Sudden Death Blitz leaderboards need to be reset

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Immortal303, October 13, 2010.

  1. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    The sudden death leaderboard no longer reflects sudden death with the new "improved" MNC.

    with the nerfing of the supports heal gun, and the tanks spin attack, the current leaders had advantages no one will have from now on.

    Yes, you can probably make builds that can get the job done, but that doesn't change the fact that you will have to take sponsors the current leaders didn't have to.

    I'm glad the DLC fixed the glitches, and I see new ways to play crossfire more effectively, but blitz is a different story.

    We have a new playing field with new rules. We should have a new leaderboard.
  2. WinWithLink

    WinWithLink New Member

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  3. mute

    mute New Member

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    I disagree...

    Tank: your blossom is actually STRONGER now. Tank is d00m. You can go up to wave 39 and kill all blackjacks with 1 spin (all the way through the green blackjacks). Previously, after wave 29 (end of light blue blackjacks) you had to torch some first, then spin.

    Support: If you don't already have regen as your #1 sponsor for Blitz, you should. Aside from that, the heal/hurt gun is basically the same. Turrets heal/overcharge a little different, but its to your advantage. Now that ROF and Bacon (though you should ALWAYS let your Tank pick up the Bacons first) improve the rate on the H/H gun, support is actually in a much better position than before. ROF should be one of your Sponsors too (if not the 1st or 2nd one). Shields are worthless during Blitz.

    I will however agree that the Assassin on Blitz has TOTALLY been nerfed now that you can't cloak on a Grapple. The #1 overall rank (and then no one else near it) came from a Support + Assassin team. I don't see that Assassin's rank getting knocked off by another Assassin. At least not anytime soon (besides, who wants to play 2000+ rounds?! how do you use the bathroom?).

    The only real problem with MNC Blitz is the sheer # of people with no strategy.. STAY ON YOUR SIDE FFS. lvl 50+, COVER THE BACK FIRST. NO, YOU DONT NEED ICE TURRETS IN 20 PLACES, JUST 3! :p :lol:

    If you wanna play Blitz sometime, check if I'm online/send me a friend request.. I'm always out to break my previous records and my other teammates aren't always around when I am.

    mute 000 / 84 overall / tank 30
  4. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Which 3 spots? I admit I don't play Blitz all that often, but the only places I put Shaveice turrets is the center of the front gate, and behind the moneyball.
  5. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Wait. I'm pretty sure the top 2 consisted of a Support + Tank combo
  6. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    Pretty sure it was, yeah.
  7. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    This was actually the problem me and ThisClockwork encountered. I believe we're someting like 7 and 8 right now, but that aside this is not for weak bladders.

    Onto the actual topic of the post I don't think it needs to be reset. And ya I might be bias but think about it, the tank blossum is stronger now. You never shoot then blossum in Blitz, at least I don't I always take it with max ammo. You can drop Jackbots quicker now. And as for the assassin, without the juice glitching I feel like that should be easier too. The only reason I never made it far with this character was my juice bugging out during back to back jackbots.

    Just my thoughts, and as for ice turrets:
    1 in the center, just inside the wall
    1 to the right of the right gate on the inside of the wall
    1 to the left of the left gate on the inside of the wall
  8. mute

    mute New Member

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    If its not 1&2 its 3&4, but im pretty sure its 1&2, I could be mistaken... can't go check now, but its easy to match up who was who by going through the class ranks and match it to the overall. Either way, even before the patch thats pretty impressive for an Assassin..

    As for the Ice, yeah... 1 center up front behind bridge then 1 on each side on the inside wall. There are variations that basically work the same way, but require more teamwork. With 2 people you can almost get away with using 1 ice in the front center behind the bridge, and keep it hacked.. but it catches up to you, specially if it gets taken down during a rush, plus that means 1 less turret you can hack. On one player, if you're support.. you can totally just keep the front center 1 hacked.

    You could also do rockets on the walls and ice in the middle 2 front moneyball turret nubs, but whoever is holding the front better be on top of it or you're in trouble.. the advantage to this method is the rockets on the wall can stay hacked and really handle the back sides... but you still have to cover like mad cause they won't get everything. Having those side turrents hacked instead of Ice there isn't the most strategic location for hacks either.

    Before the patch you could get away with ice on the outside walls, but they have to be level 3 to make it 10 rounds to auto-heal. After the patch, the bots target them more often so its kind of pointless. Wasn't so great in the first place though because as soon as those bots made in inside they'd go superspeed on you.

    So yeah,.. after all possibilites the best setup is really the one FromLions posted (and the one I always do). Its to the point that I often rush to setup the primary turret nubs with the right weapson when I'm playing a Pub before someone can come along and put the wrong turrets down.
  9. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Unless it was broken, a lone support + assassin combo was the leader by a fairly significant margin (100 rounds or so I think). The rest of the top pairs were support + tank combos.

    The top assassin player was really an outlier compared to all other assassins in blitz. The patch will make assassins and Tanks BOTH more viable in blitz (assassins no longer juice glitch, and tanks death blossom does more damage).

    I don't think it needs to be reset. I predict people will be breaking the old records fairly soon.
  10. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I don't think it will be broken soon. I think no one really cares.

    Want to sit there playing the game for 6+ hours without taking a break? No. I'd rather play crossfire. The difficulty isn't in trying to keep the bots off the ball at that point. It becomes : ugggg how much longer do I want to play this monotony for the top score.
  11. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i disagree. everything is all random, and i dont think a ~20% difference on healing speed will effect anything. and what about crossfire? why not reset those using the same logic?
  12. mute

    mute New Member

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    In the *60-*100 round regions (ie 60-100, 160-200, 260-300, 360-400, etc) you will still get randomly rushed by back to back to back Jackbots with waves and waves of 3*Blackjacks behind them. You never know when these rushes are coming, some games its far more brutal than others due to its randomness. And theres other factors that start coming into play too such as buzzards beginning to go straight for the MB. It's not quite as repetitive as you're making it out to be. Keeping all your turrets (esp the ice) up during these rounds is imperative or else the following round of blackjacks will start to pile up on you.. and if you had triggered the Annihilator on the wrong wave of Jackbots (which it always tries to fool you into doing) then you can end up toast in a matter of seconds.

    The fun is surviving all this as long as you can with alot of chatter/teamwork/jokes/etc. I actually prefer 4 player over anything else because its that much harder, and getting a solid team of 4 people together to control the map is much harder as well, takes alot of communication and unselfish play (quite the opposite of crossfire's current state). With 2 or 1 players only, I can see it becoming pretty repetitive after 400 or so rounds.. which is why its not a coincidence most leaders are teams of 2. 3 players games suck, because after round 100 they're practically the same thing as 4 player games with very little difference even though you're down 1.

    That said, when the DLC comes out.. it'd be nice to see some additional bots thrown in to add some variation to the waves above 100+
  13. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I mean that I expect the record to be broken by the very small blitz community that exists (and rarely posts on the forums). Not that people will go out in droves to play blitz :p.
  14. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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