since when are you a noob for playing a certain class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Enigma5081, September 30, 2010.

  1. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    So today i played grenade III which is my favorite map. I played an assault like i always do cause no one ever is in my games. I racked up 32 kills and 4 deaths good i know i was very pleased with this. Now before i get into detail i have a simple question...

    If you reached your hand into a cookie jar and felt a snap on your finger would you reach back in again? Maybe once more if your stupid, but let's say you do this 4-5 times that makes you a moron.

    So my point is if i throw down my bomb and you keep jumping up and dying from it whose the noon me or you? You!

    Now the point of this discussion is that in many games i have been called a noon for classes certain ways whih in fact are how hey are ment to be played since i am given these skills. So answer me this what truly makes a player a" noob"? And if you think there is a noon class say so and why.
    Last edited: September 30, 2010
  2. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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    I dont approve of "Post here if you agree" threads. So I will state, who cares.
  3. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I believe you are very 12 o'clock indeed!
  4. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    i've been called far worse than a noob for using certain classes in this game
  5. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    You're only a noob while playing a Sniper, Gunner or Tank and going deeply negative in kills.

    Otherwise it's smooth sailing.
  6. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    LIVE Activity for week of Sept 27
    Top Indie Games (Full Versions purchased)

    1. Snap on Yor Fiber
    2. Try Not To Fart
    3. Baby Maker Extreme
    4. Ow, My Balls! *
    5. I MAED A GAM3 W1TH AV4TRZ IN IT!!!1

    * brought to you by Carl's Jr.
  7. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Well, according to the almighty dbowiLL i'm a no lifing speed glitching exploit using noob because i beat the snot out of him with assassin
  8. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    Yes i've played against him too and had a similiar experience minus the assassin part. I wonder what people are going to complain about when the patch comes out? I already get called a trash assault by a support who only uses the shotgun... because apparently it takes skill to kill someone with just your shotgun? To me it takes skill to use all your skills even if it means you use one more than another. But anyways i got side tracked. What's eveybodys view on MLG coming to MNC i think its great but i also hear negative things from people.

    And thanks for everybody joining in im happy my first post is gettig some posts lol :]
  9. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    What can you expect, Rev--you're very good whereas dbowiLL is mediocre at best. You're also a team player, which tends to be rare in MNC.

    If dbowiLL stopped farming kills with all the boosters in the top ten, he'd be decent enough so that he wouldn't have to make excuses every time he gets slaughtered.

    I'm only an average player, but I managed to win against him with five (me) on six (dbowiLL). None of my teammates said a word the entire game, although one of them (killensuckaz) intentionally played badly (2:8 k/d) because he's a friend of dbowiLL's. Despite it effectively being four against six, he never dropped our Moneyball's shields down, had six fewer kills than me, was not the top scorer on his team, and lost seven seconds into Overtime.

    The best part is that he turned around and told his booster buddies like BK201 Wolf that he "completely shredded" me, and that I made a bunch of excuses after the match...yet dbowiLL was the one who sent me 20+ voice messages crying about why he lost. It's a shame they'll expire in a few weeks; his tears are delicious.

    The only nice thing I have to say about "pro gaming" (oxymoron?) is that it's a handy frame of reference for muting/blocking those with MLG gamertags, pics, and bios.
  10. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Every class in this game is a noob class.
  11. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Aw thanks patch, i try my darndest, and i always try to find new inventive strategies, like i'm the only good assassin i know of that uses the smoke bomb for more that escaping/blinding turrets.

    And i've played with BK201 many many times, all he does is go for k/d, speed glitch, go for k/d
  12. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    Patch, don't be humble. You're one of the best support guys i've played with and against. Playing gunner vs gunner against CX when he's over healed 24/7 is not what I call a good time :) .
  13. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    You should teach me your smoke bomb ways. It might get me to play assassin more (not that I need to when you and Bolt are on my team.)
  14. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I am not really sure what you are saying here, but i use the smoke bomb mostly to get to certain places (up high or over that ice trap). Not to escape or blind. But i can hardly call that inventive, more like, logical.
  15. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    Patch i agree with you 100% everytime i have played against him he's always lost or actually left. And as for MLG i just think it will actually scare away some of the boosters cough cough. But i guess no matter what there will always be people raging about losing.
  16. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    Ps if anyone ever wants to play a match or anything you can add me enigma5081 i play as a team though im no lone wolf
  17. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Assassain is a noob class because people just want to play a ninja.
    Assault is a noob class because of his charge and assault rifle
    Gunner is a noob class because he deals a lot of damage out of the box and that appeals to noobs.
    Sniper is a noob class because all noobs and scrubs care about is HEDSHOTZ LOLOLOL
    Support is a noob class because...Jesus, I could write a book on this one, but to keep it short I'll go with "you don't have to aim to kill people."
    Tank is a noob class because he takes so much damage. (ALT: ...because Hudson beat me with it).

    Anyway, since when? Since a class system was introduced to a multiplayer game. Hell, classes aside, I remember playing Street Fighter 2 (The orginal, no CE/SSHDOMGWTFBBQ struff), and people would moan about certain fighters. I think all those characters were called "rookie" classes by someone. So this goes back longer than some of you have been playing games.

    God, I feel old.

    There's been noob characters, noob tactics, noob maps, noob combos, noob umbrellas, and the occasional noob saibot.

    It's old as dirt, and just as appealing.
  18. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Basically what it boils down to is that people like to believe that they're better than other people. Someone might have a preferred class and play style, and if someone beats them using a different class or different tactics then they can choose to believe that either that person is better at the game than them, or that person is a "noob" using cheap tactics. Guess what most people choose to believe.
  19. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Head shots are noob tactics.
  20. TouchFuzzy

    TouchFuzzy New Member

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    You pretty much nailed it on the head, here. Rather than shatter the illusion that they are an unstoppable gaming badass they prefer to believe that your class/tactic/controller/room setup/cousin-in-law is inherently noobish and inferior to their godlike class/tactic/controller/etc/etc. It's easier to do that than step back, analyze why they failed, and adapt. One requires change, the other requires rationalization, and one is inherently easier to accomplish than the other.

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