Assaults are a little too powerful, and Sniper one-shots are just obnoxious as hell -- but still, this game should be more popular than it is. I was hoping SMNC would just be an improved version of MNC, but it's a completely different (and crappier) game altogether. Pretty big bummer IMO. Don't really understand why MNC didn't catch on better. And I have no idea how SMNC has more people playing it. That game is just a mess. It's like they took everything that MNC did right...and completely ignored it. Whenever I play SMNC, it feels to me like SMNC is some reject game from the 90's, and MNC is actually the improved polished version. Anyway, TLDR: MNC is still fun; should have more players; sucks that it doesn't. Oh, and only virgins play Sniper.
I still think I might pick it up anyway. I started on SMNC, but I feel like since I love it so much I should at least try to play MNC even though they are different, PLUS I get skins for SMNC!
I've been thinking about picking up monday night combat but I keep reading posts here and on the steam forum that say the game is dead. Is it still possible to reliably find a server with other people to play a game with?
The game is dead in the sense that the community is tiny, but there's always a match going 24/7. I've never logged on and not been able to find a match. On the weekdays, there's at least one server constantly at or near max. On the weekend, there'll be two or three. The one cool part about this is that you're playing with a bunch of the same people every night. It'd be cool if MNC would go freemium. Let people play the game for free, but let them make microtransactions for character slots, badges, skins, etc. Kinda like they're doing with SMCN. Oh, and the Sniper should cost $60 to unlock. Izanagi would probably pay for it in a heartbeat.
When I first played SMNC and it took like 20 seconds to kill a bot, I knew there was gonna be trouble. That game is just garbage.
I am highly unimpressed that you based your entire opinion of SMNC on the first four and a half minutes.
I'll have you know it was at least 20 minutes. It only takes a few seconds to smell when someone farts. Not sure why I'd need to play SMNC for hours to decide that it sucks. It ruined fundamental aspects of MNC that I enjoyed.
While I do see why anyone would hate it, the main reason SMNC's "big" right now is because it's new, a bit glossier than MNC, and somewhat different. Not to say MNC doesn't need more players. However, there are reasons MNC isn't what it use to be. 1.Like you said, class balance isn't the best. 2.Uber basically gave up and wiped the board to work on SMNC at some point, leaving MNC "unfinished". 3.Over time alot of elitist douchebags that don't even play the game anymore drove out newcomers, ruining many chances for the game to remain active. These reasons and a few others are why MNC is, and probably will be for a long time, comatose.
smnc is good once you get levelled up. I just don't like waiting to reach those higher levels for higher lethality. but you have to give the game a try. learn the classes and game style. play at least 50 games before you say its garbage. The game is just not for me but i do wish it to be a big success. MNC is shooter with dota elements. SMNC is dota/moba with shooter elements. dont play smnc like you do mnc, it wont work. Also I don't think it's fair selling this game for $10. I still see people buying this game and when they enter it no one is in a server. Couple days ago i tutored a few guys about the game and they were wondering where the players were. It's like buying team fortress. Make the game $5 or maybe just remove it.
Out of curiosity, have you tried playing on a server with more than 100 ping? It is completely unplayable due to bad netcoding. Even worse, if anyone has more than 150 ping in the server, it gets bad.
Playing on a ping above 100 is not hard... at all. Problems start to occur at around 250. And only two classes that are most effected by a ping above 200 are assasin and tank. This is not CS, where a ping above 100 effects where the player models apear. I can consistently headshot people with a 300 ping.
I wish uber did something to bring MNC back up and running. Like a small patch to nerf Sniper HS and a sale on Steam could do the trick.
1 month old thread... anws Would be nice but I doubt that will ever happen. Its sad to see a game full of bugs though and a small update would be very much appreciated. In regards to the sniper I always thought that light classes (sin and snipy) should get ohk and support & assault with gold armor have a headshot + a body shot to kill them. Or something like that, i dont know. I just hope SMNC doesnt go the same way.
fortunately for us xbox users we dont play with a mouse so we dont have to worry about constant one shots jealous?
Silly PC MNC players, the true community still is on Xbox, we have more players than you As for SMNC, turbomode is a great compensation to Super Crossfire. Feels more old school. PC MNC < XBOX MNC, the game plays better even without uncle tullys and new outfits, theres even new players playing all the time