You grappled me... in midair...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Liefglinde, October 20, 2010.

  1. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Seriously? Even when I'm host I get grappled at the peak of my jump. I know hit detection has improved, but come on. And it seems like this affects Snipers more than other classes. I've been grappled by them after a smoke bomb jump and at that point I gave up on that game.
  2. Xanatros

    Xanatros New Member

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    This just happened to me 5 mins ago. I failed killing a gunner, smoke jumped, and then all of a sudden I'm being grappled. Hopefully that gets fixed soon!
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I also find Snipers grappling me as I charge at them with a Tank.
  4. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Same thing when I charge them with Assault
  5. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    i get grappled mid charge too !?!

    at first i was like whatever it most likely lag but then the next time i hosted it happened also
  6. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    Hit detection improvements effected bullet based weapons only. Grapples are unchanged.

    In-air grappling is a product of client-server lag. You may be in the air on your screen, but the other player may have actually grappled you as much as half a second ago on the server.

    Mid-charge grapples are part of the game.
  7. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    We are not saying that mid-air grapples are possible in the sense that the game allows it to happen. We are, however, saying that this grapple latency issue was not as prevalent before the title update. Regardless of how you defend the game's code this issue is becoming more common so something has changed, even if it wasn't intended. Sure there is always a placebo effect in some cases but this was reported initially and ignored and continues to be disregarded by your team.

    Changes were in fact made and unless you know with 100% certainty that the game's code is perfect there is always the chance that something has changed regarding grapples due to how latency is handled. We are just trying to make sure that this issue is recognized even if it is related to peer-to-peer connections, somthing that can also be improved. If there was not an issue then it would not be reported and confirmed by others.
    Last edited: October 20, 2010
  8. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    This was rare before the update, Now I see it every single game. (air grapples)

    Grabbing charges is intended?
  9. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    Well, to be fair, he responded to this before when it was brought up as an issue and gave an explanation. I'm not sure what you want from him beyond that. I think it might be more of the placebo effect side of things, because there has not been any difference to me at all. I know they mentioned they were messing with ping times (not sure if this is actually the phrase) or something similar related to latency of games, maybe that is what caused you to notice it more.
  10. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    Mid-charge grapples are part of the game.[/quote]

    Which sucks hardcore for a tank.
  11. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Mr. Golus has responded to this issue previously calling it "changes that don't exist" back on October 15th. If it didn't exist then players would not keep making topics about it. I'm not saying he is wrong, only that the issue is becoming more prevelant when compared to this same issue prior to the title update.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    That makes no sense. How can a guy twice the weight of a Sniper be grappled while charging. I can understand the Assault but the Tank?
  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    so a sniper grappling a tank out of a charge isnt a glitch, but an assault charge-grappling a tank out of a charge is?
  14. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    Similar situation as the grapple while jumping. Your client charged, but on the server you were already grappled.

    The grapple issues exists, there are known. Something does seem to have changed to make it more common or more noticed, but we haven't seen any evidence that the problem is any different than what existed since ship. The client sees something different than the server, the server wins the argument.

    My current guess is that since the update people are getting in to games with a more consistent latency, and that latency just happens to be the right timing for these issues to be more obvious.
  15. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I'm consistantly getting grappled now around the apex of my jump as a gunner. My friend is the host and not the one grappling me. No one ever lags in his game.
  16. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Are you really looking for realism in this game?
  17. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    dont ban me for making a funny comment i couldnt control, but i play vega on street fighter IV (you can see where this is going if you play also)

    maybe the sniper plays street fighter too? he picked up vega's air-grapple. maybe he will one day pull out a claw-gaunlet and perform a "flying barcelona special" grapple, and combo into a "bloody high-claw"?
  18. JimCognito

    JimCognito New Member

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    On that topic, I could understand an Assault (with a lvl3 charge) not grappling a Tank when they both charge eachother, but I'm not able to grapple Assassins when they lunge and I charge, why would their attack stop my ability?! About the Assaults charge, when you lvl3 charge and don't grapple it does pathetic damage, like a quater of the lvl2 and doesn't even ringout or anything, why? It only seems to happen as an Assassin, wether I'm the host or not or I'm the Assassin or the other guy, I jump backwards while facing the Assassin, get grappled in the air and it almost always ends as a back grapple, I've done this as an Assassin, I think thats excessive.
  19. DUDE98678

    DUDE98678 New Member

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    Tell me if I'm misinterpreting this, but I believe you just contradicted yourself. So generally all I ask is this:
    Should a sniper be able to grapple an Assault/Tank/Assassin during mid charge/lunge? In a non-lag related circumstance, should this be allowed?
  20. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    Yes, players can be grappled out of their charge.

    It is possible for a client to see themselves charge or jump, but be grappled on the server before they got the charge off.

    The specific case I was addressing was assault charge grapple vs. tank charge. It's possible for a player playing as a tank to see themselves charge, then get grappled by an assault charge grapple. In this case the tank charge should take precedence over the assault charge, but the server already had the tank grappled by the assault.

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