how do you play a commando?

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by myotoxin, June 27, 2012.

  1. myotoxin

    myotoxin Member

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    so i just had a match where i went 7-0-15 and 254 botkills and our other commando told me to "l2commando" so we obviously have a different definition of being a good commando.

    so tell me, whats your definition of a good commando?
  2. myotoxin

    myotoxin Member

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    wrong forums lol
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Doing what your team needs most. If they need pros pushed, you gotta hit them from behind or blind or distract them. If they need bots pushed, you gotta kill bots as far back as you can so you aren't noticed at all while doing it.

    I like gunner because you can just paint the entire lanes with damage, weakening bots and enemies alike.
  4. krausier

    krausier New Member

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    How long was the game? i thats really good cs great job! I mostly try to bug the enemy team to where they hate my guts which i kinda have to becuase i play wascot mostly and sparks when i want more grapples. i push when needed but my favorite way to play comamando is to punish and kill overextended fools heh =D
  5. novanious

    novanious Active Member

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    Depends on the Commando.

    With Spark, you should hold the jungle for the first few minutes, then focus on picking off stragglers with medium to low health and pushing lanes when you aren't doing the former.

    Wascot has excellent mobility with his Crook Hook, so try and hop around, leave some coin and bacon traps, and take on any one opponent that picks a fight with you. Any more than one opponent notices you, and that's your sign to tuck tail and run to your team, the other lane, or the spawn, depending on your team's location and your current health.

    Assassin can run behind Turrets, so try and harass singled out enemies away from them, but behind the lines if you can. Don't be afraid to backlane a little if you're losing the lane in question.

    General Commando rule - do not try and take more than one enemy. This is a death sentence.
  6. Cerilium

    Cerilium Active Member

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    if you think you can hit and run with spark, as he can use the advantage of warping above him if a wall or some form of structure while wascot and assassin can't unless a gap.

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