How MNC pwns Halo Reach

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bast, September 30, 2010.

  1. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Rainbow Six hasn't been a tactical shooter since Raven Shield, which was dumbed down and released on the consoles as Rainbow Six 3 (broken voice commands & bulletproof teammates with health bars). The series has been on a steady decline into arcade mediocrity ever since.

    ZERO tactical shooters have been released for the 360 (GR:AW and Rainbow Six: Vegas are jokes). There were only a handful released on the original Xbox: Operation Flashpoint: Elite, Ghost Recon + Island Thunder, Conflict series, I.G.I. 2, etc.

    Go to a Blue Collar Comedy concert and ask a random audience member to prove the fundamental theorem of calculus.

    Absolutely not.

    Most people are idiots. Rainbow Six (1998) was the game that popularized the tactical shooter; others had come before it (e.g. Delta Force, Mortal Coil). As Im Hudson has already pointed out, hardly anyone knows what tactical shooters are.

    Play Red Orchestra or ARMA.
  2. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Did you? :lol:

    Seems like some people have some strict definition and want to discount differing opinions. That's fine, but it doesn't make you right. I've heard all the time people don't like it because they don't like tactical type shooters.

    Whatever you say. Incidentally, several have done quite well.

    The good old "he's a troll because he doesn't agree" routine. Disappointing. I don't think you're a troll, I just think you were arguing. I haven't had the need to resort to name calling at least. /shrug

    I'll leave you with this, I am able to recognize the strategy and skill required in both games. You aren't. That alone speaks volumes.
  3. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    This is essentially what I was saying. And your teammates do not necessarily even need to be defending your base. You could just be closer to your opponents base when OT hits than they are to yours and kill their money ball while they are still in transit or just arriving.
  4. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Grrrr......can't help myself....must respond.

    It has little to do with you not agreeing with me, and more with every single point you tried to make getting shut down by one or more posters in this thread, and then you conveniently ignoring anything too damaging and moving on to the next questionable opinion or factually incorrect statement.

    And sorry, the saying the original Rainbow Six plays like CoD and calling Counter Strike a tactical shooter is borderline flame bait to people who grew up on those games. Maybe you are not trolling but I cannot for the life of me rationalize either of those thoughts.

    I am MORE than capable of recognizing the strategy and skill required in both games. I've played both extensively as well as posted more actual content on both skill and strategy in both games in this thread than you have. Stop saying I don't recognize the skill/strats simply because I believe MNC (and attempted to illustrate why) to have a higher overall skill curve than CoD, and have supplied reasons why I believe the team work factor to be more of a requirement in one game than the other.
  5. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    The problem with games like CoD and Halo is that they're based entirely around their firefights, and yet there's no real consequence to them unless you're playing some form of deathmatch, but who wants to do that? Both games are more about luck and shenanigans than actual skill, in CoD largely because victory is entirely dependent on seeing the other guy first, while in Halo it's often about getting the biggest gun. I'm overly simplifying, but they're still mediocre games that can't stand up to a solid and well-balanced class-based shooter like TF2 or MNC.
  6. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Kinda like you with the whole let's define a tactical shooter derail? You've said nothing damaging in the slightest btw. You argue for the sake of arguing and you call me a troll then you try to throw something in my face that you do yourself. Everything you've said in this post you yourself are guilty of.

    I'm done with you hypocrite. It's no wonder this forum gets so little traffic.
    Last edited: October 7, 2010
  7. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Pretty sure I or somebody else has refuted nearly every single point you have tried to make (including the "counters" you have thrown out). Please show me the ones I skipped over and i'll be glad to address them now. :)
  8. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    It's all there, you go have fun. There's no point talking to you. I will fall for your circular troll arguments no longer. I'm starting to see why there's only a handful of people who post here.
  9. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    If ever there was a moment for "I know you are but what am I?"... Where's Peewee when you need him?
  10. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Nah, its okay, I'll proclaim victory instead and go back to eating Bacon. GG tho.
  11. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Spoken like someone who was unable to adapt to non-forgiving gameplay. You weren't smart at all if you keep running in front of someone's line of fire. That's a very noobish thing to say. The problem with your argument is that it goes both ways, but you didn't bother to think it through. It's also easier to die, which is what probably sent you running.[/quote]

    That whole statement is ridiculous. I don't care how great you are, it's hard not to run into someone's line of fire if they hide somewhere without firing a shot for a full minute. Any game or gametype that encourages camping isn't a game, it's garbage. I also played CoD MW1 for six months before "running". Nothing like getting killed by an idiot's grenade thrown at random from across that map. He was more skilled and smarter than I am apparently.
  12. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Im Hudson's circular troll argument:

    Thebigcheese's defense of CoD as a tactical shooter:

    Fascinating. You spit out one of the most ridiculous ad verecundiam arguments I've ever seen, backpedal to ad populum, then ice the nonsense cake with a layer of circular reasoning. Hudson called you a troll due to your unbelievable level of ignorance, inability to recognize sarcasm, and nonexistent debate skills. I'd argue you're just a stubborn oaf who has no concept of what he's talking about. Piss off.
  13. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I walked in here thinking I was gonna post about how I'm selling Reach on eBay after two weeks but instead I think I'll just turn around and walk out.
  14. Spectre

    Spectre New Member

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    Apologies for the change of pace here... but I just wanted to let you guys know of a forge map I created based loosely on LaserRazor. You can find the map and associated game types at the link below. CTF and Assault games only for now, but I'm working on creating a custom game type that will try to mimic MNC classes as much as possible. Feel free to add me if interested in playing this map (gt = "N7 Spectre").

    LaserRazor File Set
  15. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    We could say the same about with with your ridiculous PC rules Consoles suck rants. I'd go and quote all the dumb stuff you've said, I could even take it out of context like you do, but what's the point. You'd still be what you just described. Ironic really.
  16. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I don't play reach at all, but I fully support this idea. This needs to be spread. :)
  17. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Please fact:

    Do you even understand what I just described?

    No. Not really.
  18. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Your desperation is simply amusing at this point. You can't even own up to the things you've said? Reduced to flat out lies. Sad patch, very sad. You'll fit right in here.

    Your internet education isn't working out very well. I've noticed you struggle with the definition of terms you try to use. You see them on the internet and try to use them, but you don't really understand what you're talking about. I know you want to sound smart, but it's backfiring. :lol:
  19. The Assassin 312

    The Assassin 312 New Member

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    wow you are such a loser
  20. Bast

    Bast New Member

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    The OP return'th

    Wow it certainly seems that I shoulda changed the title somewhat before posting as its comes across as somewhat anarchronistic rather than a simple "tongue in cheek" phrasing as was intended.The comparison between cheaper arcade games and big AAAs is interesting esp as XBLA seems now to be a great alternate format with less demands on Dev all round to make the perfect product........MoH anyone? ...snarf.

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