Suggestion: Ice Traps, Skill Drain, and Scramblers

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Im Hudson, September 30, 2010.

  1. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    I'm sorry. I had to post this. It's an internet rule in these types of situations I believe.
  2. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Pretty damn far away if you know how to do it. The best example of the range of the ice trap is that you can throw one from an ejector on the middle of a bridge on GrenADE III to the same spot on any neighboring bridge. Other examples would be being able to toss one from the upper level to the ejector or being able to plant one right on the upper level of the enemy base from more than halfway between the last bridge and the base.

    Edit: Also, another note, the traps appear to have a certain amount of armor rather than being instantly triggered by anything that hits it. Interesting results of this are that weaker AoE attacks like the assaults level 1/2 bomb and grenade launcher take two hits to set it off.
  3. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Just wanted to thank the people who took the time to list/test what exactly sets off traps.

  4. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    Another thing that destroys traps is the charge of both the Assault and Tank. And by destroys, I mean sets off, but if your charge carries you out of the Ice explosion radius, you are only frozen momentarily, so it is effectively the same. I think this works with the Assassin lunge as well, but I have only seen it a few times, so it might be harder to accomplish.

    RE: PohTahToez. Damn, thats actually way farther than I thought you could throw them, I guess I just never tried.
  5. CStubing

    CStubing New Member

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    FWIW, air strikes do set off freeze traps. Of course, they have the same effect as anything else setting them off -- you can still get trapped by the freeze until it dissipates. This is kind of annoying because it gives the sniper enough time to simply throw out a new one in its place if he's near enough.

    I can sympathize with Hudson's complaint, seeing as though his normal counter (product grenade) only works with his X ability at full charge. As support, I can usually still get an airstrike off while my skills are draining and hopefully take the sniper with me, sticking him while he's lining up his headshot on me. :eek:

    That reminds me... does anything destroy an assault's bomb? I'm pretty sure airstrikes don't.
  6. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Most of the time it either freezes and skill drains you in place, or freezes you and drains you at the end of the charge. At least for the tank anyway.
  7. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    Yeah, it seems the hardest to do with the tank, and I'm not sure if the skill drain still affects you even if you are carried all the way through, though I imagine it does.
  8. Killensuckaz

    Killensuckaz New Member

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    Trying to stay on topic with some possible suggestions lvl 2 ice trap gives 3 SLOWING (like lvl 1) traps, lvl 3 gives 3 freezing (3 sec dur). The scrambler needs more health and/or a speed buff and/or increased range on his skill drain, all based on what the other is...i.e big speed boost= little health boost= little more range on skill drain ect... I personally feel that the sniper is the biggest "noob" friendly class in the game and depending on how its played takes the least amount of skill to do "well" with. Granted a team of players can neutralize a solo sniper, in a random pub game they can dominate with little play time under the users belt.
  9. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Because the AoE of the traps are much bigger than the trigger radius it's a bit hard to charge through without getting caught. However, this is a good method for attacking a sniper that is sitting right on top of a trap, just make sure that you finish him off.

    On a side note, if someone gets stuck in a trap and is then thrown out of it (charged, grappled, bombed, etc) they immediately regain movement control. The cool part to this is that if an assault gets caught in a trap he would actually be able to throw down a bomb and blow himself out of it (assuming level 2 trap).

    I know this because I hate when someone uses a knock back attack on someone I've trapped without finishing them off.

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