you Taunt while deployed?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by UberGunner, November 3, 2010.

  1. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Why can't the gunner and tank taunt while deployed? Is this an oversight or "feature"?

    Assassins can cloak while taunting, sniper traps can hold enemies in place (bearing in mind they can get kills from across the map), and the support's turret still shoots at enemies that come into range.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    If you haven't noticed all you can do while deployed is shoot and in the case of the Tank he can use his grenade. You can't even upgrade skills while deployed.

    And I don't get what you are trying to say here:
    Excluding the Assassin of course. Cloaking doesn't make her immobile.
  3. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    the "y" button really doesnt matter, and yes. the ONLY thing you can do deployed is shoot, and "jump". you cant use any other skills as gunner, and you cant taunt or pick skills.
  4. PhiyerBayse

    PhiyerBayse New Member

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    You can "jump" while deployed? News to me.
  5. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    It would be kinda cool to have one, if you lost all of the deploy benefits. The tank's deploy might get some use if the taunt is good enough.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Are you kidding? The Tank's deploy is very useful in both Crossfire and Blitz.
  7. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Deploy makes you immune to grapples and ring outs in addition to granting significant damage reduction for the two classes that already have the highest possible health in the game. Taunting right after a kill is supposed to be a huge risk, and deploy negates a good amount of that risk.

    In addition, deploy 2 for the tank grants amazing health regen which would be pretty OP if you could regen to full from red while taunting.

    Also, I've read that all classes gain juice if they take damage while taunting. (but never confirmed it) If this effect were to stack with deploy's juice gain from damage taken effect, there could be some serious issues.
  8. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    That's why I said to get rid of the advantages of deploying when taunting. It's really just an idea though.
  9. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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  10. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    Oops, my bad.
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Yes, you do gain juice while taking damage taunting.
  12. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Let's get real here for a second: the level 3 deploy for the gunner makes him survive about one extra rail gun hit. That's a pathetic amount of damage reduction. If you could deploy and then taunt this would greatly increase the viability of these two skills.

    Taunting while invisible or while next to your firebase greatly reduces the risk for a taunt. For that matter so does standing behind one of several places on every map. You're still immobile while deployed and can easily be killed by someone who sees you. The taunt is about 5 seconds long and that's a gigantic window to get killed.

    The regen only works if you're not getting hit correct? If I have the time to complete a taunt as a gunner then I am not very likely to die. If I had zero health when I completed the taunt I'm back to full health about 5 seconds after the taunt if I was undisturbed. If a gunner taunts behind a pillar and no one is there to shoot him... did he actually perform a taunt?

    Unless you're planning on having two supports follow you around area and taunt while deployed then it won't matter. Even doubled the juice gain from taunting is miniscule (juice gained while deployed is the in exactly the same boat). I taunt quite a bit and I've never gotten full juice from the damage gained through taunting. On the same lines I've never deployed and said hey I got a lot of juice from the damage I just took.

    I invite you to go start a private match with a few friends. Look at how little juice you get by shooting bots as a gunner and compare that to the juice you gain while taking damage either while deployed or while taunting. It is effectively insignificant when you consider that any real attack would kill you long before you got juice.
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Gunner, no offense or anything, but it sounds like you want your favorite class to be unstoppable while earning the most money you can. For what? I can only assume since you only think the Gunner has one useful skill, besides his passive, is to juice more often to be even more unstoppable.

    I feel bad for saying this but DeadEye doesn't seem to have a problem playing the Gunner.

    I have gotten full Juice from taunting plenty of times. The Bots can also damage you while taunting. Why is it that so many players forget about the bots?
  14. zodbones

    zodbones New Member

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    i wish the gunner could at least use his shockwave while deployed at least that way he doesnt have to de-deploy just to get assassins off his back or something.
  15. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Jump jets
  16. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Not doing this whole quote response quote thing anymore, it gets tedious, but i'll address the main points:

    -The assassin gets invisibility (still vulnerable to most attacks with really low health).
    -The support gets a turret (which at best, attacks other bots/players while healing the taunting support if fully upgraded and hacked)
    -The Gunner and the Tank would get grapple immunity, knockback immunity, ring out immunity, damage reduction, and double juice gain from damage taken, and would presumably still be able to fire their jets while in deploy stance

    The cloaking and hiding behind a turret does reduce the risk encountered to a player while taunting, but would be nothing compared to the benefits the tank and gunner would receive if they could taunt while deployed.

    A tank with deploy 2 + taunt could go from red health to full health before the taunt animation would be completed. The tank would not have to prioritize money vs health recovery if he simply could have both, and I feel this would be too great of a benefit for this already incredibly strong class.

    As for deploy, I used to be very dismissive of the juice gain, but it is very very VERY powerful. It is seemingly based on the number of attacks that hit you, not the strength of the damage you take. I've been running deploy builds in my games lately, and have been doing things like juicing in the first 20 seconds of the game (yes, I can out juice a support in the right situation). My new favorite thing is to attract a group of gremlins to my base then deploy and let them wail on me to fill my juice meter. I juiced twice back to back in steel peel with this tactic today. I've also started running into combat with 80-90% juice and deploying and instantly juicing when I take about a second of damage from the enemies (which fills my meter to 100%). If I could taunt and increase the juice gain while doing this, it would be retardedly broken, and probably allow me to gain 70-100% juice off a a single blackjack/slim wave.
  17. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    true, but a VERY minuscule amount. not really worth it.
    on an assault with no armor, i believe full health to almost none (~1/5) was maybe 1/8 juice.
  18. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    you can activate your jumpjets. this kills opponents, like assassins, that stand behind you at point blank range attacking you.

    you dont actually jump, but its done with the jump button held down.
  19. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    It sounds like DeadEye feels the gunner has one useful skill.

    Since you missed the point of this thread I'll spell it out for you. If the risk of taunting is to make you vunerable, then why can the assassin do it while cloaked? Cloaking reduces your visibility and therefore increases your survivability. I don't actually feel cloaking and deploying are equally advantageous but they're in the same category.

    After a kill you have plenty of time to find a safe spot and put your back against a wall before you taunt. That puts the risk from a grapple to a minimum... so the grapple immunity isn't as good as it sounds.
  20. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    ...Assassins actually taunt while cloaked?

    I never do that, it's a waste of the cloak. Never knew people did lol.

    Anyway. The Gunner has a mortar launcher which has insane range and damage. Most people seem to miss that. And that grapple is incredible if used correctly. And by that I mean stop holding down right trigger and spraying (which is ALL GUNNERS DO) and try using your skills for once.

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