How MNC pwns Halo Reach

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bast, September 30, 2010.

  1. Bast

    Bast New Member

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    Thought I'd share some of my meanderings about these two games and see if you guys think likewise or at least get some feedback.

    So having paid full whack for my "triple A" Halo Reach game I find myself really not impressed and bored silly with it and wondering what to trade it in for.I do think its all due to the intense gameplay that MNC offers from min to min in any match.

    But its far more than that , Halo hasn't change since its original Halo Combat evolved landed,it really hasn't.Halo graphics are too "pushed" or strained and at that really dont rival any of the triple A big players,far from it.Sure the lobby system is about the best I've seen but thats doesnt translate into quality gaming. Which goes to show throwing massive amounts of money at a game does nothing to improve its creative content whatsoever.
    A weeks gameplay on Bungie's Reach and am here I am back full-time playing MNC.You know I was searching for a word to sum up the gameplay found in Halo's 2010 offering...thin is the word..the gameplay is maybe I should blame MNC for the full fat experience I get playing as the support guy every evening..............Bring on the Bacon.

    MNC's new logo should read as "the full fat experience". :cool:
  2. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    It's 2010. "Pwn" wasn't clever back when the kiddies started using it on QuakeNet in the late 90's. This is how ignorant you sound when you type that way.

    Regarding Reach, it's the only decent game in the Halo series. Bungie took everything that wasn't broken from their previous console abortions, threw them into a Blendtec (Sonic dust--don't breathe this!), and crossed their fingers. If you must play an FPS with analogue sticks, Reach is one of the few examples that doesn't completely suck.

    Unfortunately, there are two glaring mistakes. While the enemy AI is exceptional (for a console), the scripts of your squad mates make Superfly Johnson look like SHODAN. Bungie tried to sweep this under the carpet by removing Noble Team from most of the missions. It might have worked if I was still seven and thought the Power Glove was the cat's pajamas.

    More notable, however, is Bungie's atrocious concept of online play. "Matchmaking" has set multiplayer gaming back a decade. When I was walking uphill both ways barefoot in the snow to school, we were allowed to run our own servers with our own maps and our own game modes. Now some overpaid muppet at Bungie gets to pick for us. This isn't fun, and the illusion of democracy la the voting system only empowers achievement/challenge whores. If I wanted a script to tell me the size and colour of plop I can make, I'd have bought an Apple Pippin.

    Regardless, Reach has a feature MNC lacks: a strong multiplayer campaign with vehicles and four person co-op. Speaking of co-op, Blitz is worse than ODST's Firefight. The improved version that shipped with Reach could have been a standalone title. Further, Reach lacks errors MNC is rife with: game crippling exploits which should have been caught by the slaves Uber keeps chained away in the basement [QA].

    Are you daft? I loathe this franchise, but Winter Contingency is a tremendous improvement from Combat Evolved's Halo. Were you even paying attention during Long Night of Solace? Bungie could have built an entire game around their space sim engine (...instead, the greedy gits are going to charge for that with DLC (...and Xbots are gullible enough to gobble it up)).

    MNC is a good beginning to a series that may be amazing.
    Reach is a good ending to a series that was beyond awful.

    Neither approach Game of the Year material.
  3. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    I love both of the games. While the core gameplay of the Halo games hasn't changed much, they've added quite a bit to pad the core gameplay, which I don't believe needs changed.

    Forge is now a giant part of my Halo experience, and I think Bungie has really set the bar for custom maptypes/gametypes when it comes to consoles, which is a great thing for all future shooters, at least if they try to emulate it.

    I've always been a huge Halo fan, bordering on fanboyism, I admit, but i'm also a very big MNC fanboy. Sadly I don't have enough free time to play two games, and all my friends are Playing Reach, so that's been consuming my time lately. been having plenty of fun, too. The new weapons and Armor Abilities really make for a great experience.

    Once the patch hits for MNC i'll be back playing it as much as I can alongside Reach, though. They're both amazing games.

    Patch, for once I actually agree with parts of one of your posts. I don't mean any offense by it, but your abrasive attitude and 'I'm always right' way of typing usually aggravate me. Not this time, though. At least not completely. ;)

    The enemy AI on Legendary is fantastic, I was getting the piss kicked out of me, and it felt great. But they kept the friendly AI the same level as always. Completely useless, only good for taking enemy fire while I have to regain my shields. I really wish they had gone the CoD MW/MW2 route in regards to AI teamates. As much as I loathe the CoD games, the teammates you got in Campaign were actually decent. They actually killed things, and shot straight. I was kind of amazed.

    On to your second point, A lot of console developers have talked about player hosted servers, or dedicated servers for consoles, and it comes down to cost. They can't afford to run those servers long term without charging monthly. Microsoft has such strict rules about the behind the curtains BS on XBL, that they would never allow it. Player owned servers on console games would probably be very awesome, though. I loved the special servers for TF2 and Battlefield 2142.

    I'm kind of Hoping Bungie's next game becomes a foray into a space fighter, haven't played a good one since Rogue Squadron. In one of their interviews they said that the Space battle was so short because it was an experiment, they wanted to know if they could do it well. Obviously they could, so hopefully we'll see more, I doubt it will be for Reach, though. Bungie has never released a campaign DLC before, so I doubt they will now. There's nothing to add to the campaign, everything was tied up in the original game.

    And if buying things that I enjoy makes someone gullible, then everyone in the world is gullible. Constantly. Unless Microsoft does some idiotic thing like charging 15 dollars for 5 maps like they did for MW2, i'll be buying the Reach DLC.

    By the way, game companies have no say over the DLC pricing, that's all Microsoft. The developers can request a certain price, but it's up to Microsoft's marketing section to price them. That's why Valve has so much trouble putting out their free updates.
  4. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    How Halo Reach pwns MNC:

    Sales. The name alone will lead to phenomenal sales.

    There's more, but does it matter?

    Keep in mind, I HATE FPS and have no love or hate for Halo. I'm not saying this to troll or worse because I'm some Halo fanboy, because I'll take MNC over any Halo game (Well, maybe I'd try the RTS before I said that for sure, but you get the point). Just making a rather objective statement.

    If you think sales themselves don't matter, more sales means more players. Since Halo's been heavily sold based on multiplayer, it's a really good chance you'll see tons of people.

    As far as matchmaking, is there a single console title (Since MNC is on consoles as is Reach) that actually allows you to use private servers? Seriously, I'm not being facetious. I don't pay attention to this sort of thing, but I don't think this online model started with Halo nor is in any way exclusive to it.
  5. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I too like MNC, but seeing one of the Uber employee stating MNC is better than Halo then giving a list of subjective reasons is like the owner of the local hamburger place talking about how the totally pwn McDonald's because their burgers taste better. That may be, but McDonald's doesn't see Ma & Pa Burger as a threat, just like Halo doesn't see MNC as a threat. Now I can see Uber building on their momentum and making some great games down the line, and MNC is a great game in its own right. But it is a little early to say you are pwning the big boys.

    Love, Rudigar.
  6. c4lvitron

    c4lvitron New Member

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    Don't worry everyone. Soon, the two games will be united...

    I am currently working on a LaseRazor remake on on forge
  7. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    Umm, which Uber employee did that?


  8. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Bast didn't get a crimson handle because Uber is prejudice against the Irish. Hence Mickey Cantor being an addict, calling games out of his prison cell.

    Mission accomplished.
  9. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    Yeah, the OP isnt an Uber Dev -- I think the avatar Icon threw him off. :)

    As for Halo Reach -- I think its the BEST campaign I have played to date. I liked the multiplayer but realized quickly that the amount of time needed for me to get 'good' was not a viable option and went back to MW2.
  10. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I've always been impressed with Halo 3's custom games, forge, and video mode even if I found the actual game play in the halo series after Halo CE to be lackluster.

    I was hoping Forge/video mode would be the industry standard in all major FPS/TPS releases after Halo 3, but it seems that only Halo has anything near what forge provides, and black ops is apparently getting video mode in the fall.

    Customization and user created content helps games have a long lasting, dedicated, and active community, and its strange to think that only Bungie has seemingly realized this AND implemented in game features to take advantage of it and encourage it.

    With that said, I have no plans on getting Reach. MNC's gameplay trumps all the other multiplayer games I have recently played, even with the glitches and exploits.
  11. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Sorry, my mistake. Still my other point remain valid.
  12. CStubing

    CStubing New Member

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    Hey, that's offensive to muppets! :!:

    I really agree with the point, though. There is so, so much you can do with game types, yet we get shoehorned in to this ridiculously boring, laughably small set of bland ones. You're right about the voting, too -- even if they did start throwing new types in to the mix, nobody would ever try them out.
  13. Porshapwr

    Porshapwr New Member

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    It's very refreshing to see some honesty for a change. Halo bashing is nothing new but it's nice to see someone being completely honest because it's true - Halo is a VERY deep MP game if you want to be GOOD.

    Instead of admitting that, most simply bash the game and franchise as whole (see the OP). Halo is the #1 console FPS tournament game for a reason. ;)

    That said, MNC is a great game. But comparing the two is ridiculous at best. They are far from the same type of game.
  14. Bast

    Bast New Member

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    Yes wish I hadn't bought Reach at all..When you look at the economies of scale involved , $$$ wise , you see a goliath on one side and a rather small dev team on the other.I would suggest the more money you throw at a project the more you somehow sterilize the outcome..creativity wise I mean.......It certainly seems the case with Bungie . The Irony of the Activision buy in is not lost either.

    There is an honesty in MNC that a lot of bigger games have lost , due not doubt to the financial turnscrew involved.
  15. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Just to be clear, Bast (the original poster) is not and Uber employee.

    Most of us happen to love Halo here and think it's a well done franchise and we wish Bungie all the best with their new endeavor.
  16. Bast

    Bast New Member

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    :lol: just say the gameplay is thin in it and i'll change my av.........the gameplay is thin.
  17. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    And ME2 > MNC > Halo > playing in the dirt > 24 hour stomach virus

    C'mon, what's the point of one game pwning another?
  18. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Gears 1 allows you to. If you mean private/public as in anyone can join, but you host and choose maps/rules that would be Gears 1. Almost every game has private matches, but they are private and no one can join unless invited or from joining session off their friend. Gears 1 is the only one to my knowledge that has the feature.
  19. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    I'll tell you right now, last week I picked up Reach. It was the first Halo game I've ever played, I'm a battlefield guy and I stay away from lasers. MNC changed my mind and showed me that jet packs and lasers can actually be fun.

    Halo is garbage, plain and simple. I'll put money on it that there are very few new Halo players that are actually impressed with the game. I'm sure if I played it 7 or 8 years ago it would have blown my mind, but these days, the only reason it sells and people play it is because they played the previous titles.

    There are other games that utterly dominate halo in everything they try to do in reach. The multiplayer is so empty and dated, they bring zero new to the table. MW2 gives you kill streak rewards which are an awesome addition to MP. Battlefield gives you the frostbite engine with fully destructible buildings one of the most impressive additions to FPS' in years. MNC comes along with an entirely original FPS idea, not some rehashed deathmatch crap with a new name.

    So me, knowing nothing of the previous Halos, sees it as a brand new FPS with all the development money in the world, I was excited to see what it was all about. And what I found was:
    -Insanely sub-standard MP experience, absolutely nothing I haven't seen before.

    -Terrible level design, weird metal ramps and platforms floating off the side of a mountain.

    -Completely sub par graphics in most cases. The exact same guns from the original Halo.

    -The slowest MP matchmaking system I've seen in years.

    -IF SOMEONE LEAVES THE ROUND, THEY DON'T REPLACE THEM! WTF is that all about?? I've never seen this in a game before. Ok it's a race to 75 kills, hunh? everyone left their team except one guy, so you gotta kill that one guy 75 freaking times to end the game or wait till the time runs out.

    -The vehicles and their physics are a complete joke. Haven't they at least seen BF1942, you know that game that came out in 2002. Weird floating/hovering planes that do flips and land vehicles that drive like they're on a lake of ice.

    -The community? Wow. They make the MW2 Community look like the golden girls. I had some friends over that wanted to try a few rounds of MP and just got torn apart by the 12 year olds on the other end because the didn't have a positive KDR at the end of the round.
    And hey! I like teabagging just as much as the next guy, in Halo, you die the entire other team drops what they're doing so that can run over and teabag you, it's crazy.

    The one cool thing I like about halo has nothing to do with gameplay at all, I really like the fact the game saves your last 15 or so rounds so you can watch them later. I'd love that in MNC.

    The campaign is ok too, but It didn't blow me away like gears 2 or red dead.

    And I'm not here complaining because I get owned by the Halo vets, I do actually quite well in MP, I've gotten quite a few top of the round finishes, it's so basic anyone can pick it up and know exactly what to do. It honestly reminded me of playing golden eye or perfect dark on the N64, which were great games, but it's NOT 1997 anymore.

    I've taken a break from MNC, I'm level 75 or something, I've logged some hours for sure and totally feel like I've gotten my moneys worth and more. It needs new content IMO which I will be buying %100 when it comes out. Bunjie owes me 65 god damned dollars.

    I don't care if no one reads this entire post or if I just get a cool story bro, I just needed to get that out.
  20. Monty

    Monty New Member

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    I don't know why these posts always pop up. Why is "x pwn y" always a topic? Monday Night Combat and Halo Reach are two completely different beasts.

    That being said, I haven't played MNC since Reach's launch. Soon enough, I'll be back into MNC, and find a healthy (or as healthy as playing a video game can get) balance between the two games. Why can't people enjoy both games at the same time?

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