I can't be the only one who does this, Were you turn off the in game music and then open up a steam internet window and play some awesome combat music. I tend to listen to this well I'm playing Assassin, and this while I'm playing CG and Megabeth
Competitive Winamp Champion of the World. Half the time I have it running I'm actually playing other games. I just rate all my music with the star system and make sure I run the 5 star playlist while gaming. Can't have anything but optimal lest I lose my goove. I mostly listen to video game OSTs and covers.
I've been starting to play some Pendulum in the background while solo queueing as Assault in Turbocross. Heads start rollin'.
Gunslinger Either Assault or anyone I feel like Slinger or Assassin Spark or Support oh man **** music coming through
One time as Veteran I did this but I looped the Hi Boys taunt on Youtube Repeat, we stomped the enemy with me doing the best on the team. Then I got stomped next match.