Bunny hopping: Legitimate strategy or cheap trick?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by NovaKnight21, October 15, 2010.

  1. NovaKnight21

    NovaKnight21 New Member

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    Okay, let me try and clarify things a bit. There is a bit of an aim assist in this game, or at least there is in my game. I see no option to turn it off. This means, when I come across, say, a support, and I"m starting to shoot him, he starts to bunny hop. This causes my aiming reticule to follow him up into the air. Then he lands, but my reticule remains up in the air where he used to be, which causes me to have to readjust my aim just in time for him to repeat this tactic.

    If I could turn off the damn aimassist, I wouldn't be having this much trouble.

    So you're saying that outside of 90% of the support's arsenal, he has no tools to kill a gunner or tank? :p The shotgun is ridiculously powerful at close ranges. Even if you're against an armor 3 gunner, if you get one shotgun blast with a firebase anywhere near you on that guy, he's going to die. Two shotguns and ANYONE dies.
  2. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    So basically your blaming aim assist now. That's funny. I play a tank which has a VERY narrow jetgun that you have to keep on the target close up and bunny hoppers are still funny to me. No trouble at all. How about you don't follow them up at all. Aim for the head area so that when they jump your still hitting their feet.

    I'd hate to see how you deal with Assaults that actually use their jetpacks on you since they can take you down much faster.
  3. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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  4. SHAP00PI

    SHAP00PI New Member

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    I listed the supports shotgun, buts it's only viable ff you haven't been seen or if you can dodge well (or bunny hope), much less if you can't aim well (when I started support I had a lot of trouble using the shotgun), I also mentioned missiles, the shotgun and the missile, under fire are difficult to use, which is why the hurt gun is a lot easier to rely on and is more widely used..
  5. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    BoltAktion & I were playing as Assaults on Ammo Mule and after dominating the match we both received a message from CrAzYBeAsTz saying, quite simply, 'noob'. It was, of course, my duty at that point to send him a 'u mad' in response. What I got back was this: "lol you n that other fag kept bunnyhopping everytime u wer bout to lose its noobish dude". I realized then that he was correct! I was embarassed, to say the least, and promptly offered my apologies and a promise that next time I would stay still and face him, honorably. To make sure I learned my lesson, he left me one more message to remind me why what I did was wrong, "nt bout its called fightin proper wit skill nt bein nooby dude".

    So there you have it. If you bunny-hop you are not fightin proper wit skill, and are instead bein nooby dude.
  6. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    You are a noob Randy Savage tryhard, jumping. You need to stand still in a fixed position and not fire your guns, duh.
  7. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Real men use deploy + melee only.
  8. GuardianE

    GuardianE New Member

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    I think this is the first time I've ever heard of jumping in a game referred to as cheap.

    Unless bunny hopping is something other than jumping around to avoid bullets, I think it's unreasonable to think that someone should stay still in a firefight because you refuse to move your reticle on its Y axis.
  9. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    if you were in a paint ball match, would you start jumping up and down?
  10. MagnumVeritan

    MagnumVeritan New Member

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    If I was a genetically altered, chemically stimulated clone with the strength and stamina to jump 5-7 feet in the air and do it continuously and not get worn out I definitely would. I already duck, roll, and do other evasive things to change up my visible profile and surface area when engaged in a "firefight" in paintball for the same reason of if someone is aiming at you and you change the circumstances so that where they are aiming you are no longer at, you don't get hit.
  11. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    fair enough.
  12. GuardianE

    GuardianE New Member

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    It's not a paintball match, and you shouldn't be treating it like one. This logic rarely works for any video game.

    In real life, you can dive. You can roll. You can squeeze under things for better cover. You can slide. Can you do any of these things in Monday Night Combat? No. So, you do whatever makes you the most mobile and a difficult target.

    I don't mean to be rude, but in-game tactics can't be compared to real life tactics. In a game, you're restricted to the tools that are provided to you, so you have to make the most of what you have.
  13. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Fair strategy when: Carried out by Assaults, Assassins, Gunners, Tanks, Shotgun Supports and Snipers, since you end up with the same aiming difficulty.
    Piss-off annoying and unfair when: Carried out by Hurt Gun Supports, as you're abusing lag to make yoursellf invincible. I don't care how useful it is, if you are within range of a Jet Gun and nowhere near your firebase, you deserve to die and learn from your mistake.
  14. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Turbo controllers make your fair scenario quite unfair as there is no cooldown period on jumping.
  15. Smoot

    Smoot New Member

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    I think bunny hopping around is kind of a lame tactic to use. Maybe if there was some sort of dodge or roll or any actual type of defensive maneuver implemented, it could be less hokey looking than bouncing around like r-tard with a sugar rush. And if you don't agree, I hope you develop a heart condition.
  16. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    This made me think of something. One of my favorite things to do to bad gunners when I'm an assassin is to jump on top of his head and stay there while slashing! It's hilarious and the gunner can do nothing to stop you unless he can get you off his head, his gun can't hit you! :lol:
  17. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    id slam, try to grapple, jump repetitively to wiggle underneath, and i guess call for backup.
  18. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    Not sure if the jumping part works because none of the gunners try to jump when I'm on their head (maybe they can't since I'm there?) but slam and grapple don't work either since the assassin is technically in the air. :lol:

    This however does not work for tanks or assaults since they can charge.
  19. JimCognito

    JimCognito New Member

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    I see what you did there! (your are talking about being well endowed right?)
  20. JimCognito

    JimCognito New Member

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    I use the jet jump to close in on my enemies, nothing like taking off and bearing down on an assault, then Slam off the map!

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