Full Disc Sequel

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by Shammas, September 17, 2010.

  1. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I'd agree with Dan's sentiments. This game is far better than most $60 games out there. It's got a few problems but the fix for those is in the works.

    I was going through the demo warmup and said screw this I'll buy the game. I knew I wanted it ever since I watched the support walkthrough.
  2. Trademark

    Trademark New Member

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    Ugh can you imagine games full of assassins and assaults? I think Id avoid the game if i had to play that. personally the demo got me interested enough to buy it as soon as I could go out and buy some points. Although some extra time to play all the classes would have been better for me. My first games i switched classes mid-game so I could try them all out, but that just put me at a big disadvantage.
  3. Malcolm X

    Malcolm X New Member

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    Hell yes, a full fledged sequel? I think Uber would be very tempted to not add much since they've already got a complete game, but maybe they could double the classes and match size. That would be epic.
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    my feelings are that this game could take off quickly, if made into a disc and advertized, and its amazing its so big as a download game for xbl that i bet it could match other games even if it always remains a download title if enough people learned about it.

    this game has its own place because of what it incorporates. its a ground-level tower defence game (those flash games get hundreds of millions of views), where your character is a weapon-wielding combatant that builds defences to their base and destroys enemies/defences torwards the enemy base. it was an amazing idea to make a two-way tower defence game on a ground-level like this.

    the theme to the game is quite funny and memorable. the personalities and setting is a far-fetched comedy like portal.

    no matter how this title evolves, if kept up by the masterminds at work, it will collect the entire competitive community as a die-hard fanbase (and possibly the single player action as well if blitz is made more story-line and interesting, its already delicious now), it has amazing potential. record sales potential. game of the year potential. no matter how slow or fast its recognized, i have faith it will come to happen.

    Our Kudos to UberEnt.!
  5. Einarath

    Einarath New Member

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    It has really good potential to eventually be a full-fledged disc game, but until that possibilty comes along, I'd rather think about the DLC.

    I love the game (I only stopped playing this since it came out because of Reach, and that was only for a short time because I enjoy this multiplayer more than Reach's), and want to see it expanded a little at a time, so that Uber can see what works.

    But maybe after a few DLCs have come out (a new class or two? :eek: ) and a few experiments and different things have been tried, will I be convinced that this game could evolve into a disc game with a solid single-player, local multiplayer, and a vast online multiplayer.

    Until then, I'll just be happy with what I consider to be easily one of the best (if the not the best) XBLA multiplayer game I've seen.
  6. Organous

    Organous Member

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    The demo does allow you to play a game or two of the online modes. That seems to be a valid representation.
  7. Dan Yo

    Dan Yo New Member

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    By "poor representation" I meant for the game as a whole. Obviously the game is unchanged in the demo, but it wasn't enough to accurately represent to people what the game really was like once you've had time to understand the game and the various classes. At least that's what I took from the 180 reactions I kept hearing from people going from the demo to having more time with the full game.
  8. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We hear both but our demo conversion rate has been pretty high and there's always room for improvement.
  9. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    I would absolutely buy a full disc sequel.
  10. Nayr

    Nayr New Member

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    It'd be cool, hopefully MNC did well enough to at least warrant a sequel in the next 5 years or so. Whether that be on XBLA or on Disc either will be fine by me.
  11. TELOMOT0

    TELOMOT0 New Member

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    I remember reading somewhere, I don't remember where; but I though that Uber was against making this game into a disc or title, or w/e you called it, because they want to promote disc-less gaming, where you can just download what ever game instead of going to the store. It would save time and money. It's really the future of gaming I personally believe. . . But yeah Shammas, iunno

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    this game should not be made into a full priced retail disc game.

    biggest reason is people expect more from a full priced game.
    this game provides everything you would want in a full priced game except 1 thing cutting edge realistic grphics. and to build this game with realistic graphics would detract from the feel of the game.

    would they be able to make money doing so yes.
    but i doubt it would be a blockbuster hit. so the question is would that trade off be worth it?

    i want more of the same in the next mnc. i want the cartoon look the same fun gameplay just more of it you know.

    if they do ever make a retail game i have faith it will be something new something diffrent and something praised by players.
  13. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    All I want is expanded content and more polished gameplay, without sacrificing the core mechanics or being too "n00b friendly". If that takes them 5 years to accomplish, then so be it.
  14. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    The only problem is "noob friendly = more games sold" in the long run. I agree 100% what you said, and it is the biggest reason I refuse to play Call of Duty or Halo anymore, but the mass majority of gamers want more instant gratification in their games. They don't want to work to get their kill, they want it as easily as possible.

    The more complex the game, usually the better, but at the same time it means that the game is less accessible to the less skilled population. Less accessibility means less games sold. If they make a full disc sequel, it will cost more in distribution alone (since digital distribution is much cheaper), meaning a cost hike, meaning a price hike for you and me, meaning a lower chance for many people to pick it up. You see where I'm going with this (I hope. I'm not very articulate today).
  15. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Sure, but a full disc sequel also means availability to a much bigger market. I'm pretty sure most XBox live gamers don't even consider arcade games. Plus disc games get much more press coverage than xbox live games, and then there is large portion of the market that chooses their games simply by browsing through the selection of the local game store.
  16. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Yeah, I didn't think about that. The only six arcade games that I have felt I got a good value for my money are MNC, Settlers of Catan, the Penny Arcade episodes, Hydro Thunder: Hurricane, and Battlefield 1943. That isn't great considering I have bought at least forty titles.
  17. mute

    mute New Member

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    Could you imagine MNC combined with a concept like they did with 1 vs 100? That would be insane.

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    huh? lol
  19. Blatant Troll

    Blatant Troll New Member

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    Monday Night Combat seems to have sucked me in as Halo 3 did a year ago, so you know Uber must be doing something right. A full retail sequel would be awesome.
  20. StormedCorpse

    StormedCorpse New Member

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    If they ever do make a disc sequel then I would somehow like to transfer all my protags and stats over etc.. Hopefully they do make a sequel.

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