*UPDATED* MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, October 13, 2010.

  1. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Is there a reason that the game won't start without 12 people in the game? I'm sitting in a room with 11 people, and it won't start.
  2. R3VAN

    R3VAN New Member

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    The Supports HH gun is glitchy now. I an no longer heal one person/bot/turret and quickly switch to another person because it will not register now. The beam will connect but no over healing. I actually have to stop the HH gun, wait a second or 2, then use it so it can register. Also, the auto lock seems to have gotten worse. It was hard enoug trying to aim it to heal what you wanted, but now it has a mind of it's own.

    That's about the only bad thing from that class now.

    Anyone else think the Gunners damage just doubled from this update? I have silver armor and it's like it's not even there, Gunners take me out in 1 second or less. It's pretty ridiculous now. Before I could at least attempt to run away, now I'm dead as soon as I realise I'm being shot.
  3. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    I gave a couple of people some crap about the assassin complaints, some of which I continue to feel is deserved. But the more time I've spent post-update, the more I'm starting to agree that the patch isn't all I had hoped. Not (just) for the assassin changes, however. There are a number of things that just feel bad now.

    I was a staunch supporter, even apologist in some cases. But as I said elsewhere, I'm becoming more sympathetic to the folks who think some of the fun has been patched out.
  4. forrestthewoods

    forrestthewoods Uber Alumni

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    If any players are in a party the game won't start until there are at least 2x as many people in the game as in the party. So if you have a party of 4 players then the game won't start until there are 8 players total. This allows us to keep parties of players together without splitting.

    In your case it sounds like you are playing against a party of 6 players. Good luck!
  5. Deadza

    Deadza New Member

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    New patch! Great! New bugs + old ones?! Not so Great!

    Seriously how can this patch have been released? I've experienced a new bug with every class I could stand playing tonight before rage quitting.

    1st - Support Healing glitch, think everyone's noticed this already so I won't beat the dead horse too hard. But seriously, how was this not play tested? I'm assuming its something to do with Rate of Fire applying now, since I was testing out some Dr. Trigger on the Support when it was happening. Plus is it me or is the support invincible during Juice now?

    2nd - Infinite Assault Jetpack. Maybe it was strange circumstance but after dashing off the base I hit my jet-pack and poof...no animation from the jet pack...but infinite flight time anyway. Maybe something between Dash, falling, and jetpack created the perfect bug-storm.

    3rd - The last bug that drove me offline was when my Gunner's chain gun disappeared. And I don't mean just graphically. It was gone. My attack reticle, ammo, animation, everything just was gone suddenly during a match right after I upgraded into double-barrel. This is where I just couldn't take the pain anymore and quit.

    So, I'll be back if you ever actually fix the game. Which I really hope you do. I've been anticipating the patch so much and tonight was such a major let-down. I love MNC and hope you guys get the game up and running correctly soon! Please?
  6. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    It happens sometimes when you think you reloaded but you didn't. I've noticed sometimes I start unloading and I hear my gun going but no ammo and not flaring from the gun.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I have some thoughts on the TU and will put them down in the AM since right now I am a bit tired. I was watching my brother play since he just got the game and as an observer and not a player I noticed a few things worth mentioning. I will agree with the masses that the Assassin did get NuvaRing put in but with feedback and suggestion we can get it taken out.

    Regardless I commend everyone at Uber for reading and listening to our feedback. The fact that they are ultimately letting their fanbase finely tune their game it just awesome!
  8. Smoot

    Smoot New Member

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    Yeah this new update is kinda terrible in that it practically didn't fix any of the stuff I was looking forward to. While it's nice that the ball can't be shot down any more, having people practically being invulnerable when they juice up breaks the game significantly which by the way the new update seems to have created a bug with that. Any sort of defense in the game right now is an absolute joke.

    Outside of that, the migration has been 0 for 7 last night. How in the heck were you able to make the migration system worse than what it already was? I mean it's a great idea but c'mon, get it together. Also, way to make it seem like my console freezes up when the host quits in the lobby.

    Other than that, I'd really like to see this game succeed but am having a hard time believing that when an update barely fixes anything at all. But hey, at least nobody can shoot the ball down anymore. Woo-hoo right? :roll:
  9. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Yea I was just playing with a friend, both of us in a party, and we got split up. 2 people, split.
  10. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    I was in that game with Deadza his gun was gone completely. He was completely unable to fire, nothing to reload at all.

    By the way migration actually worked tonight and boy it was actually fast. Now if we could just get people to stop exiting whenever migration comes up (which is what causes the failure).

    Also none of my team got disconnected from the game so it must have been live acting up last night (as they also got booted from the party to when it happened).

    It's definitely gotten rougher as a tank. Even players that aren't all that good can mow down tanks before we can get to them now and my god you can snipe with that gunner from across grenade III far better then prior. The weird thing is I think hit detection for the rail gun went down as I'm noticing more of my shots missing targets now.
  11. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    There was 10 people, and i got slpit up 2 times i believe.

    and **** YOU TOM.
    At least i sniped you ;D
    ^^that sounded viscous.
    dunno if you can swear, but ehh, who gives, that guy has a picture saying he ******* loves sandwiches.
  12. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    It seems those are the only two problems.
    Other than my old guitar hero and rock band days, this is my most played game i think ever : )
    Thanks uber.
    much love.
  13. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Re: MNC Title Update is out now Discussion

    look at my early posts, it says all about it!
  14. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Gunner is not overpowering, i snipe gunners all day everyday. Simple.

    I have been in games were i have 1,000 almost 2,000 with nothing to spend it on but juice. i would like to see more environmental things such as maybe jump pads inside the spawn that would ring out people on the upper ring of your spawn.
    or maybe buy able bacon, costing to to maybe 1,000.
    i just want more stuff to buy!
  15. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Heres the cheating gunner! DEADEYE!
    Miss you pal.

    Also to answer your question... oh wait, you don't deserve it because your a gold endorsement hacking *******.
  16. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    First of all, your support spheal did not make any sense to me.

    2nd, hmm weird, never happend with me before.

    and 3rd, its just the lag in the game. take some time to go find a new game, and presto! your killin assassins with your slam, and rippin up supports with your chain gun! AHHHH.
  17. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    I love the whole page of me
  18. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    MS Prolly sabbotaged the patch to draw more folks to playing reach :D
  19. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    You have no problems with gunners, yet the second one rapes you you call them a cheater...

    I still have 5 voice messages from you calling me a cheater, when I destroyed you within hours of downloading the new patch. You shouldn't throw that word so much, it makes you look like a joke, but it does make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that you kids thought I was so good that I just had to be cheating.
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I am afraid some of you can't read. The subject of this thread is called "MNC Title Update is out now Discussion" not "Call people out that means nothing to me but yet I sit here on the internet to argue their every word Discussion."

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