Top Five Players You Have Seen Play.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Himicane, October 16, 2010.

  1. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    i was mocking deadeye and i don't know who you are so it's impossible for me to tell you why i quit whichever of the multiple games i quit that day. please go into greater detail on this rage quit encounter you had with me
  2. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    Just so you know, you and Feedle won't be able to get away with all the trolling garbage that you do on GameFAQs. You should probably just go back there.

    Also, quit =/= ragequit.
  3. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    Deadeye and Peachy are both good, but neither of them have beaten good teams, so they can call each other try hard randys all they want, but neither of them has proven anything. They'll never be able to, though, because the competitive community is essentially dead. They both are pretty damn good though, and it's a shame.

    Now as far as I go, my two little brothers also play on my account, and both play way more than I do. If I'm a Gunner, it's actually my 12 year old little brother. He is an absolute monster. He went 74-18-3 yesterday. He was the only Gunner that could compete with ASpence before this game got destroyed by Reach. If any other class is playing, it's either me or my autistic 9 year old brother. Needless to say, if I'm doing well, it's me. If not, it's my bro. I've never had any trouble dealing with another Assault player (except Smokez in 1 GB), and very few Supports have impressed me. With that said, here's my top 5:

    Smokez- The only Assault I've ever even had to bat an eye at. I don't know if he still plays, but he's a monster.

    Himicane- Great all around player. Knows how to move around the map, kill bots, and win games. All while going positive.

    Peachy Pony- No matter what class, rape happens. Gunner and Assassin especially. Jeez.

    My brother- Hands down the best Gunner I've seen since the patch, no contest. Absolute beast.

    Shammas- Good, but not the best tank in the game, just because of his playstyle. I feel like he is way to campy and could help his team way more if he pushed up. Leave map control and lock-down to Snipers.
  4. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    relax dude, me and deadeye are just having fun. somebody has to stick up for shammas, lol. i even admit in another thread deadeye is the best MNC player. even though i've never played him, he's quite intimidating on the forums. i'm flattered you think i'm a good player but I don't feel like I have anything to prove..chances are even if I started playing this game the first day it came out I still wouldn't have "proven" myself. i'd rather just get online and play for fun then try and put myself on a pedestal and act like i'm better then people because i play a video game too much
  5. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    I was under the impression this entire thread was flamebait...
    I've played with/against most of the players mentioned thus far. Kudos--all of you make MNC a blast!

    That said, Bolt and Peachy are in a class of their own. There are a lot of great players beneath them who are notable for various abilities (e.g. Im HUDSON may not be the best tank I've seen, but he's a great guy and is hands down the most accurate--this one time, during a huggy bear charge, I noticed it read Benelli on his Jan Brandt cannon).

    The real winners are the people who make playing MNC fun.

    Is that you, dboost?

    It would seem Uber Gunneh is one of your lackeys.

    Regardless, nobody takes the leader boards seriously (except dboost, and nobody takes him seriously).



    The screencap should be enough, but I'd like to point out that it was 5 on 6 the entire match (no player quit or joined). In reality, it was 4 on 6. Notice how killensuckaz went 2-8? He tanked so his buddy dboost could win.

    I didn't know anyone on my team, and there was zero communication throughout the match. I had been in a party with dboost prior to the game beginning, but he joined GEN SMURF's party as soon as the match started.

    After the match was over, dboost sent me several messages about how he'd just destroyed me. I literally had to explain to him that he had just lost The Game. Then he sent me half a dozen excuses about his performance and challenged "my team" (which doesn't exist) to a private match. Why would I want to play with a whiny booster? The guy takes MNC and his reputation way too seriously.

    As for proof of dboost in action, just talk to his (ex)friends. He switches to offline, then goes into a private match and farms earnings/kills/wins. I've heard several people who play with dboost admit that he idles in matches with friends to get easy wins/earnings without participating (cannot be booted as the host).

    Finally, myself and others have passed him on the weekly wins leader board with fifty to sixty fewer wins. This is an example of how low his internal ranking (Elo?) is due to boosting and idling.
    Last edited: October 18, 2010
  6. xl G h o S 7 lx

    xl G h o S 7 lx New Member

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    Everyone knows that dbowill is bad, its just a waste of time to keep mentioning it lol.
  7. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    I beat a bunch of tryhards in the 2nd uber tournament, only losing to Zyn. I challenged your team Myrick, but no-one ever got back to me. And that was with me **** around team with Nexy and his girlfriend. Besides, I've been a top 4 player in a class based game that took much more skill/intelligence/teamwork than MNC for the past 3 years, so if you guys think I'm just some mindless kill farmer, you are SORELY mistaken.

    PS. If you put Himicane or Shammas on your list, then you're saying I'm the best in the game.

    So thank you.

    Also, Dbo and his homies are territrash. I have more respect for Snooki from Jersey Shore than them.
  8. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    Thanks Patch! :lol:

    Lol @ Deadeye
  9. WinWithLink

    WinWithLink New Member

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    "Good Sports Are Winners!!"
  10. Kaptain K Rool

    Kaptain K Rool New Member

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    You're all bad. You guys don't even know what randoms are. You're all a bunch of nobodies calling people randoms on a game that no one plays.
  11. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    The quality of the threads on these forums have dropped drastically over the past few days. :(

    Can't we just call a truce?

    Can't we all just get along?
  12. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    whoops sry hudson :lol:
    Last edited: October 18, 2010
  13. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I had been looking forward to playing Shammas....

    When I finally got into a game with him he had to resort to cheating to kill me. I just have no respect for someone who is skilled but resorts to shooting through glass to get a kill. I did file a complaint for exploiting but it won't matter.

    I now hold you in the same esteem that was once reserved for an Ancient Weapon. I never played a game in which he abstained from cheating.
  14. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    1. Who the **** are you.
    2. What the **** are you talking about.
    3. If you really care, play my team. I've always said we're accepting challenges.

    Btw, it's not really an exploit if it's in every 3rd person game and it's just kind of sitting there for you to use.
  15. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Nice. The drunken feedle defense.
  16. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    I played you once in a random pub. I didn't think that was enough to put you on this list that doesn't matter at all about anything. If you challenged Fojib, he probably forgot because he's retarded lol. Jay wouldn't remember a challenge for 10 seconds, and Sauceman was probably scared because he sucks and got carried lol. I know I didn't get a message from you. No one said you're a mindless kill farmer lol. You screwing around with Nexy doesn't all of a sudden change that you never proved yourself. Almost no one had a chance to because this game died so fast, but I'm not doubting that you're good. I just thought it was funny that both of you were calling others/each other try hard randys when neither of you did well in tourneys or GB.

    It is absolutely an exploit lol. There's a difference between normal 3rd person corner shooting and what you can do easily with the Tank and Sniper. And if you don't agree with that, then why was it banned during Uber's Tourney? It's an exploit, simple as that.
  17. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    Too be fair K/D is a bit of a misnomer in this game. One round I was 0-3-8 but I got our bots to the ball, dropped the turrets, dropped the ball and kept dying running over to the ball making sure to put a few shuriken into it to keep it down.

    I never saw anyone else on my team near the ball until I got the ball down to about 70%.

    So yeah, my k/d sucked but we won, and pretty quickly at that too.
  18. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    It really is a misnomer. I've gone 0-17-0 as Assassin and came out as MVP on the winning team. Was pretty fun to watch everyone raging at that.
  19. BK201 Wolf

    BK201 Wolf New Member

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    Oh my god patch...why are you such a fuc*ing liar?? Damn I can't believe how insecure you are to make such bunch of bull crap...Killensuckaz joined that match late, Dbo got stuck with two split screeners and people rage quit on him and you're bragging about it??? Yes that's right, people came and went but you claim that "I'd like to point out that it was 5 on 6 the entire match (no player quit or joined)"

    WOW you must be retarded...because if my math is still above elementary level...the amount of deaths doesn't add up to the amount of kills >.> Did some one repeatedly commit suicide more than 20 times? Yah very likely in Patch of Fag's world. Wait, no! Suicides don't count at all silly me....I hope no one else was ignorant enough to believe you but by the sound of these forums, it's beyond purification.

    You know I tried really hard to stay out of these bashing forums but I just can't believe there are "kids" like you, who I witnessed rage quitting and got shi**ed on previously...but when you get a chance to catch a screen shot like that, you make up all these garbage stories lol....

    You know patch, I started recording our matches ever since people started talking shi*, and I was trying to have some decency by not uploading how you quit out in Ammo Mule after you couldn't even get out of your spawn....I thought it would be in bad taste because it was 4 on 1 and you left when we started hitting the money ball, but now I see I should start uploading ALL the matches of people who like talk shi* so that they can take those turds and shove them down their own throats, just like Dead Eye, I recorded how he rage quitted before the match was over on Grenade III, and this is after losing 2 previous matches.

    You have seriously motivated me to start uploading everything. We have played with winwithlink, manouso, Jac Trip and I think Shinigami? Maybe not Shini...but anyway those guys didn't seem like dicks to me, they were decent about our matches, just having fun and testing strategies, and I liked it, people who I can learn to respect with minimized shi* talk...Boltaktion too, I only played with him when he was on our team once before but he wasn't an ******* and I'm surprised because I was started getting used to everyone on the leaderboards and in these forums being insecure little girls.

    You know what patch, you can come to these forums and talk all you want, but Dbo knows you know how many matches you have gotten raped and you don't want no more of this. By the way...that screen shot, it's not like you accomplished anything lol Dbo only died 4 times with a crappy you hang on to that screen shot, it's the closest you'll ever get...we both know it. :)

    P.S if you're still talking smack after all this.... why don't you accept MY challenge, not Dbo's...he won't play at all... just you, me..and your mom....wait no let me guess, you're going to make up some story about me and how you just so conviniently refuse to play me? Ya ok... douche

    OH!! I forgot to mention...we played against one of the developers of the game and I got it on video. Fun.
  20. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Not trying to get involved or take sides or anything, but I'm curious how a 1v1 crossfire match would prove/solve anything.


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