I'mma Bursting Full of the Juices! (SXD24's Support Guide)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by sxd24, October 2, 2010.

  1. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Thanks! All that was an hour or 2 in M$ Paint. :p

    Oh, and the Support's Steel Peel strategy is now up.
  2. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Support vs. ???? section is now up. Working on the remaining 3 maps. ;)
  3. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    An assault or a gunner with your level 3 firebase in position #8 will lockout access to the majority of the map to the opposing team. These two classes can also fly into the enemy base and fly out with relative ease after destroying whatever is keeping bots from entering the base.

    Perhaps I misunderstood but your statements about the level 3 turret sounded like this, "The level 3 firebase won't help you personally do much that the level 2 base could not. Therefore I advise you to be selfish and skip it." This mentality basically ignores one of the strongest two man combinations in the game. You walk someone to the enemy base while someone guards your turret on the other side. With only three people you can lock down both lanes if you play smart.

    The problem I see with most supports is that they don't put their firebase in a place that would work well with the heal ability. Position 1 will only help if your team is getting massacred, but position 4 is very friendly for trying to establish map control (3 and 7 as well). I know the gunner and tank are right handed (played assault a few times, but I think he is also) and therefore prefer attacking from their right around a wall. I'd like to see you add position 10 for the firebase that would heal someone attacking from this position. The firebase won't shoot into the base but will make the guy standing in that pocket nearly invincible. It will continually shoot the bots that spawn meaning your bots get in (vip considering they do a ton of damage to the ball), and will prevent anyone from leaving the base on that side as it is around a blind side corner and ridiculously hard to kill.

    Don't get the wrong idea... I think you're a good support and I like having you on my team. I'm saying hey you're missing an amazing page from the support playbook.
  4. Killensuckaz

    Killensuckaz New Member

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    So let me get this right...You support ( no pun intended) shooting down the moneyball? I assume you know that that was a unintended feature and is very frowned up on by A LOT of players, so why would you even put it in your "guide" to be a better support?
    Last edited: October 5, 2010
  5. SAR3N

    SAR3N New Member

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    We should play some time SXD. I never have a great support on my team who knows what to do. My username is my gamertag. I play as Assualt usually to. (2.4+ k/d if it matters)
  6. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    It's nothing more than a bit of information. Anyways, it will get patched any day now, so there's no need to start flaming. Everyone I play with regularly will tell you that I do not use this tactic, and that I am a fairly competent Support, so there's no need to start bashing on someone (or their guide, for that matter) over one line you disagreed with. =/
  7. Killensuckaz

    Killensuckaz New Member

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    I did not intend to "bash" you. I just feel that an unintended "glich" in the game is not something that should be used in a guide that is suppose to give tips and strategies on how to play the class better. No disrespect intended, I just think it would have been best for the community if this bit of "information" was omitted.
  8. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I'd have to say he's right honestly. I really don't like cheaters and there's no sense in informing more people about how to kill the shielded ball faster.
  9. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    From my reading of the guide and playing routinely with SX, I'm pretty sure it was included just for the sake of being thorough.

    For argument's sake, if the glitch is not a banable offense, then there is nothing wrong with listing it for the sake of being thorough, regardless of how many people think its cheap or frown upon it. Hell, now I know that a support is capable of using this tactic to down the money ball, I can even PREPARE for it!

    I do agree that it does not NEED to be in this guide, and could probably be removed since it will be obsolete after the patch.
  10. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Ahh, I understand. It's just that, as you're aware, things can read a bit differently on the interwebs, and I kinda felt a harsh tone from that. My apologies.

    And Hudson was right, I did add that bit for the sake of being thorough, as I did talk about nearly every single angle of using the Support as I could. But, for the public's general well-being, I'll be happy to remove it. I never make use of that tactic anyways, nor do I recommend it, but it IS there, and it DOES happen. If anything, it's more of a warning to other Pros.

    Despite this, I will respectfully take it down. I suggest you remove it from your earlier post as well, just to be safe. ;)
  11. Killensuckaz

    Killensuckaz New Member

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  12. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Updated to include post-patch edits. Working on GrenAde III map strategy.
  13. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I had not checked this guide in a while, but the map break downs that you have completed as well as the protag sections absolutely blew my mind.

    I don't play support, but this gets my vote for best overall guide on the forums. (I'll take a portion of the proceeds since you used my format. :p)
  14. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Thanks, Hudson. I tried to be as thorough as I could, so I covered everything that came into mind. And I mean EVERYTHING.

    Your proceeds can be found here: LINK

    *GrenAdeIII strategies are now up, as well as a few more post-patch edits.
  15. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    In the whole firebase thing, as in what they are susceptible to, you should add smoke bomb/shuriken, i cannot telly ou how many firebases i've wrecked with that
  16. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    In regards to what they're susceptible to, I put what I've found kills them the most when planted in said locations.

    Now, having said that, I probably should work that in somewhere. The thing is, firebases are susceptible to that pretty much everywhere (can be done from both short and long-range), so that means I'd have to add that to (practically) every single one :lol:.

    Regardless, I thank you for the reminder. I'll be sure to add that in somewhere.
  17. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    I'm reffering to me coming up and taking my mask off, thus blinding it, then tickling it into submission
  18. Noob Sa1bot

    Noob Sa1bot New Member

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    And then there's those days that another support player happens to be bored at work and reads your guide... He then happens to meet you in a game and just when you've got your lovely turrent farm up he juices, ignores you juicing and kills you're beautiful farm ;-)

    Anyways... Wish my first games that you were involved in could have been on a bit better terms, I had fun playing against you and would probably have just as much fun playing with you. Good guide too, I literally was reading it and thinking "I've been doing exactly this all the way to 99". I do apologize for killing you're lovely turrents though, I'm just quite an offensive support player that lives for area denial, bot pushing, and turret destruction. I love my K/D but damnit, I love winning too ;-) Send me an invite if you ever want some dual support action
  19. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Amazing guide, I hope you're still going to get the other maps covered! I played a game against you on Lazor and you had your firebase on the little dividing wall straight ahead from the spawn, the one that extends the tunnel wall. I can get there by going around the long way and dropping onto it, but I try to reach it by jumping from the spawn ring almost every match now, and never make it. Are you going the long way, jumping from spawn or do you have another trick?
  20. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    Wow, you guys are my heroes...

    Is it possible to get on one of your teams some how?

    I'm a very defensive Support.

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