All bots are not Equal

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by UberGunner, September 23, 2010.

  1. DDM

    DDM New Member

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    I would have to agree that some of the bots are not that great particularly scamblers and bounces
    My solution would be a tech 4-5 (those pick and white ones) bouncer and 2 scramblers
    buzzers i would like to see at tech 2
    (tech one is unupgraded)
  2. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Mine must be broken.... but they've been that way since the days where you could spam the crap out of them.

    Every now and then they kill someone, just like every now and then you find paper money in the street.
  3. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Now that we are on page three, it's time to ask the real question:

    Why do gunners and tanks have the same crappy bot?

    I see the bouncer bot as something the tank would like. He can keep up with it if he uses his jets and it will help him get in close to use his weapon.

    Doesn't work well for a gunner. The bouncer runs off and gets to the end zone way before you get there.

    Honestly where is the mobile gun platform bot? Think something like a gap shot, but give it more armor (making it look something like a tortoise) with some kind of mid range weapon. If the gap shot is a level 2 long shot, make the turtle a level 2 rocket turret on legs.

    Now that's a bot I would love to spawn.
  4. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    0 ... monkey.jpg?
  5. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    That would be epic. Sadly haters gunna hate.. and scream overpowered.
  6. MzAerie

    MzAerie New Member

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    Although I agree with the Scrambler being a bit underpowered majority of the time, Bouncers on the other hand have always done their job for me. Have you guys ever made a Bouncer a Support buddy? An overhealed Bouncer that is constently getting healed by a support can wreck some serious havoc on an enemy team. The Bouncer's speed combined with a Support's Healgun has gotten me many kills.
  7. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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  8. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    like ubergunners idea but lvl 2 rockit is OP- that's $600 of firepower for $100 lvl one i think would do. No bots, other than the jackbot currently have real firepower at range. That's what the gunner bot needs. Also the current bouncer needs more health and a more damaging grapple.
  9. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I thought about this with a friend but here's the problem. Bouncers are faster than supports so he can't keep up with the bot. Seems to be a trend for how I want to use said robot.... /sigh.

    I'd rather have the healgun on me... I'm way better than a bouncer. I think my friends would rather have me overhealed than the bouncer too.

    Your answer in practice sounds like this to me: it's good if you jump through hoops to make it work.
  10. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I said look at the gapshot as a model. It costs 100 and somewhere between a lvl 2/3 longshot in terms of offense. Right out of the gate it has the range to hit anything on the map (even low trajectories). Gapshots are slow artillery bots that are very fragile. My turtle bot idea would differ from this in that it has less range (aka near gunner effective ranges w/o accuracy buff) and the durability of a lvl 2 rocket turret. Its offense should be something closer to a lvl 1 rocket turret. Again it was an idea for the model. I wasn't suggesting that gunners should spawn mobile lvl 2 rocket turrets.

    Bouncers would be ok if they had a real charge maneuver to setup their grapple but they don't. They would be ok if they had a lot more health, but they don't. Bouncers would be ok if they did more damage, or if they grabbed someone and flailed them around for a while (so you could kill them while they were being grabbed)..... but they don't do much of anything well.
  11. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    You too? Bouncer spam is kinda funny, actually. Everyone expects Gremlin spam.
  12. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    you...Do realise you're talking team play, right? Why would we opt for that in TDM?
  13. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Bouncers didn't work even when you could spam the crap out of them. Sure you'll kill stupid people, but against anyone with half a brain they do nothing.
  14. scyfed

    scyfed New Member

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    wait you mean gapshots and gremlins actually do stuff? LIES!!!

    spawning bots is always a fail, you spend 100 for gremlins and at best you can hope for is a kill that gets you 25 worst you waste 100 and nothing happens. even if you killed some one you still lost 75. in groups there good, but so is juice and its even better. with 5 bots you can get maybe 2-3 kills, with juice you can level an entire base and then some.
  15. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Gapshots are the best way to kill a turret as a support. Gremlins are amazing at bringing down the ball and they are not bad vs turrets. Some assistance may be necessary on your part to get decent results.
  16. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    You know, I'm yet to get killed by gremlins. Sure, you'll kill stupid people, but against anyone with half a brain they do nothing.
  17. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    I gremlin spam all the time. People might get mad at me for it, but hey, it gets me money. If i don't get a kill with my gremlins, i at least get 2/3 assists, and as an assassin i tend to play a more support role for my team, so ill end up with like 4/5 kills, and like 26/30 assists. Thats how i know iv helped my team.

    Its also really fun spamming gremlins on one lane, then switching lanes and spamming them that side. Really throws the enemy team off when they are used to gremlins coming from one side.

    What iv always wandered is if gremlins can run up ramps? I know they cant get up jump pads, but on maps that have ramps, (for the life of me i cant remember that really open one with the annihilator in a little house in the middle, ammo mule?) can they run up stairs?

    Either way i don't mind, i love my gremlin spam assist money.
  18. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Bots can't take ramps to bridges.
  19. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    Ah, i guess the ramp is just too vertical for my little gremlins legs. Ah well.
  20. MzAerie

    MzAerie New Member

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    Well excuse me for not camping with my firebase near the enemy spawn :| . I like to change up my gameplay tactics besides what typically expected from Supports. Using the same tactic over and over again gets old after a while, not to mention the enemy will eventually catch on to how you play. With that in mind I always switch up my gameplay styles, even if that includes making a Bouncer my healing buddy. Of course I would take an ally pro over a Bouncer any day.

    Oh and about the Bouncer being too fast for the Support to keep constant healing on it, very rarely it's a problem for me. If you want you can try it out and see how it works for you.

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