*UPDATED* MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, October 13, 2010.

  1. GLR b0x

    GLR b0x New Member

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    I played against somebody yesterday (damn what was his name..) who had a health cheat. He was a bit anoying because he often did juice runs in our base, which was okay, but if that happens, your trying to take him out ofcourse. I looked at the Scoreboard for 1 sec and I saw he had 9 kills 0 deaths. When he activated juice again, I followed him and I activated my own juice, I tried to take him out (his juice was already over) with the Hurt gun but it did absolutly 0 damage!! I really think he was a cheater because the Hurt gun cant miss, I was close enough to him and nobody else around (u know sometimes the hurt gun hits an other target). He was playing the sniper. If you want the gamertag, I may still have him in the "last played" list on Xbox Live.
  2. mute

    mute New Member

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    It's probably already been mentioned but the Tank's jetpack getting stuck ON still exists. It's simple to recreate: Jump, shoot Product grenade (might have to be lvl3? can't remember since I almost always upgrade it first) = jetpack stuck on. To stop it you just have to jump again without firing.
  3. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    That would explain a lot as I am in the UK, I guess most of the monday night players are american or overseas :) TY for your reply.
  4. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Hmm... that's interesting. Just a few days ago (after the patch) I lunge-grappled a non-juiced sniper from the front and had 3 of my gremlins beating on him through the whole animation. Not only did he survive the combined damage of all that but he front grappled me back, knocking me out of the ring ALL WHILE BEING POUNDED ON BY 3 GREMLINS FROM START TO FINISH.
    I've never seen a sniper survive a grapple animation while being hit by gremlins, nevermind a lunge, a grapple and the duration of his own grapple animation. I don't think he even had the decency to die after that either :/

    I assume it was a bug rather than cheating though.
  5. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Well, i am from the Netherlands and i have been playing with people from all of the world and had no complains when i was hosting. I even use a wireless connection (i heard this could be troublesome).
  6. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Are you able to find games now? We made another adjustment on Friday.
  7. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    I've had some problems with the patch too.
    1.) The first five matches I was in had failed host migrations (this was Friday night EST, if that has anything to do with it).

    2.) Unbalanced teams - One team will have an extra player or two and also have drastically higher level players. Which is great when I'm on that team because it becomes a curb-stomping, but really not fair.

    3.) The Assassin "fixes". Yes, I know how to play an Assassin. Yes, I am a decent one. And while the patch hasn't been the assassin-killer I was expecting, it still really, REALLY sucks. I've made it through one or two Jackbot grapples, and usually die shortly after. My K/D ratio is plummeting, but my assists are going WAY up.

    4.) This might be something with the patch, but I've noticed Lazers & Firebases seem to be able to see me an incredibly long amount of time after I've cloaked.
  8. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Yep, at least a lot faster then a few days back, lag is still really good too so all is good here :D

    *edit* may as well report on my last few days of play.

    Had one time where I failed to join a game (in progress I would presume) and was stuck on that well known blue screen with MNC logo, had to quit the game and reboot.

    Host migration has been good in the 4 or 5 times I have seen it happen, but one or two of them failed and kicked me to the menu, open NAT here.

    Hit collisions feel so good now, I don't feel cheated by a laggy shot any more especially from the tank's railgun or the assault's grenade launcher.
  9. rabbly

    rabbly New Member

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    I'm still having serious problems and I'm not sure if the ping restrictions are stopping me connecting - I have an open NAT so I keep getting made host when I'm searching for games but very few people connect to me (most of the time I can leave it > 30 min and still not get a match started). So far I have completely failed to start a game by myself - only when I'm playing with a friend and he starts the match making am I able to get in a game. Very frustrating!

    I should note that I'm in Australia but on a good connection with absolutely no lag when I actually do manage to get in a game. Any ideas?

    I've just done a speed test against a san fran server and get a 219 ping - not the best in the world but considering where I am...

    Oh, also, I was able to get into games without a problem pre-title update
  10. Tidusjames

    Tidusjames New Member

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    OK, i read through all 13 pages, and saw absolutely nothing with gunners and tanks shooting from behind a wall, as in all that is visible is their gun. (they can hit me, but i cant hit them) which is rather bull..

    (i play mainly sniper and support, with a sprinkle of the rest)

    Gunner: ppl who claim the gunner is OP need to stop and think for a second... with lvl 3 guns, he doubles the amount of shots fired, mixed with a fire rate and reload sponsor means lots of hot lead coming your way. in my opinion i think he is TOO easy to headshot, with those shoulderpads being targets from the side, and the space between being good points to use for aiming when behind them.

    Assassin: before the update was amazing, i never upgraded the blade, i felt that the armor given by even one lvl in smoke was more important, plus sprinting and invis are the things she has over the rest of the classes, so why not use them to the most? play to the advantages

    Tank: what do you think when you thing of a tank?? slow but strong! and thats what he is. get too close and you will get killed, try to fight him head on and you will get killed. use tactics, use brains, because he has all the brawn.

    Support: to make more of the hack skill, you actually have to go to lvl 3... heal hurt gun was nvr my pot of tea to begin with, i have over 1000 shotgun and 14 HH.... its too sporadic, the nukes are one shot as always, but i love that assassins and assualt that are stuck can dash at the right time to dodge it... and besides, they are really easy to avoid, either go under some kind of overhang, or when you hear the "beep beep beep" run... Firebase... hmmm, touchy subject... well, a firebase can be easily by a sniper, assault grenade launcher, tanks advertise grenade stuns it leaving it fair game, mortar from the gunner, the only one that cant kill it easily is the assassin, and lets face it, she isnt meant for turrets much less firebases.... remeber, the shotgun may be OP point blank, but so are the gunners double machineguns, and the tanks jetfire.... dont go close. the shotgun and jetfire lose power really fast when you stay farther back

    Assault: ok, so the most balanced of balanced classes.... the bomb can push you out from behind the glass wall (and off the map), the nade launcher can cause issues with turrets and bots, the assualt rifle can kill quickly if used right, and the charge is BEAST. flight give the ability to move quickly, and jumping helps with unsuspecting approaches. mix crit shot with fire rate and accuracy, and you have yourself a dangerous person.

    Sniper: a good sniper can hold down half a map, a bad sniper gets in the way. its a class with many possibilities, like all classes it has its one shot shot:headshot, but not good against armored late game tanks, but otherwise great. smg, fast fire rate, but lacks range and serious damage, is works through quantity, not power. traps, ARE ALWAYS PLACED IN THE OBVIOUS PLACES, and when you step into the same trap in the same spot from the same sniper 5 or more time in the same match, go around! dont keep rushing him, obviously it worked the first 5 times, why wouldnt it work the 6th,7th,8th? flak, lvl 3, can take someone down, or clear out a defending base... how about this, how many of you use it to reveal that assassin you know is there but cant seem to pick out the exact position of? works great for that too.

    ~~~~~~~~ What we all need to realizes that this is a giant game of Checks and Balances, you change one thing, and have to account for it everywhere... Just Like WoW.

    Great going Uber, you have an instant classing, like Halo: Combat Evolved and GoldenEye.

    We dont blame you for the delay on the update, bu we do blame you for the sleepless nights playing this amazing game! Looking forward to the DLC,

    Tidus James

    Xbox Live: TidusJames
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    FYI Host Migrations are failing because players are still quitting when it happens. So if the player the game tries to migrate towards leaves then of course it will fail.
  12. faits

    faits New Member

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    Since the title update, I've had several host migrations succeed. However, the guy I play with hasn't had a single one succeed. By which I mean we'll be playing together, the host will migrate, I'll end up migrated to the new host and he'll end up booted to the main menu.

    I know the explanation of the new host quitting during migration makes sense, but it doesn't explain one guy successfully migrating and the other not.
  13. otb1369

    otb1369 New Member

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    Im just glad that 99% of bullets register now!

    Before the update, characters would just flash and no health would go away.
    Now, Gunners get chopped down by my assault class!
  14. Luca Bligth

    Luca Bligth New Member

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    Buying juice should be disabled in overtime. It's easy enough to get it when you start off with half a full bar and there are jackbots everywhere. Either that or slightly lower the boost it gives to the pros when they have it. To many times a single pro charges the base juiced and regardless of how many turrets and pros are attacking them it does no good. They can just sit and hit the moneyball without fear of dying. And whats up with juiced characters getting health back when they are near death? I understand Supports but Assassins and even Tanks get recharged.
  15. MagnumVeritan

    MagnumVeritan New Member

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    I like that you are interested in the game and contributing your opinion, but please learn to search and read through the forums. There are already threads talking about everything you mentioned from both angles. You would stand the best chance of being heard if you participate correctly.
  16. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    that is the biggest load of BS, if im lucky enough to find a good game i will get 99% of them hit, but that never happens.....hate being in AUS
  17. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Yooo luca wusssaaaappp

    I seen you in a match the other day, pretty sure I dialed your number.

    You got a pwncall.

  18. Smoot

    Smoot New Member

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    So when's the next update patch to fix the stuff that didn't get fixed in this patch that'll take an eon for Microsoft to push through coming out?
  19. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    I see we have a spam-bot.
  20. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    What spambot? :D

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