Is a person playing one class only dangerous? Why do it?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by BroTranquilty, October 17, 2010.

  1. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i already expect all kinds of kicking and screaming for this.

    but doesnt it make some servers you play in bad when you only play one class no matter what?

    everyone perfers one class or another, but five assassins on a team, hello? a full team of assassins? well i know im playing as the tank with clip and reload endorsements, so i can flash-cook some assassins rotisserie style lol.

    i perfer the assualt. nothing kills faster than a ringout (because a ringout is a scripted instant-death, nothing is faster than instant). but if i see more than one assualt already chosen, ill be the most needed/useful class. ill do it for the team, because it means we all get more kills and a win overall.

    street fighter was the same way. i was vega :cool: , but ill play ryu and chun-li if the opponent picks someone heavily anti-vega (lets say guile, or in IV el fuerte). a game full of air grapple and flash kick is a fail, and a game where a tank murders six assassins all at once and gets a massive multikill is also a fail :twisted: . be a gunner or a support :)
  2. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I am quite focused on two classes currently, either sniper or support. Before the patch this was support or assassin.
    When i get bored or feel like it i will pick one of the remaining three classes to focus on.

    I don't really see a problem with too many supports, but i will not be the third sniper.
  3. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    As long as I don't have to be a gunner or assault, I'm happy.
  4. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    It depends.

    If you have 2 bad/worthless assassins on your team, and you play a very good assassin, but a very mediocre every other class, which do you choose? Better team balance but lower overall skill cap, or greater skill cap for less team diversity. I'm not sure there is a right answer.
  5. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    oh there is an answer. the answer lies within this answer: can you beat [insert class of advantage here] with your class considering your entire team is also that?

    so in case of assassins, look on the enemy team. if you see four tanks (they saw your team and notice the opportunity), then ask yourself: can i beat four tanks with an assassin, considering my team is also assassins?

    if no, can you get your team to not play four assassins?

    if no, can you play a gunner, are you even familiar with all of a gunners abilities to a point you can defeat tanks with it?

    if no, here is the final question: can i rage quit? lol
  6. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I would say that you pick your best class, no question about it. When it comes to "bad/worthless" players, it doesn't really matter what class they're playing.

    Now, when it comes to a team of good players, it's of course best to have a well rounded team, but even then I'm not sure the class matters so much. Two people can play the same class completely different ways, and can fulfill two different rolls on the team.
  7. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    In general, if I see two assassin's I'll pick something else. But I won't change after :30 into the match.
  8. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    If im in a pub and see two assassins ill stick pick assassin.

    Why? because I already know both of them will spend the whole match stabbing people in the face.
    I will be the only one killing bots or turrets.
  9. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    It depends on the class. If you only play Assault or Gunner, it doesn't matter. Assaults and Gunners are pretty much always useful. Sniper and Assassin on the other hand will really hurt your team sometimes. If you already have 2 snipers, 2 assassins, or 1 sniper/1 assassin tacking on another isn't going to be helpful. You team is in desperate need of meat at that point. Tank should really be a non-issue and support is pretty good as long as you have some meat.

    In a pub 5 assaults 1 support is a valid team and will downright destroy some of the crappy team compositions you run into.
  10. MagnumVeritan

    MagnumVeritan New Member

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    I used to be that guy who tried to play whatever class we were lacking in. Then i figured out I'm not that good.

    I'd say what most folks seem to think:

    -In a game with a team who works together, figure out a class to play to get some synergy going and talk about class choice with your team.

    -In a pub game, play what will be the most fun/most productive for you. If your experience is anything like mine, if you pass up playing your preferred class because there are already multiple of them then they are 80% of the time all going to perform horribly along with you playing a class you are less skilled at or have less fun with. In the end it adds insult to injury.

    This has resulted in some strange class combinations (5 snipers and 1 assassin was a really random game) but at least i had fun with it.
  11. Bulletr0k

    Bulletr0k New Member

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    It depends how long I've been in the lobby. if I know that the two supports on my team know how to build the right turrets (ex: No longshots on Steel Peel), then I'll play Tank or something. If I know that the other ream is packing two gunners and a tank, I'll play Sniper over Support if we don't have one, because I'll pop heads better than the assassin on my team slapping people in the face with her shuriken launcher before going 1-23. When I play with friends, I don't mind having three supports, because we can all communicate.
  12. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    As long as everyone knows how to play their specific class, there's no reason a team full of people playing their favorites can't win.
  13. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    That's just not true. Three gunners is a waste. You'll never need more than two. You'd be better off with two gunners and a tank for diversified skills.

    Honestly in pick up games it doesn't matter what anyone is playing most of the time.

    As for the OP by specializing in one class you will be able to beat just about everyone who dabbles in that class (assuming you have some talent). If you specialize in a class that is good against most classes then you really don't have much to worry about.
  14. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I have to agree. I tend to play all of the classes at least once every night. I'm not as good an assassin as Bolt or Leif, as good a Tank as Hudson, nor as good a support as SXD. The more you play a class, the more you learn. You NEVER stop learning how to play a class better. You also learn to use your endorsments better. Are the guides on the forums good? Yes, but they don't always fit my play style.
  15. ShreddieMercury

    ShreddieMercury New Member

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    As a general rule, I try to pick a class that there are no more than two of on a team. I think there can be 2 of the same class on a team, but 3 or more becomes a hindrance rather than advantage.
  16. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    You get to learn their tricks after a while but you can tell they have spent time making their endorsements fit how they play and that is very deadly.

    I have to get this off my chest or Ill die from glee.
    Oh, I can't find anywhere to post this and I'm ecstatic. I use the ejector to finish a gunner and a sniper flies away only on orange health only to land very luckily on my Assault bomb! I was thinking, did he land where I think he landed? X PRESS! :D
  17. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    wish my luck was that amazing, i envy you (the lvl 3 bomb probably woulda killed a sniper with endorsements to boost his rifle and not his armor, even at full health)
  18. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    I had the opposite of that luck. I was stalking a Gunner for a backstab, my timer had a hairsbreadth left to recharge. The Gunner turns the corner and tries to ground pound a Tank he just walked into. Never realizing I was behind him he Rung Out-ted me.
  19. wickedw4yz

    wickedw4yz New Member

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    Am I the only one that picks a class based on the map? Currently (subject to change), I play 4 classes - one for each map so far. They may not be the best class for that particular map for other people but I do what works for me:

    Ammo mule: Gunner
    Steel Peel: Assassin
    LazeRazor: Support
    GrenadeIII: Sniper

    Before I bought the game I researched it. Read that the Gunner was a pretty good "first" class to play so that's what I did. But I love being stealthy so I picked up the sin. I love sniping people to so obviously went that route. Started support because it rounds out the team well and a good support can win you the game without even getting a kill. I love all of those 4 for different reasons on different maps.

    Tank and assault I haven't played with much at all. Once new maps come out I probably will, however. I am the type of person that can get bored easily so I wanted to spread the love around. I decided early that I will let the map dictate who I play because I want to be good with all classes so I don't get bored to fast. Once we get new maps I plan on integrating the tank and assault in as well. Plus, I like seeing all custom slots as being useful and why unlock one if I won't use it. Currently only have 4 unlocked though (another reason why I haven't played tank or assault).

    I am better than average with those 4 classes as well. I won't play a class I don't feel comfortable or good at. Maybe I am spreading myself too thin by playing 4 classes instead of just 1 or 2. But I doubt I am.

    So am I the only one that plays multiple classes? Multiple as in more than primary and secondary? Or picks a class depending on the map?
  20. Bulletr0k

    Bulletr0k New Member

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    I play every class (except Assault and usually sniper), and I usually just pick via team more than map. I do prefer not to play support on GIII though.

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