Some classes need balancing...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Liefglinde, October 8, 2010.

  1. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Some, not all. Personally, I think that the Assault and the Tank are fine. The rest however, have some issues.

    First, the Gunner. I feel he is quite underpowered. Why does it take like... 6 bullets to kill someone? It should take no more than 2. His slam should affect double the radius it currently does, and he should have permanent fly, as to avoid Assassins. His grapple should be a one hit kill to any unarmored pro as well. And the mortar launcher should be able to take out any turrent with one shot.

    Then there's the Support, another underpowered class. Why does the hurt gun take so long to kill someone? It should take 2 seconds tops. Also, he should get 6 Airstrikes at level 3, not 3. 3 makes him feel a bit limited. And the Firebase is way too easy to kill. It should have more armor than a Tank or it's useless! And the rate of fire even when hacked is too slow. It should be doubled. And why is the shotgun so limited? It should have 3x the range and 2x the accuracy, that would be better.

    And finally, the Sniper, the most underpowered class by far. Firstly, I feel that the sniper rifle takes too much effort to fire. In order to balance him out, anyone who is in his general line of sight (as well as in his peripheral vision) should die instantly, without him having to fire his gun. He should get 10 traps at level 3, and they should have the ability to quickly drain health as well as skills. The Flak should be able to affect the entire arena at once, so as to avoid anyone who may try to run away from it. Also, the Area of Effect damage at level 3 passive should be doubled, it is too weak right now. And the grapple should be an instant kill no matter what. I know that sounds a bit weak, so we should give the grapple AoE damage as well. Furthermore, the SMG's clip should be unlimited.

    And now for the most overpowered class by far, the Assassin. She doesn't need that grapple, it's cheap and overpowered. I think it should be taken out. And why is she the only pro that gets to change weapons? She should have to keep the dagger no matter what the passive level is. She kills bots way too fast; her RoF should be decreased dramatically. That goes along with killing turrents. She should do 1/10 the current damage to them. Her shuriken launcher is too powerful, it should only have a clip size of 3. I don't think she should be allowed to run fast or become invisible, that's hardly fair. She should keep the smoke bomb though, as long as it no longer blinds people/turrents and does not allow her to jump higher.

  2. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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  3. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    You see, by getting my point across through sarcasm, I'm actually making a bigger point than if I had actually just said it straight out. It's not trolling, it's using rhetoric.
  4. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    But since you are making such weird arguments, does that mean the opposite would be true, cause that makes no sense.

    The Sniper should not have 10 icetraps instead of 3 at level 3, so they should decrease it to 2!?!?

    This leads to nothing and nobody will get your point.
    Last edited: October 8, 2010
  5. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    That was my intention. I took everything that I felt was overpowered with the Gunner, Support, and Sniper, and called them underpowered. And then I took the Assassin, the class that I feel is the most underpowered, and called everything about her overpowered. In effect, I made everything opposite of the way that I really feel that it is.
  6. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Fine then, i do not agree with you, i do not think the gunner nor the support is overpowered. And now this thread has become just like any other thread about overpowered/underpowered classes, but with a confusing OP.
  7. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I respectfully disagree. Had I seen this post from another person, I would have understood it without any confusion. And just because you turned the topic into any other thread about overpowered/underpowered class, does not mean that is what this thread is.
  8. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    So all the people in this thread should respond with the exact opposite of how they feel. In that case.

    This thread is awesome.
  9. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    You're degrading the thread yourself. I mentioned 4 classes that I feel need balancing. You ignored two, and said you thought the other two weren't overpowered. Bo reasoning or foundation at all. That is precisely what turns threads into standard over/under powered discussions.

    If you still feel that this thread is a waste then I implore you to stop posting in it
  10. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I feel like people are actually trying to top "How MNC Pwns Halo Reach" for the title of worst active thread on the forums.

    Naturally, if there is such a thread, I MUST post in it.

    On Topic: How do you REALLY feel about the Tank and Assault, or did the sarcasm only apply to the classes you listed?
  11. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I disagree.
  12. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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  13. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    Support is definitely a weak class, I'll agree with that. That airstrike, what is it good for? Absolutely NOTHING!

    (Good God, y'all)

    On a related note, the last useless topic I posted in got deleted. I managed to slip in something about the Kardashians. I think that, from now on, whenever I see a useless topic, I'm going to post about the Kardashians in it.
  14. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Aside from the general amusement I'm finding in people's posts, I question the intelligence of most here. Should you think that the OP was meant to be taken seriously for more than 10 seconds, and you've got serious mental problems.

    I feel that the OP makes it a bit hard to underline exactly WHAT he doesn't like, though the general gist of it is quite clear.

    I do agree with most of his points that I could discern though. Gunner's gun is pretty overpowered. Why should it slow you down again? Slam is pretty easy to deal with, imo.

    Snipers need some fine tuning. Not sure how to balance it, because there's SO MUCH wrong with him. It'll be difficult finding the right balance between Too Much and Too Little.

    Supports are just fine, except for the Airstrikes. Either less damage, or less Airstrikes. Being able to take out a Rock-it turret instantly with one skill seems a bit much. Maybe up Rock-it turret health? The Firebases have a little bit TOO much goin' for them. Why are they ten times more lethal than a Lv. 3 Lazer Blazer? Not right.

    And Assassins? Yeah, again, she needs some fine tuning. It seems a bit hard on what to do that would keep things balanced though. But, atm, she's underpowered.
  15. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    The gunner's minigun slows him down as well. I'd rather it didn't have this effect on either of us to be quite honest.

    Snipers have so many things going for them.... you could nerf one or two and still have a very solid class.
  16. Cerberus150

    Cerberus150 New Member

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    I honestly think the classes are balanced. the only things I would change are limiting the sniper's traps to two and making his lvl 3 grapple as strong as his current lvl 2. I would also make it so only 2 airstrikes could be used as well, just so they couldn't be spammed so much. Those are really only small complaints, as I really dont have any big problems playing as or against any class.
    edit: the assassin could use a little less cooldown on her grapple come to think of it.
  17. RoverOver

    RoverOver New Member

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    im going to come out and say it, i dont like the assassin class. it just never appealed to me. but on the other hand when i see my team fill up with 4 OTHER people playing assassin, it frustrates me. (possibly because they are underpowered) you need to remember a juiced assassin is the most deadly thing in the game tho. she can wipe out an entire base very easily. so shes not all that underpowered. i always find the idiots who dont know that and just do more useless stuff.
  18. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    A specific aspect alone does not make someone balanced. That's probably the most shortsighted assessment one could make, especially since Assassins are still highly killable in juice.

    Bu hey, I'm just bitter because I suck at my class. I never get positive K/D, and I'm the lowest scorer on my team.

    At least, that's the kind of idiotic reasoning most of this board will come up with to justify it.
  19. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Well, seeing over half your team constantly FAIL as a class would make me a bit bitter too.

    And I actually feel a Juiced Assassin is overpowered. Being able to completely destroy an entire base's turrets in 10 seconds is a bit much. Actually makes me think there's no point when playing an enemy Assassin that knows what they're doing.

    And, yeah. One shining ability wouldn't make it balanced.
  20. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Man, I wish I could destroy an entire base in ten seconds while juiced. I'm always up against people who do silly things like defend their base and shoot at me. I can take armour to up my chances but it slows down my ability to ruthlessly attack.

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