Monday Night Combat Title Update, DLC, and PAX Discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, August 30, 2010.

  1. infreblade

    infreblade New Member

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    This will effectively harm the Assassin Class, and prevent vent it form essentially being 'An Assassin' protecting itself during an attack. There are many counters already which allow others to stop assassins as is, and that coupled with Turrets and firebases brings reason for the assassin being able to cloak going into a grapple.

    I have to include my +1 to NOT adding this 'Fix' as it will indeed break the assassin. To those who keep saying to others 'learn your class', you should make yourselves aware that assassins operate 'under cloak' and being revealed (uncloaked) while working is detrimental to the assassin's task at hand and the life of said assassin.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    How is the firebase better than any class if I just showed two easy ways to deal with it.
  3. selkie210

    selkie210 New Member

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    im saying that its the only turret that can beat me as tank until i lvl up product grenade and thats all that i mean.Am i allowed to express my opinions?
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    A Tank with not upgrades and at best Silver Armor you can walk right up to it and easily take it out with the Jetgun while a Support is h/h gun attacking you. Unless it is Lvl 2 or higher and is hacked in which case you'll have to find another way to it but you'll still be able to take it out. You'll be near death but the firebase is destroyed.

    (I will admit that wasn't clear at all in my other posts.)
  5. selkie210

    selkie210 New Member

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    i meant hacked sorry bout that confusion.but i dont understand when people say shotgun or airstrike is overpowered
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The biggest thing I dislike about the Support is that he can control all ranges. Close, Mid and Far.
  7. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    How does he control far? The Firebase range is medium in my opinion.
  8. louisep887

    louisep887 New Member

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  9. Mellowbusiness

    Mellowbusiness New Member

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    Is uber going to make it that every time you buy juice, it increases $200 so when you buy it it goes from$500 to $700 and $700 to $900 and so on or even a cool down like when you buy juice you cant buy more untill 4 minutes has passed because some people, (including me but only when the team plays like kitty cats) just juice, kill entire team, kill some turrets, make that $500 back in 10 seconds, rinse and repeat.
  10. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Is it fair for a support to be invisible to your turret while he hacks it? I'm going to guess you would agree that it is not. It's getting removed in the patch and so is your ability to be invisible to his turret unless you use your smoke bomb.

    Unfortunately the assassin isn't an invisible commando. She is soft and squishy. You're supposed to have to pick your targets with care. It's an exploit to be able to be invisible while you're grappling. You must have some kind of weakness as you push the "I win" button.
  11. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    @Infreblade Just soften up the area with shurikens first. Luckily, most supports are too stubborn to pick their firebase back up once someone decides to destroy it. If you can sustain a steady stream of shurikens long enough to scrap the stupid thing, you'll get a fair amount of free juice out of it.
  12. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    This is obviously an argument full of crap.

    The assassin has an ability that makes him invisible, a support has not, so obviously giving the support an ability he does not have makes your example complete *****

    If you are to compare it, i would say that if the Support hacks a turret, it's turret should not be working/shooting. Does that seem fair?

    That said, i can live with the no-cloak-grapple. I just cannot live with that AND the lunge-nerf. But i am about ready to switch to a new class, so i guess when the patch arrives that is what i will do.
  13. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Except there is a way for supports to effectively hack turrets and the turrets can't see them. I'm not going to explain how as it is an exploit that is getting removed in the patch. But know that such a technique does exist even if it is not a skill. So why don't you close your mouth before more crap spews out of it?

    The support's job is to hack turrets so they don't stand idle while they are being attacked. The ability of a support to steal a turret is independent from his other skill which deploys a firebase. So you want your dash to kick you out of cloak right? You apparently only allow anyone to use one skill at a time. Your argument makes little sense.

    Are you talking about the dagger doing too much damage during a lunge? If not can you provide a link?
  14. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    The Assassin isn't meant to cower in corners waiting to ambush a foe 'at the right time', and small doesn't equate to 'soft and squishy'. Her power lies in being flexible in her choices, facing a foe head on [such as confronting/attacking support while he sets strategically invasive firebases while being guarded by Tanks and Gunners] or taking the more subtle approaches like appearing just behind a sniper and stabbing him in the back, in his own base (stopping him from destroying her team's security systems and companions from afar); all that while staying clear of his much stronger comrades and their defensive turrets.

    Again, I stand by what I've said, taking away the proper cloaking timing for these types of tasks will truly harm the class whether you want to admit that or not.

    Being able to stop an opponent in good time means the difference in stopping an onward advance which may otherwise lead to an early defeat. As it is, the assassin is one of the best classes equipped to handle such opposition, that is until she is stripped of her Grapple/Cloaking ability.

    Stopping an enemy while they do seemingly little things to eat away at your defences is one of the things an assassin is best suited for. Without the Grapple/Cloak she will be of no use against opposing attacks like I mentioned.
  15. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I didn't say anything about size... the assassin has very low health compared to other classes. Good assassins come at me from behind because they know they need a back grapple for the kill. Bad assassins come at me from the front (sometimes not even cloaked).

    And she's the best bot killer if you use the speed exploit. So what's your point? They're both exploits getting removed in the patch.

    I would be the first person to suggest that assassins should be invisible while grappling if they lost something to compensate. I'd say about half of their grapple damage with the sword should do it. I'd settle for the lunge and grapple being on the same cooldown but you wouldn't go for that either.
  16. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    She's the best bot killer without the speed exploit.

    The Grapple/Cloak isn't an exploit, no crazy button presses coupled with special elements like speed, or juice endorsements required to make it happen, (a natural movement isn't an exploitative facet) i.e. you grapple, then proceed to cloak.

    The double smoke bomb requires something out of the ordinary to make it happen, so does the infinite speed trick, neither is natural and therefore neither of these fit in the same class as the grapple/cloak, so what's your point?

    I'm not going to get into a semantics game with you here, we both know what you're talking about, and low health still does not equate to 'soft and squishy'. If I'm going to hit you from behind you'll likely die regardless, if not you're going to get 'Dash/Slashed'.

    If I'm hitting you from the front, you're definitely getting 'Dash/Slashed' as I come out if deep cloak, then you're getting grappled as I recloak to protect myself from others, bots, firebases and turrets that may be around you.

    My point as I said earlier is that the Assassin's strength lies in having the choice to be bold like that if she chooses to be, because she can protect herself (no need to rely on Support to super-charge her life [for that edge] like Gunners and Tanks), knowing she has low health, but high offence and specialties.

    Her edge is the Grapple/Cloak along with her other properties/abilities and without it she's reduced in her choices and can no longer move boldly against opponents.
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Not an exploit but in fact a glitch and was never intended to occur to begin with. The Devs. themselves said that it wasn't supposed to happen and is why they have fixed it. If every other attacking action de-cloaks the Assassin why should the grapple be excluded?
  18. infrablade

    infrablade New Member

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    Have you tried grappling while cloaked...? it does de-cloak you...

    Going into cloak mid-grapple should still be should be considered a part of what little defence the Assassin has
  19. cutecakes

    cutecakes Member

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    Hurry the **** up, Microsoft :evil:
  20. Kernal Cupcakez

    Kernal Cupcakez New Member

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    assassin is pretty easy to use as of now, you cloak, do the speed glitch and once you are really fast you will need to run to the enemy base and use the jump glitch to jump on top of the map. from here rain down in a fit of shuriken hellfire on the moneyball. dont worry if you do this right you will have an invisible barrier protecting you from damage. stay up here damaging the enemy moneyball until you have juice, then drop down, destroy the whole base and retreat to your safety in the sky. Regardless of what changes they make to the assassin, im glad this wont be happening any more. And I still have my shotgun. :mrgreen:

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