Overtime and Juice

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by ShockerGeneral, October 26, 2010.

  1. ShockerGeneral

    ShockerGeneral New Member

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    Im probably gonna get flamed for this but the single biggest problem I have with MNC is OT with juice a close second.

    WHY do we need OT? Anytime a match is going on long enough to trigger OT chances are its a CLOSE one and actually enjoyable. Then we trigger OT and the f***ing juice rushing begins, thus ruining an otherwise fun match...I have NEVER had a match where I was happy or excited that it was overtime...nothing is more frustrating than running a good game, building a decent defense and having the other team on the run after a close back and forth game only to run into OT and have everyone on their team juice, rush and finish the match. Its just not fun. Period.

    At the very least, extend regular time to 30 min - then at least if it goes that long it may be in need of OT.

    Second on my list is juice - I realize it was built into the game but it seems to happen way too often (I think some recent changes help address this but still...). I think it would be better if juice was earned only and not bought...and made a lot harder to earn for assassin, sniper and support too.

    Anyway, sorry if I ranted - this has been pi**ing me off since the game was released and I needed to vent. Just had the losing team on the fence when OT triggered and juice rushed my pretty turrent infested base. How fun!
  2. Xanatros

    Xanatros New Member

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    Eka just put up some details about the "DLC" with the fixes. Looks like a lot of the juice issues will be addressed.

    Check here

    Sometimes I agree with your dislike for juice rushing OT, a good equal game gets cut off quite suddenly. On the other hand, there are times the opposing team has dominant control over the game and is kill farming while the other team can't get out of their base. This is not so fun and it wouldn't change with a longer time limit.
  3. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I remember playing with you ealrier. Was PU5H on your team? If so, that match was so hilarious.
  4. Xanatros

    Xanatros New Member

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    Yeah, I'm not sure if PU5H was on my team or not, but it was a ridiculously funny game. I could barely get out of the gates when a gunner would hit me three times and I'd die.

    I saw you join, and immediately figured we'd be loosing, but I stuck around to give it a go. Hoped that I would be able to defend the base, but that obviously didn't happen.
  5. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    That must have been a different one. I played one where he was on the other team and when overtime hit, he got my ball all the way down, but I juiced up and came all the way back, just because the rail gun is broken against the ball.
  6. Xanatros

    Xanatros New Member

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    Yeah, I've only played with you the once that I remember, and it was yesterday.

    Thought I actually made it into the memorable category! Dangit!
  7. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    holy fudge, the uber team REALLY listens to us.

    ...xept the people who like juice-chaining and have been advocating it here, they didnt listen to them at all :p

    like the changes. like a lot. hope i dont ever have to see the same support/sniper juice 8 times the same game again

    Ima the cop for stopping illegal juice possession. because that stuff really is tweaky to have, like speed. of course, once they are doing juice, they arent going to go peacefully, and they probably werent going to before juice anyway. so i dont bother aprehending them :twisted: , but when i absolutely can i try to keep their corpse for evidence :roll: . of the *** i kicked! :mrgreen:
  8. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Yeah, I'm the guy drinking the 29.5 gram can in your face and laughing about it. Long live Juice.
  9. stonebu

    stonebu New Member

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    the "JUICE" ot action is only a strategy. My normal team thinks the change will be great, i'm kinda against it...i love the INTENSE feeling i get defending the juice rush or giving it...just my opinion:)

    i loves to adapt to the changes in the game:) and i'm sooooo happy there are fewer kids out there playing assasin now!

    much love killaz, you rule!

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