Overtime does not need a tweaking, it needs to go.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Goose, September 18, 2010.

  1. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Are we still moaning about Overtime?! Face it everyone it is NOT going anywhere.

  2. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    We're actually not "moaning" about it anymore, seeing as the developers themselves said that it is an important part of the game, which I can understand. We're just discussing a possible change that might make it more enjoyable.
  3. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    If you provide the masses with a forum, they will voice their opinions.

    Welcome to the internet!
  4. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I was still moanings, but I guess I'll stop.
  5. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    I think Overtime should just be juice free.

    They have had 15 minutes to juice rush the money ball, if they don't want to use it then, then that is their fault. Remove juice so Overtime is for real last-ditch pushes and plays. Not just "Hit juice. Win."

    Not only do i hate it when its done to me, but i hate it when my team do it to win. It just feels like such an anti-climatic way to end the game. Overtime should be that time in a game where your like "we were being pushed but we had that awesome moment, pushed them back and won." not just "i saved up $500, bought juice and ended the game."
  6. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    I like this idea. Only concern i have (and it's really the whole issue with solving the overtime problem) is that it would be very difficult to push in the last two minutes without it. Unless the shields stay down.

    Oh, but what if people buy juice early? Even if juice were to be stopped a minute early, people could just buy it a minute and thirty seconds earlier and camp at their base until overtime.
  7. mayolog

    mayolog New Member

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    It's probably not a good idea to mess with juice availability at any time during the match. If people suddenly can't buy juice, or their juice meter suddenly empties, they'll just think it's some kind of a bug.

    The biggest problem with OT (as it is now) is that it automatically accomplishes for the teams the primary goal of MNC, which is to escort the bots to the enemy's money ball long enough to drop their shields. This goal is central to the game and should remain in place throughout the entire match.

    The best thing to do is to up the bot intensity and remove the shields' recharge ability in OT. So when OT starts, it simply indicates that money ball shields can no longer recharge.

    Leave juice alone.
  8. mayolog

    mayolog New Member

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    Perhaps in addition to the 'no more shield recharging' rule, the bot spawning patterns could change so that each 'path' spawns bots only in one direction (exception for pros using the bot spawners). This way, each team has a stream of bots coming into its base and a stream of bots going toward the enemy base, but the bot streams no longer collide.

    This would up the intensity enough to force a quick resolution to the match.

    Not sure I explained that well enough...
  9. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    You bring up a good point. There could be something to explain it, but nobody ever reads the rules. Well, other than me.

    You mean only one color of bots on each lane? That might work.
  10. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    There's no need for tiers of health on the ball; if the game is tied then the team that earned the most money wins (that's in the game description if you missed it).

    Overtime is so short you're not likely to get the shield to go up anyway. The shield mechanic works pretty well in regulation play... why bother changing it for overtime? Having the shield automatically drop turns overtime into a juice rush. Isn't that the real issue? It's too easy to wait and juice the ball when the shield goes down.

    Removing juice is way too complicated. Why bother? Just prevent the shield from automatically going down and then you actually have to work to kill the enemy base. This would eliminate the issue of people ignoring turrets (and juicing the ball). If the enemy team can't get your shield down with waves of jackbots then they don't deserve to win.
  11. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    Juice gets completely drained and never recharges in overtime. They have had 15 minutes. The shields will remain down, and jackbots will spawn out like always, just no juice.

    But i also like the one bot per lane stream idea. Since you can take the spawn routine from one side, apply it to the other and itll be madness. Slap a level 3 rocket turret with level 3 hack infront of a bot lane like that and you'll be rich.
  12. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    I think I agree with this. Overtime is a good concept in terms of flavor - the commercialized, do-anything-to-win feel that Mickey Cantor describes - but a bad fit mechanic-wise. It promotes cheap play, and devalues good tactics.

    It would be a big improvement if all that changed was that it simply didn't activate unless the moneyballs had equal health. Or perhaps were within a 5% or so window of health, since I could see a scenario where pushing for 0.01% damage at the last minute would be equally cheap. But if a team has a strong, decisive lead that they've fought for since the start of the match, overtime shouldn't rob them of that.

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