Sticky: Exploit Reports

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by forrestthewoods, August 17, 2010.

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  1. Konner

    Konner New Member

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    If the game interprets movement or some function (not sure on what causes it) during the hacking animation, your RS can be disabled. This happens to me quite a fair amount, and always results in a suicide because I cannot use my RS to aim.
  2. faits

    faits New Member

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    Support needs to aim?
  3. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    It's been happening. It's hair-pullingly frustrating to get behind actual cover, only to see the bullets go through the very edge of the barrier you're standing behind. This especially seems to happen with the Gunner and curved walls, they can chew bullets through the outer curving surface. Maybe it's a hit detection issue, maybe it's something else. Either way, you can sorta tack that on with the 'snipers shoot thru glass / support throws firestorm through glass 'n' hacks through walls problem.'

    (No, I'm not talking about the Rail Gun - as far as I know, that is the one weapon that should be able to penetrate at least one barrier when it shoots.)
  4. Konner

    Konner New Member

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    Yes. Yes he does.

    Your bratty humor was uncalled for. It's a serious glitch.
  5. hugs

    hugs New Member

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    Nearly 50% of the time I'm playing I am not able to use my X button ability and if this happens when I am an assassin I am also not able to rightbumper lunge. I have also been having this weird glitch lately that doesn't let me spawn after the 5 seconds are over (a workaround is to select the same custom class again then wait another 8-10 seconds).
  6. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Turrets shooting Cloaked Assassins! (even with no flicker on the cloak)
  7. Chosen Predator

    Chosen Predator New Member

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    Steel Peel Arena there seems to be an exploit of Assault floating above the firebase shooting his grenade gun having a vantage point that is unreachable not sure how he got up there but he was exploiting the crap out of it
  8. Ratatox

    Ratatox New Member

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    I'm not really sure if this guy was using an exploit or he was just hacking.
    He was running extremely fast continuously and I heard that there is an exploit and I think it has happened to me before but this guy seemed to have been running even faster than just a regular dash.

    i luv hannah w
  9. defodijabox

    defodijabox New Member

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    I completely agree, I have died many times from that.
  10. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    It does happen many times, and every Assassin knows, even with gold Armor, Firebases still rip through you, especially when your caught off guard because your cloaked and it shouldn't of been firing at you in the first place.
  11. mute

    mute New Member

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    On Steel Peel Arena, in the circular rooms with the jump pad that have the back entrances to the bases.. a Gunner can hover high enough to get onto the curved spot of the wall around the top, then camp/shoot from on top of that.. Exposes the whole base from way across the map.. and if the player knows what he is doing, extremely hard to counter. With the current bug that you can shoot the shields down with a player, the gunner at the start of a game only has to get half way across the map, jump up there and shoot the shields down.. while most players are just going "wtf... where?????" Game over.
  12. mute

    mute New Member

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    Most of the time, its because a FB (or someone else) is firing at something else and happens to hit you with a bullet,.. then once temparily exposed it rips into you and your cloak never fully recovers because you are constantly being hit. I've yet to really notice a FB hitting me when its not my fault. Being hit with any weapon does expose your cloak, with regular bullets its just for a second.. but its long enough.
  13. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    There is an even lamer version of this for the sniper and tank. I've seen quite a few people be in the spawn with the barrel of their sniper rifle sticking out (able to shoot at enemies). It also works on glass barriers. I don't think the tank can do it from the base, but he can shoot through glass barriers (not hiding behind with his gun on the side but barrel poking through the glass).

    The exploit has something to do with changing your weapons while against the barrier. Can't seem to reproduce it, but some people have perfected it.
  14. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    The sniper version isn't really that much of a glitch. It's just because the first person camera when scoped doesn't actually line up right where the sniper's head is. The result is that if you just barely peak around a corner you can see and shoot everything, but the only thing you have exposed is a single scrawny arm.

    Personally, this doesn't really annoy me very much. I see it as an amateur tactic used by snipers that don't know how to move and shoot at the same time. I main a sniper, and I've never had a problem taking someone out like this. It's easier to hit a small stationary target than a larger moving target.
  15. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    You missed the key words....
  16. drunken feedle

    drunken feedle New Member

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    ive seen a tank do this at the corner of one of the walls.. he was right by my base and had his gun rail gun sticking out... was an easy kill though
  17. CDR Alpha Niner

    CDR Alpha Niner New Member

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    I think there might be an exploit with the Assassin in terms of syncing up its charge, rate-of-fire with its sword, and its permanent-sprinting state. I played one game where 3 individuals were able to make their Assassins sprint at the same speed as their forward charge permanently, and have a sword rate-of-fire they could execute which seemed to be faster than normal while moving at this speed. Not sure how this is being done...

    Another problem: Longshot Level 3 Turrets in Grenade III Arena put up near bot spawn garages hit glass panels on the bridges above them.

    I also noticed that when Overtime in my last game struck, my ammo clips were maxed out even though I had not selected Ammo Mule as my gold endorsement...don't know how
  18. drunken feedle

    drunken feedle New Member

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    they might be juiced up...
    alot of assassins on juice seam incredibly fast
  19. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    -that may not be the best turret to directly defend the ball. that being said, they do the same thing in the nubs against the wall in steel peel.

    -overtime does not increase clip size, it gives you gold endorsements, barring the ones you already have on. so it removes your ammo mule and gives you an ammo mule. i think.
  20. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    Not sure if you can still do this but supports can throw their firebases through the spawn shield so it can fire at you when you spawn.

    So 2-3 level 3 firebases hacked at level 3 can tear through a tank win gold armor in seconds. But like i said not sure if it still works im not a cheater so i haven't done it.
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