Overtime does not need a tweaking, it needs to go.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Goose, September 18, 2010.

  1. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    Sorry for misinterpreting the purpose of this thread. I kinda like the shields on the ball during overtime idea. But it would be kinda hard to pull off a two minute push concidering how both teams survived the first fifteen.

    I'd like to know what Uber thinks. Do you like the idea of overtime only settling complete ties?
  2. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    Then make overtime five minutes. There's no way both teams are surviving for that long when there's hordes of Jackbots, bacon-mode and constant juicing.
  3. RecChemForbin

    RecChemForbin New Member

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    Overtime is stupid! Unless it is a complete tie! If a team is ahead at the end of any game, there isn't overtime...so why would it be that way on MNC? Make it go to overtime only if its a tie. That stops people camping and waiting for overtime to hit then, upgrading rocket turrets and juicing the ball. I'll just stop playing if this isn't fixed b/c it's bullshit. friggin' campers
  4. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    learn to play the game.
  5. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    How the heck does learning to play the game stop campers from camping? And before you hit me with a bunch of flames, I'm only saying learning more about the game will not stop other players decision. I know that more skill equals a harder time camping. But it does not completely stop it (unless you're on a team I guess).
  6. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    You wouldn't need extra time for overtime if the shield stayed up. As one of the protips states: the team with the most money wins if the game is tied.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You know how easy it is to stop a line of moving bots. It would be even easier to stop the Jackbots lane although after killing one there are more behind them.
  8. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Team with the Highest Moneyball health wins

    even health?

    Team with the most (unspent) money wins

    Not a fan of overtime. Things like that might work on CoD or halo games but i thought MNC was a step above those focusing heavily on tactical team play. The whole idea of overtime seems to contradict this. You could get your teams moneyball down to 50% and then lost it because your moneyballs shield instatly vanishes at a unlucky moment in the game.
  9. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I have lost with my ball at 100% and theirs at like 1%.
    When overtime hit, i have no idea what the rest of my party was doing, but i was ready to juice when it hit, but their spawn was Ice Trapped and at max 10 seconds into overtime our ball was already gone from full to zero, before i could get to theirs.
    Sure, that was pretty good. They managed to trap me in an Ice Trap and timed their moneyball assault pretty good. But still, what happened to the other 15 minutes of game time, when it eventually came down to 10 seconds of overtime.

    "You should have brought the ball down to 0% before overtime", yeah well, i tried. But that is no reason for me to lose when being better 900 seconds and losing in 10 seconds.
  10. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I mean more of he needs to learn to push out and put them on the defensive before they have a chance to set up camp.
  11. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    I think defensive is what he meant by camping. That's how I saw it anyway.
  12. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Well then he needs to learn how to use bots as shields and get in there and wreck up their base. What, does he want the moneyball handed to him on a silver tray for him to break at his whim?
  13. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    Okay let's say that all six opposing players were protecting their base, waiting for overtime. Even if your whole team focused on raiding the base, it would be extremely difficult to bring the moneyball down, let alone destroy it. All he's saying (correct me if I'm wrong) is that the game rewards camping because of this technique. His leaving the game because of this is kind of whiny, I'll admit. But it's still a worthy claim.

    Would you argue that a six-pro defense is a bit overkill? I mean, I'm exaggerating, obviously, but it could actually be a viable tactic.
  14. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I would push and spam bots into their base. Even if they are all camping and defending, sheer number of bots would force down there ball.
  15. mayolog

    mayolog New Member

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    The goal of OT is to end the match quickly, without changing the rules of the game too drastically. Bringing down the other team's money ball shields should be a basic requirement for winning the match. So, how about this for a solution:

    Money Ball shields don't drop when OT starts. But once they're down, they don't ever come back up again.
  16. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    There's a lot of problems with this argument, but ignoring that:
    Let's say two teams are about evenly matched. They're both putting on pressure and defending when they need to, so that neither team gets the money ball down. Then overtime is triggered and the outcome is determined by a plethora of random factors. Each players' position on the map, how much juice they had, how much money, what turrets are down. It's basically a coin-toss to determine who wins. How is that fair?
  17. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    I understand what you are getting at, but the random factors your state are not really random. Teams can and will set up in a way that will maximize a quick offensive as soon as OT hits with a juice rush. I understand the need for a conclusion at the end of a game. I also understand that the existence of OT causes many players who are prone to leaving if they are losing to stay because the game can turn at the end. I also understand the other side, where it is frustrating to dominate a whole game but not quite be able to end it in regulation, then lose to a juice rush.

    I don't know if there is a clear cut solution that will satisfy both sides. The best I could come up with would be toggle options for the host, so each server could play the way they wanted to. Unfortunately, due to the lack of dedicated servers, this solution most likely would not solve very much.

    Another suggestion would be a potential tiered health system for the money ball. There could be 4 tiers: 0-25%, 25%-50%, 50%-75%, and 75%-100%. The differential between the tiers of the two money balls at the beginning of OT could give different advantages or handicaps to the respective teams for the duration of OT.

    Of course, we'll have to wait and see how the title update affects this dynamic as well.
  18. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    My positioning next to a money ball at the end of overtime isn't random.
  19. Entropy

    Entropy New Member

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    People need to quit being such babies about it. There are extremely few video games with this level of honest player/developer interaction. If everything has to be filtered through PR speak its only going to make it harder for information to get out to the community.

    I hate overtime, think its not a good way to end games, and it always reduces my enjoyment of a match (win or lose, it just feels lame to spend 15 minutes pushing bots back and forth if the bots can be completely ignored during the last 1-2 minutes that actually matter). The developers disagree, and most likely are basing that on a lot more testing than I'm able to do. Since its being tweaked in the impending TU, I'm more than happy to wait and see how it plays out in the update.

    Personally, I really like the suggestion of just not having the shields auto-drop in OT. The bigger bots and massive boost to player stats will probably push things one way or the other pretty quickly. Maybe it introduces new problems I haven't thought of, but thats my opinion for now at least.
  20. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I like over time, and feel it is fine the way it is. I can win a game before it, but it makes it feel more sudden...maybe more like emanate death.

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