Introduce yourself..

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by Ekanaut, April 18, 2010.

  1. ll TAVMAN ll

    ll TAVMAN ll New Member

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    My name is Nick, GT: LL TAVMAN LL I live in Ohio am 23 years old and have been playing games since i was 6. I play Sniper and Support most of the time and switch around to the other classes to work on challenges. always looking for more people to play with.

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    matt gamertag TG GHOSTMERC i drop balls like heroshima! :lol:
  3. christinejoseph

    christinejoseph New Member

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    I am christine, web designers at Internet Marketing company, Columbus. Nice to meet you all.
  4. atomzero236

    atomzero236 New Member

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    Hey, I'm Adam. My username is my gamertag. I mostly play Gunner, but I dabble in everything else. I'd like to find some party play to get in on.
  5. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    Hello there, my name is Doug aka Enigma5081 (which is also my GT). Currently when im not busy or working i play mnc ritualisticly :p
  6. sleepythekid

    sleepythekid New Member

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    What's up party peoples, I'm Owen. I main sniper while I play MNC, but I'll dabble with any other class except assassin, mainly bc I usually have 2-3 on a team. I bought MNC on a whim and was on the fence hoping I didn't wast 1200 MS points. If only I knew the greatness that was downloading onto my xbox, I would have bought it on opening day. I play when I can but college and journalism keeps me pretty wrapped up (thats my Xbox 360 blog on coverage of new games and my reviews. I also host online tournaments for MS point prizes from time to time.)
    I post where I can, but stay out of those lame shouting contests because If I don't talk to you on the regular, I really dont care what you think but I love a good match. If anyone wants to play my GT is "sleepythekid"
  7. mute

    mute New Member

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    Mute aka Aaron (Mute 000 GT).. I work all day (SysOp/Admin/programmer) and play games all night. I play Support almost exclusively nowadays (someone has to carry the Pubs and do map control!). Mostly a casual console player now, but in my early 20s I played alot of competitive/ranked tournaments on the PC, specially on UT/UT2/2k4 (and contributed to some mod development). I'm not nearly as competitive or active as I used to be because I really don't have the time. My "other" job is as an electronic musician and audio software beta tester/dev, which I've been doing longer than anything else (15+ years). It's mostly for fun and a small side income nowadays. I have a decent studio and play live from time to time, but between traveling and work I dont get out as much as I used to.

    I've wasted a ton of time on TD flash/ipod games and FPS games, so when I heard about MNC I flipped. Glad it has become so popular. I'm amazed by the devotion of the developers to be so community oriented. Alot of companies say they do this, but never really get actively involved with their community like Uber has. A refreshing experience! Because of all this I think I've spent more time in MNC than any game in the past couple years.
  8. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    My name's DeadEye, and I'm better than you.
  9. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Maybe we should give you a prize for being so modest.

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    deadeye was doa the last time i played him. lol
  11. ForeverZero

    ForeverZero New Member

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    My name is Jared, GT: ForeverZerone (pronounced Forever Zero) I am a Sysadmin/desktop support/ IT bitch for a small-ish call center. Since I hate doing repetitive tasks at work, most of my job is handled by scripts now so I spend a good deal of my time during the day lurking forums. :geek:

    I absolutely love this game and its players. I think I have played with about half the people I see regularly post on the forums and they seem to be good people (with some notable exceptions, unfortunately) to play with as long as you can take a little trash talk.

    I tried tank but got annoyed with pros getting away, I tried assassin but I am really not patient enough to play the class well. So I main sniper with some degree of "skill".

    Think that covers most of the basics. See you on the battlefield! :D
  12. minrice2099

    minrice2099 New Member

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    I'm Mike. Minrice2099 is my handle almost everywhere (including on Xbox Live). I've been through two years of college studying video production and digital media, and I'm looking to continue. I'm experienced with Photoshop, various video editing suites, (X)HTML, and CSS. Thanks to being an admin on the Monday Night Combat Wiki, I'm also very adept at Wikicode and template building.

    I bought Monday Night Combat on release day (which is the same time that I started on the MNC Wiki). My favorite class right now is the Gunner.

    I enjoy other console games including Rock Band (and 2 and 3; I'm a huge fan of the drums), Fallout 3 and New Vegas, Splosion Man, Bioshock (and 2), Castle Crashers, and many others. I play a few PC games as well, but mostly Team Fortress 2.
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Welcome to the forums Jared and Mike!
  14. StormedCorpse

    StormedCorpse New Member

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    Hi, I'm Fin. Gamertag is StormedCorpse.

    I'm usually an Assault but lately i've been using Support.
  15. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Hi all! You can call me Obsydianyte (pronounced like the gem + "night") or Syd or Sydni for short.

    I've only recently purchased an XBox, and was fortunate enough to garner my first paycheck at my new job on the exact day the new hourglass-shaped model came out, for which I'm very happy! It makes a wonderful first XBox system, haha.

    I mainly play an Assassin. By "mainly" I mean "only," haha. Unfortunately, I'm not too honed in the shooting arts, so the melee-centric (unless you count the Shuri-gun) play of Assassin fits my style well.

    I enjoy other arcade titles like Castle Crashers, Geometry Wars and Scott Pilgrim, but hardly have any On Disc games since I'm on a tight budget, being a college student and all. After I complete my Gen Eds, I'm going to go to a University to study Game Design and Production. My ultimate goal is to become a game designer! I'm already working on bettering my concept art.

    Long-windedness aside, see you in the arena~!
  16. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    I missed this topic.

    My name is Luke. You can call me Luke or Sin. My GT is F5in (F5 + Sin = F5in) and it's a combo of my clan tag and my name. I'm 18 and I started gaming when I was a wee young lad. My first systems were the N64 and the Gameboy Color. Anyway, since then I've gotten quite a bit of systems and right now my preferred genre of games are FPS and RPG. I don't have a job and I'm still in high school as a senior. I don't really know what to say in an into but it's all cool dawg.

    So, has anyone seen me on MNC? :D
  17. ForeverZero

    ForeverZero New Member

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    I have and have played a few games with you too. :D I thought you were on my friends list but then I looked the other day and it looks like you deleted me. Sad panda face :(

    GRRRKILL New Member

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    Hi all my name is Robyn GT is GRRRKILL. I mainly play as support or gunner. I am 24 and I work for a cable company. I play a lot of console games from TF2, Bioshock, Mass Effect 1 and 2, Fable , and I am addicted to Harvest Moon. I started playing when I was kid my mom loves video games which is pretty awesome. I started playing Diablo, parasite eve, and mortal kombat as a kid. Anyway add me if you'd like to play!
  19. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    I delete people quite often to make room for other people. If you want to re-add I'll see if I can find someone else to delete. I think I have a few people that haven't been on in a while.
  20. Blatant Troll

    Blatant Troll New Member

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    Hello everybody. I'm Robert and I've chosen the worst username ever. I like drawing random stuffs and playing video games. I look forward to getting to know some of you.

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