How MNC pwns Halo Reach

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bast, September 30, 2010.

  1. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Your spelling and lack of sentence structure made my eyes bleed.

    In no way is Reach a bad game, I just think it's boring. I don't think that they have really added much to the game since Halo 2, and because of this it still seems like the same game to me. My copy of Reach got shelfed after Dead Rising 2 came out, and it won't be coming off that shelf for a while.
  2. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Reach is very very similar to previous halos. I've played them all. I didn't buy reach, I played the beta and played the release with my friend who did get it. It's just more halo. I don't see how anyone could say "they aren't even close to being the same game" with a straight face. Reach threw in some mediocre abilities that add little.

    It has a lot of cool customization options, but it's still just more halo so it's still boring imo. Firefight is better than ODST, but it's still pretty far down on my list of "horde modes". Other games do it better. If you didn't like past halos you won't like reach.

    I like MNC more because it's fresh, Reach is anything but.
  3. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    Then we agree, to disagree.

    The addition of abilities, assassinations, weapon reticule bloom/balancing, invasion, and not to mention the endless possibilities of forge.

    None of these things are in Halo 3. These make a huge difference.

    There is a reason why this franchise is enormously popular. Millions upon millions adore this game for good reasons.

    Your key words were, "I didn't buy the game," "I played the beta and the release with a friend." And thats what your opinions based on.

    Questionable but fair enough, its your right.

    But I bought the game. Played it a ton. This might be the game with the most features with great quality in a game Ive ever played. From invasion to swat to firefight its an outright blast.

    But then again, there are people who get destroyed in every match and often times quit. I'm sure they didn't find it fun and feel its boring. Just say reach sucks and not them. I can't say that your one of those people but who knows?

    To each his own I guess.
  4. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Nah, it's the same. If it helps you to assume I dislike it because I'm bad at it, well, have fun with that. When I did play online I did quite well, compared to other shooters the skill level of the competition is pretty low. Anyone who succeeds in real shooters won't have any problems competing in Halo. It's the lowest of the low as far as playerbase goes.

    But after playing the retail version I can safely say it's just more Halo. You know this which is why you had to start telling yourself stuff like "oh he's bad at it that's why he doesn't like it." I mean really, what's different? The armor abilities? Underwhelming. Minor changes to guns? If that makes a new game for you more power to you.

    It's the same old game with minor tweaks in a new package. There are a lot of options for setting up games, but the gameplay is the same tired, slow paced stuff Bungie has been doing for years. My friend is having fun with it, he's been a halo fan for years, but he'll openly tell anyone that if you didn't like Halo in the past you won't like this as it's, for the most part, the same game.

    Glad you're having fun with it, but it isn't innovative in the slightest. I'm not saying it's horrible, I enjoy it in small bursts and it has nice co-op gameplay, but I was addressing the comment that people shouldn't judge it off of past Halos. They absolutely should.

    And as to "the top dog always gets the hate", I don't recall anyone mentioning Call of Duty. :cool:
  5. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    I've found this to be quite the opposite. Like any game, pubstomping at lower ranks is easy. Every game has its share of bad players. Halo is easy to pick up and play, but hard to master. Halo attracts so many fans because of this fact. Anyone can pick it up and enjoy themselves with friends, while other games take hours to learn. Halo has a great casual audience, and those are the people that lose quite a bit, but they don't much care.

    I've personally found the realistic shooters to be incredibly easy. The Call of Duty games, Medal of Honor, etc. I don't play them because of that fact. That isn't saying I don't enjoy them, I just have no trouble being good in them. I enjoy Halo so much because it is very competitive in the higher areas. While I don't mean MLG/Gamebattles exclusively, they are a big reason why I enjoy Halo so much.
  6. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Well Halo does have rank based matchmaking so that does help.
  7. JackBotXL

    JackBotXL New Member

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    I had reach, but i sold it to gamestop (along with crackdown 2, and mafia 2). The reason is quite simple: Its not a fun game. Ok, sure the campaign aint half-bad, but the community is on par with Wow, and most deaths that you recieve are so predictably cheap-Sniper rifle,Energy sword, Focus rifle, etc- weapons that kill you easily(and theres alot of 'em). In order to beat that you have to be cheap yourself, which sure does say alot about 'balance' IF they'res actually any. Most of the armor abilities are useless- Sprint should be there without me having to pick it up,( ALL fps's are expected to have a default sprint) , Armor locks is only good against vehicles and it can totally backfire at you easily, Invicibility works half the time, sense you got to crouch and that makes you sloooww, jetpacking makes you an easy target, and the wierd clone hallucination thing-a-mabob only works on noobs. The thing is that i cant find what is halo's appeal. Bad co 2's multiplayer is far superior, no questions asked. Heres a classic halo reach game: The game starts, someguy takes the tank, some douche is pissed so he attacks the tank(the teamate). Because friendly fire is ALWAYS on , they're just waiting for you to kill them so that they can boot you, even though he started causing ****. About half way throught you can expect quitters and astoundedly retarded and predictable tactics. This was my first halo game, and i pretty much pwn the **** out of it ,and i would more if people weren't such a bitch to take out do to shileds and sudden 'out of nowhere' headshots.
  8. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    I do. "Competing" in an FPS with analogue sticks is ridiculous enough, but Halo's play control is abysmal. Bungie had a decade to correct it and failed.


    Trash attracts trash.

    Those aren't even close to realistic shooters. They're the same game as Halo (dumbed down, arcade FPS) with a modern military twist. If you want a challenge, play ARMA 2: OA with the ACE 2 mod installed. I've never seen it described as "easy."
  9. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    First off, I didn't say the first thing. Second off, I don't care about your PC elitism, take that to a PC forum. I like console shooters better, deal with it. You're on a console game forum with people talking about console games. And yet you seem to feel obligated to say how trashy console's are in almost every single post you make. We get it, you don't like console shooters. You can stop saying it now.
  10. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    There's no such thing as real competition in console shooters. Sure, there are people who've been convinced by silly gaming leagues that they're exceptional; but, they consistently get slaughtered when mice & keyboards are introduced.

    Try playing golf at the professional level with a two-by-four.

    I'm not a PC elitist; I enjoy well made games regardless of their platform. MNC happens to be one of those titles.

    Further, I don't think consoles are trashy. I own more consoles than I do PCs. I've had more fun playing console and arcade games over the past few decades.

    What I do find trashy are overhyped crapfests like the Halo, Call of Duty, and Gears of War series. They're soulless potboilers that appeal to the lowest common denominator of "gamer."

    My point in all this is that Bungie is capable of excellence. The only reason they kept churning out crap like Halo is because of all the easily appeased halfwits who've ruined the video game industry.
  11. c4lvitron

    c4lvitron New Member

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    You must not have played reach because the focus rifle is horrible
  12. c4lvitron

    c4lvitron New Member

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    Thank you for enlightening me oh wise one. I will go sell my x box and all my games when I get home and cry in the corner for ever enjoying a console game that apparently is good enough for millions of other people to enjoy.
  13. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    It's not that Halo and Cod aren't good, they're just mind-numbingly simple and don't take a ton of thought or skill to be good at.
  14. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    I love MNC but it takes a lot, and I mean a LOT more skill to kick *** in CoD than it does in this. MNC is more pick this guy, move here, do this. It's much slower. It's easier to recover from a mistake. Your aim doesn't need to be nearly as good. I could go on and on really. Again don't get me wrong, I love this game. If it had more maps and a deep unlock system it would probably be more fun than CoD, but more skillful? Nope.

    Patch is absolutely desperate to convince others, and himself, that consoles are bad. He's been failing at both for years hence the anger. He's stuck in the past and blames his inability to aim with anything other than a mouse on consoles. Everyone knows his attitude is both ridiculous and archaic. I'd tell him to learn to play, but we both know he never will.
  15. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I can't believe you just tried to say it's hard to kick *** in CoD. Trust me, I play both and this game is much more skillful and fast paced. CoD is SO far from fast paced.
  16. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    I never said it was hard, just that it takes more twitchy skill than MNC which it obviously does. The demands on reaction and aim are much higher than here.

    Everything happens faster in CoD. You move faster, you kill faster, you die faster. You would think the game where you must react faster is faster paced...
  17. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    SnD is also a large part of CoD. Camping is a large part of SnD. Demolition involves camping on defense also. You still need to have quick reactions in MNC, but you also need to aim longer.
  18. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    True, but it's a lot easier to actually shoot people here, which was my point.

    I like MNC more than CoD if it means anything, it's just that CoD is more of a "hardcore" game than MNC is and requires a more hardcore skillset. Also, at no point did I mean to imply that MNC doesn't require skill.
  19. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I still disagree. I played CoD competitively for a year and it really doesn't take a huge amount of skill.
  20. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Then neither does MNC as it's easier to do everything.

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