Considering Building a Wiki

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Gentleman, June 7, 2010.

  1. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Glad the link thingy worked. Ha, another bug squashed! :twisted:

    Thank you Justin! I'll give that a try on the weekend, when I can test it on a larger screen.

    I'm sure you are all wondering: How will a page in the wiki look when it has lots of content? Or how does some stuff like headings or lists work? How will pictures look like? I set up a quick Lorem Ipsum page for you to check out:

    Feel free to edit it and test stuff! Have fun!
  2. magnusrex

    magnusrex New Member

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    Why did you write that in latin?

    anyways...I made the infobox for the support...and I put his second ability...I know what they are just not the names...and a lot of them you can find in the gameplay videos...for example the supports Y button attack is shown in the gameplay montage as being level two and called "Super Firebase"

    I will probably rewatch them to do that for every class...
  3. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    Tell you what I can do. My speciality is achievements and how to obtain them -- once the achievements are listed, I'll do up a list and THEN a guide on how to obtain them.

    Hows that sound?
  4. broncoburns

    broncoburns New Member

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    Just a thought:

    Would it be nice to have the names of the weapons in the info box under the pictures of them? The name of the image pops up when you hover your cursor over it, but if the image is something like IMG485.png then it wont give any clue as to what the gun is.

    If it's as simple as adding an extra line in the infobox code I think it would be worth it to do so. But if it'd be a pain maybe not.
  5. XxXMullin13XxX

    XxXMullin13XxX New Member

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    Noticed You hadn't a page about the robots I would put that in. Like just include pictures about them and when more when you know more info about them I.E. their names you can add that in later
  6. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    More info about Lorem Ipsum:
    Very useful for webmasters! :D

    And thank you for the Infobox! I just wish we had more info. Well, won't take long now!

    Sm1tty, that sounds awesome! I'll make a special template for achievements when the time comes to save you some work. Remind me if I forget it!

    I agree. I only took it out because it will need some extra formating in the template and I wanted to get it up fast. It's on my to do list!

    Actually, adding the names later is not that great because we would have to move all those pages later, which leads to redirects, which I would like to avoid... :D
    But we can already start with the pages of bots with known names like Jackbot.
  7. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Once the game is out, I'll make a start on analysing each and every skill of a character, how much it costs to upgrade it and give it a description.

    Of course, I'd love to do this in table form. So Jessep, could you somehow manage to create a code where you can create tables in the same format as the boxes? Y'know, orange and black? :D

    Unless it's incredibly simple?
  8. MrMusikal

    MrMusikal New Member

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    Jessep Tank's tagline is wrong its the assaults.

    also Could I make the pit girl page using the info box.

    I feel (not to be cocky butttt) I have a better picture and more information at hand.
    PS: how do i put pictures in the infobox?
  9. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    It's like that for everybody's sans the Assassin and the Assault himself, of course. Jessep has only included their pictures so far, but it's up to all of us to fill out the rest!

    Speaking of which, I was thinking we should put the character's personal information into the space outside the box. That way, we can fill up the spaces!

    I'm also going to add a "Passive Skill" into the Skills part, since there ARE three skills, but pressing down on the D-Pad also upgrades your passive skill in game, the other three skills are active...I think...
  10. XxXMullin13XxX

    XxXMullin13XxX New Member

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    Yeah thats right three skills can be used in the game e.g FLY and the passive one makes your armor better
  11. magnusrex

    magnusrex New Member

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    still's sad that I can translate it...need to take less latin
  12. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Well I edited the info box on the Sniper page a little, but the words "Passive Skill" didn't show up in the info box.

    I'm doing something wrong here!
  13. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    magnusrex, I spent 5 wonderful year with Latin but I couldn't translate it if my life depended on it, too long ago...

    Gentleman, I need to change the template for the characters. I'll look into it in the next few days. Making tables isn't hard and getting the formatting right should be easy too. I'll set up a table you can use and expand.

    Mr Musikal, I just created the pages to get rid of the links on the main page that lead nowhere. All the pages need to be reworked an filled with content.

    Right now we know very little about the internal workings of MNC but that will soon change when it is released. Please keep in mind that I don't have a Xbox and you guys will have to fill the gaps. But I'll provide you with the tools to do so quickly and efficiently and to make it look good.

    I added a News page today that will grab any blog posts with the Category News (just add [[Category]] at the bottom of your blog post) and display the last two on the main page. I will redesign the main page to better display the information soon.

    And I categorized all the characters today so we can get them into a system: ... Characters

    There is a lot of tasks on my to do list. My plan atm is to get a little of everything working so that we have a bunch of tools we can use when the game is released. But the most important part right now is to find a structure for all the articles.

    And no worries, editing wikis is easy, you will get used to it. I have enabled the rich text editor for you guys, hopefully that will make it easier for you.
    Check out the tutorial here:
    And just go to the sandbox and start typing and playing with the editor. You will see, you get the hang of it in no time. If you know some basic HTML and CSS you can try some fancier stuff too. :D

    No worries, you can't break anything and you can use the preview button to see how your changes will look like.

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