Your most humiliating kill/death?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Zeromus EG, September 7, 2010.

  1. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Most humiliating death? Taking the middle right jump pad from the inner circle I collided with an enemy assault jetpacking to the middle. Basically he was Mario and I was a goomba, the only thing missing was the sound effect.
  2. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    I've had the EXACT same thing happen to me. It didn't even credit the kill, just an assisted suicide. :|
  3. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    I came across dbowill the other day, and he was trashtalking a lot, which is something i dont care for. so when i got slapped on the other team as him, i chose sniper to his gunner. if i saw him immediately after spawning, i ran up to him and spun in circles and he gunned me down. if i DIDNT see him right away, i would attempt to kill him.
    i ended this match 3 - 17.
    3 bullets, 3 headshots, 3 kills on dbo.
    in the lobby, he asked me why i ran up to him, to which i replied: "i was helping you boost". he didnt like that, and got mad. just before the next game started, i mentioned the fact that all 3 of my bullets landed on his head.
    the next match, i chose assassin to his tank. i ran up to him, uncloaked, and he gunned me down quick, because he didnt know it was me. the next time i did it, he left me alone. i didnt like being ignored, so i pulled out my shuriken launcher and slapped him upside the head, and he DB'ed as i dodged and ran off. i continued to slap the crap out of him for the remainder of the game.
    he would have nothing to do with me afterwords.
  4. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I had a classic grenade 3 goomba stomp on a support today, but he immediately ragequit. The funniest thing I did today was pretty special though. I was like 19-0 on steel peel as an assault and i see this base camping sniper moving towards elbow. I knew the only reason he'd leave spawn was if he had juice, so i planted a bomb and watched him juice up and get rung out. He rage quit and sent me a classic rage message about me being a *****, etc. Later on, I join a game on LazeRazor with my friend and see this support juice up and get grappled by an assassin. I shoot him in the face as he's being flipped and I get taken into a host migration as I see the same guy's name on the killfeed. Made my day.
  5. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    Stuck a tank with a level 3 air strike he charged right into 2 snipers and a support hacking his firebase, couldn't stop smiling :)
  6. ptcMalice

    ptcMalice New Member

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    Yesterday I was playing as an assassin on Ammomule. I was right on the edge of the map when another assassin facegrabbed me. Instinctively, I grappled back and got the kill.
    Apparently, the animation for the grapple pushes you back just a bit. I fell off the edge after the kill.
  7. Superlinkbros 89

    Superlinkbros 89 New Member

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    I was playing assault and from out of nowhere a tank just tries to charge me out of the map, He falls to his death after and I just fly back on the arena. I then laughed when I suddenly got a ring out as well.
  8. StreetRx925

    StreetRx925 New Member

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    Best Kill..engaging an enemy smoke bomb and jump on top of a and laugh as they are like wtf....jump down...bitch slaps to the top of the head.

    Worst Death...My own teammate intentionally pushed me off a cliff when i was 20-0. jerk!
  9. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Earlier today I golf swung an assault off the map, and then headshot him as he tried to jetpack back on.
  10. Xanatros

    Xanatros New Member

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    I was playing support on steel peel, see Bolt and Billy on opposing team. Start to put up defenses (hacking a Lazer Razor on right side of base) and get backstabbed by Billy. I'm like man, if only I had gotten that hack off with the turret! So I try again, and end up with the same death again... I could only laugh.

    best kills are airstrikes under the bridge on steel peel when people feel so safe. Or throwing them off the map underneath the elbow... they land a lot faster that way :p (might be a glitch, but I'll keep using it)
  11. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    So I'm playing in Ammo Mule as a Support. I build 2 Lazer Blazers and throw my Firebase in the middle of them and watch as the 4 Assassins on the other team continue to face grapple me while my turrets kill them. It's overtime, I'm 43-14-0, and I decide to end the game. I run to the Moneyball, throw out my 3 Airstrikes, and begin to move away. Then some jerkface Jackbot kills the Moneyball.

    I get to watch as my airstrike kills me while the ball explodes.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The other day I was playing as Sniper, which I don't really play in any game, and I got a kill that made me crack up.

    Since I don't play Sniper that much I wasn't too familiar with his skills. I knew what each one did just wasn't too sure which buttons they were. I was trying to lay down an Ice Trap but instead I pressed the grapple button. Well I grappled a cloaked Assassin that, I guess, was trying to front grapple me. I couldn't stop laughing.
  13. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    One of my personal favorites that I've done at least a couple of times is to grapple a support after being stuck by his airstrike. Humiliating death for him, semi-honorable death for me.
  14. ImOnTheRadio

    ImOnTheRadio New Member

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    like a month ago I faced a sniper (I was a sniper too) no-scoped while we both were moving and got a headshot. Like that wasn't rare enough when he respawned we met again and he did the same thing to me. :shock:
  15. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I asked a dev in the Q&A thread, and he said you literally cannot headshot an enemy without looking down the scope. The bullet might hit the headshot hitbox, but unless you're scoped in it won't register as a headshot. The reason that I asked is because in teh past I've no scoped and seen the bullet impact the head without a headshot.
  16. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    It still exists as a bug then, because I've done this on multiple occasions. When someone runs up to me I sometimes react by shooting the Sniper rifle. I've actually gotten headshots without scoping.
  17. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    He must have been mistaken then. I basically never no scope, since I fail to see any sort of purpose in it. If he's in the no scope area, then you might as well tap the left trigger and get the more powerful scoped in shot.
  18. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    I was as usual playing the tank,on ammo mule,crushing
    the enemies base. After I blasted an asassin an support
    tried to shotgun me and landed 2-3 shots.
    My life became red and I charged him to kill him,
    suddenly I died when i charged him,turned out
    he by "mistake" meleed me under the charge. Lost my breath. :lol:
  19. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Yeah I don't play Sniper enough haha it was a knee jerk reaction. When I saw the headshot i was like o_O I thought that wasn't supposed to be possible...
  20. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    ive gotten three noscope eadshots that i can remember and all three happened as i was just shooting hudson who was on my team in the back as we run through the spawn and the bullet goes through him and hits someone. i always have the same reaction. :cry: wish i could do that more often.

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