I dont understand the brony movement. Isn't over the top cutesie anime more available, and less scrutinized? Is it just easier to watch my little pony because it airs more often than some random anime? I dont get it. Not trolling, just trying to understand.
Most /b/ronies (Get it right, this crap came from /b/. Reddit and 9gag stole the fandom from 4chan. Just like they do with everything from 4chan.) want to be 12 year old girls.
I have been around the net, I know and met with bronies. I did look into this phenomenon out of curiosity and I even watched a few episodes to see what the deal is. The show is better than what you expect, and you can tell that there are good people behind the scenes. It could of been another piece of crap that is used as an excuse to sell toys. However hasbro picked up alot of good people, most of the staff behind it worked on other Cartoon network hits like Dextors lab, fosters, and samurai jack. There is a "documentary" that explains how all this brony thing got started. The stuff about the modern show starts about 15 min into the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybXXSHDRE4 The documentary does give an interesting explanation into what spark the initial interest in the show. When it was annoucned that hasbro was launching a new network (the hub)to refresh their franchises, people were thinking "w00t new transformers and G.I. Joe". When the Hub launched, all the tv show blogs put out their reviews of the shows. MLP:fim got all these 5 out of 5 crazy reviews, however one woman made these outrageous claims that it was racist, elitest, and just f'ed up. To alot of people this was a shock, a show for little girls that was either amazing or secretly racist and messed up. That's what got people interested in it. I am only guessing its popular becuase there is a weird sense of irony (ha ha its a girls show) or each brony can really relate to one of the characters within the show. The show is also filled with nerdy references to other stuff like big labowski, legend of zelda, Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, and so on. I will admit the show is not that bad, but its not for me. The musica numbers, cute stuff, and the somewhat predictable plot s( its a bad habit of mine to analyze the plot and figure out where its going). I don't have a problem with people who admit to liking the show. However its those that take their fandom to way to seriously that make me cringe. If there is one thing I would recommend is the pony.mov series. Its a parody of mlp that twists things like crazy, reminds me of Ren & stimpy and conker's bad fur day. You don't have to be a brony to like it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxAJqvslV7M&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpH-SmtnOqI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH-yA8U2XgI&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGFIumhNiM0&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vXNTCpM6rE&feature=plcp A note to bronies: You may see me joke around and poke a bit of fun with you guys, i do it for fun and with no hard feelings.
are bronies the same as a jabroni? http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.p ... id=1184851 lol sorry that time I was trolling @goodcoffeebeans thank you. that was more or less what I was looking for.
I dislike 95%+ of what makes up even the most tame of fandoms, so I would never consider myself part of a fandom. I love the show because I think it's a damn good watch. Voice acting, writing, art style, ect. I heard a lot about the show a year ago, and figured I would give it a shot. I ended up really loving the show, and I didn't really expect I could ever like a show about ponies. This is mostly because old my-little-pony cartoons had a horid rep. You can predict if a new series/movie will be good or bad by association with their channel/studio/product/director/brand/ect, but it's not always going to be the case. For example I have a huge negative association with the disney channel, then suddenly they just came out with an awesome show. Who knew?
People who like a show, in the most basic term. I like the show and fan content but I hate the community so terribly. What does that make me?
I am a fan of the show ed, Edd, and eddy but I don't take things to the lengths that these bronies take it.
I've never liked the community too much but if you're so obsessed with a show you can't think about your kid's future than this has gotten WAY WAYYY out of hand.