Assassin changes discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Rhynno, September 20, 2010.

  1. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Smoke bomb would make for a more persuasive argument if it lasted longer. That being said, it's nifty against a weak turret that's unguarded.

    95% of the arguments about power, balance, and skill seem to come down to the concept of "which would work better in my ideal circumstances."

    Though the video in question for assassin seems to come down to that as well. The Assassin is playing against the whole "lane pushing" concept and the video even points out, effectively, that they're playing more TDM than anything else. On top of which, they're playing against really bad players, far as I can tell. Assaults and tanks who effectively stand there? Folks building level one Lazer Blazers unattended in the central points?

    Yeah. where do the rest of us get opponents like that? I can keep my KDR positive as a lane-pushing assassin, but if people are just lining up to taste my blade, I could be getting 50-X-0 on a regular.
  2. BK201 Wolf

    BK201 Wolf New Member

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    Even if they were horrible players, it wasn't to show how good my assassin is, None of that changes the fact that Assassin can anihiliate a crowd of bots or a jackpot in a flash, get juiced up and destroy a number of turrets, while Assault can barely tickle a jackpot compared to an Assassin, and has to rely on picking up juice boxes to get juiced. Also, it isn't quite TDM when the other team is incapable of taking our ball down but would tear it up if they could. That's all I'm saying in response to that guy who claims the Assassin class is worthless.

    On to the topic of this thread, I think not being able to cloak while stabing some one will make it more challenging and it will take more strategy to move about, it's not a big deal though, I would gladly die for my team if murdering a support behind a turret will make a difference. :)

    *Edit* I took what you said into consideration so I uploaded this video, count how many turrets I destroy...and how many times I get juiced and how fast as an Assassin. Near the end of the video before overtime, I destroy two lvl 3 rocket turrets while the enemy trying to take me down. Also I was playing with 4 other people I know and we got split up so it's not like it was all scrubs, and due notice how they tear up my base with their Assassins and how the Gunner slams if I grapple from the front but I immediately jump and lunge, this isn't to judge my skill but in response to the guy that claims Assassins are useless and can't take down turrets, gunners or it's too easy to play.

    Now to get back to the topic, I also hope they're fixing the juice glitch where the juice bar doesn't drain, it happens to Assassin a lot, it almost never happens to other classes.

    Here is the video New Video
    Last edited: September 24, 2010
  3. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I see a list of excuses.
  4. BK201 Wolf

    BK201 Wolf New Member

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    excuses for what? All you're doing is speculating and saying the opposite team sucks, that to me sounds like an exuse. This other video isn't a team of scrubs, maybe two or three people were as there will always be in public matches. Let me know of what excuse you can come up with as to why Assassins still can't affect the bot escorting and destruction of turrets. Or maybe all you came here is argue without anything to show. I sent you a private message asking if you wanna play on Xbox live and show me how to play but I have a feeling you're going to come up with "a list of excuses".... I'm done, you can keep contradicting what I have said, but competent players know what an Assassin is supposed to do.

  5. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Until you are transparent and your cloak generates the "invisible" distortion effect turrets can see you. You cloak while it's shooting you and you are still visable as far as the firebase is concerned because your cloak never fully deployed.

    Cloaks have worked this way in many other games.... every play mechassault on the first Xbox?
  6. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    And the balance for that is that you can instantly kill every class except a tank with your sword before they can do anything to respond.

    To me it means assassins can't cheat anymore. Now you'll have to play like all the rest of us and have to take out firebases. Wanna know a secret? Firebases are stupid and have exploitable programmed responses.

    Firebases only have good range when hacked. It takes a while for a support to move to a good spot, place his turret and hack it. That's the time to strike. Firebases with only 180 degrees range of motion would be terrible. You might as well have a rear assassin grapple do the same damage as a front grapple.
  7. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    True enough, But that's the whole point. You can't "one shot" anybody if you die every single time you de-cloak due to fire bases covering such huge areas.

    As amusing as sarcasm is!
    Killing fire bases like everyone else is fine and dandy, The tools given to assassins and assaults so perform such a task however are very poor compared to the other classes

    Tanks and snipers laugh at fire bases, taking them out even if a support is there camping it without effort

    Gunners and supports have to come at them with bit more care but also can drop them quick

    Assaults, even with gold rof spamming the g-launcher can not take one out that is being healed

    Assassins CAN take them out while healed but only if the conditions to do so are met
    -You have spent 550$ for cloak3
    -You have enough time to stand perfectly still and shoot 7 clips into it

    The second part is the real deal breaker, the enemy team isn't gonna just let you stand there for like 20+ seconds spamming the FB down with your bright purple stream of sexy

    I haven't tested the exact amount of shots needed to drop one being healed but it's a bit too much imo

    Pretty sure that point was covered somewhere else, maybe another thread.
    Nobody can just bi-locate to every part of the map and prevent all firebases from ever being placed.

    It takes all of 5 seconds to drop and hack a fb.

    Now I may be a bit bias in favor of the sin, a BIT

    But you seem to be very biased against it =/

    Maybe I'm wrong, maybe not. Either way, Id like to see both the sin and assault be able to pose a real threat to fire bases like the other classes can.
  8. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Actually bolt i take down FB's pretty easy with sin, even without cloak 3 and witht he support healing it.

    ALso, i do believe they're extending the time to hack? or is that just for enemy turrets?
  9. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Care to share your secret? You, Bolt, and myself all play extremely competent assassins, and are capable of killing a hacked firebase via the usual methods, but I would in no way describe it as easy (without juice), especially if its being overhealed. The only way I ever find it to be easy is to kill the FB while it is being constructed (incapable of being healed). There are ways to kill it from safety, but that involves continuous S-launcher fire from as distance, which as bolt said, won't work if he has any decent team mates.

    My usual method for killing it involves smokebombing it and S-Launchering it from point blank, since the sword/dagger seems to either occasionally miss or do significantly less damage against it. Even then, I'll probably have to retreat once if its an overhealed 3.3, and pray the support is not nearby.

    I'm personally okay with how difficult they are to kill, since I'll be ignoring the firebases and smashing their base turrets. If they put them at the base, I'll just kill them during the juice run. Tanks are pretty much the dedicated FB killer IMO.

    The range is pretty ridiculous, however.
  10. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Pointing out you're making excuses is not an excuse. You made a claim, I countered it, and you immediatelyfell back to "well, I'm not trying to make claims X Y and Z, even though that was what I said in my first post and I used the video as proof."

  11. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    I read the discussion. You're the one making excuses. He knows how to play an assassin. You don't. How can I prove this? You don't think assassins are good at taking out turrets. You're wrong.

    Also, it's not like you kill players OR push bots. You do both, depending on the situation.
  12. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Hacked firebases are deadly but they don't move.... and pro's do.

    Assaults have more than enough to take out firebases. Bouncing grenades and the bomb work wonders. The problem is that they do require a bit of finesse. As for the assassin not being able to deal with a firebase very well... I did cover that in another thread: if they are content with their firebase just take out the base turrets.

    But you can kill the support or force him to leave (so you can kill the turret). The healgun rof nerf will also help this so that you probably wont need the bomb.

    It takes about 5 seconds for the base to pop out and another 4 to hack it. You can be sneaky and wait for a support to rush forward to drop his base at the start of a game (most of them love to try it). Also be aware there is a bug right now that makes a support turret come back more quickly than it should if he died and his turret did not.

    I think the assassin needs a bit of a buff vs snipers. The whole trap radius thing is way OP and if you go look I was trying to help you guys out. But supports already have a weakness with their turret.

    Sorry if I sounded sarcastic but really most times when I see an assassin they are speed cheating or cloak cheating (I'd say about 80% of the assassins I see). It's so not amusing at this point.
  13. BK201 Wolf

    BK201 Wolf New Member

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    Exactly, this kid is not even making any sense, I first said Assassins can kill Jackpots, bots, turrets and get juiced quickly and the only class you can't one hit is the Tank. All of that is common knowledge in the game. Then he just came on here to say that the other team sucks so therefor everything I said is wrong lol.

    I even posted another video with obvious skill differences of the opposite team. I even said the game is not just about kills before his first comment....And his biggest response was, "I see a list of excuses". What a douche. I didn't even see him comment on the second video when I destroyed two lvl 3 rocket turrets while juiced and died for it. He also seems to have ignored my request to play online...I know he plays Assassin, it's apparent he just came here to argue and wants to criticize others but is too much of a lady to step up. I've only met very few good assassins in this game that have earned my respect, I seriously doubt Amaranth would be one of them.

    Hey Amaranth, why don't you get your friends to play against mine? I would be very happy to record the match so you can show everyone here how to play Assassin, won't you teach me please ;_;? Come on stop ignoring my questions/requests.
  14. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    I was exagerating a tad, i usually don't go for a firebase that's being healed unless the team is somewhere else, but if I CAN get me and the support/FB isolated then i take it down way faster then the support heals it, but i wouldn't dare try that against someone i know to be a good support. I was only doing it to miss informed last night caus i was clear on the other side of the map.
  15. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Not sure where your going with this

    Killing base turrets is great, but not very useful if the lanes are blocked by firebases and you can't push bots

    I never said an assault can't kill them, just that its very very hard in comparison to other classes

    This is true in SOME cases, However more often then not supports like to put them in places that you can't hit the base or support without dieing or at least being extremely vulnerable

    To me, this is more of a problem then the firebase itself
    I don't think uber realized just how "Creative" players can be with placement when designing the firebase/maps

    -You can hack it while it's setting up, 5 seconds tops
    -It's not uncommon for a team to have 2+supports, ofc I kill them off early game but there are ample opportunity's to place it down again throughout the length of most pub matches
    -Fixing that bug will help a bit

    We can always agree to disagree! :lol:

    But I can agree with you that the glitches and foul play by assassins at this point is just obscene

    Ill be doing a happy dance come patch day, cloak nerf be damned.
  16. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    That's what makes this game so much better than many other games.... you have the chance to use intelligence. I applaud that style of gameplay as it separates this from modern noobfest 2 and other shooters.

    I think we're all wanting that patch.

    As for where was I going with the comment about turrets being stationary.... i was suggesting you look for a better target of opportunity.
  17. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    I also cannot wait for the patch, it'll be nice seeing noobs drop assassin cause they can't play her, and leave her to us pros :D
  18. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    I personally stopped playing assassin (my main) until the patch comes out. I got sick of people calling me a speed glitcher, which I've never done.

    This happens almost every game that I do good. I play the assassin they way it's meant to be played, and I'm not too shabby. Even other 99's that should know what the glitch looks like by now use that as a crutch for why they lost. I know I shouldn't care, but I feel it cheapens the win.

    Most of those people don't realize how ridiculously fast an assassin is after picking up those speed boosts. Not to mention I'm sure I've gotten complaints filed on me from bitter players that think I somehow cheated.

    Like bolt said, cloak nerf be damned, patch day will be glorious! Finally, the other team will get decimated by an assassin and not end the match saying "the only reason you guys won is because you were glitching".
  19. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I was being called a speed glitcher by members of my own damn party after I was split in a game from them. (Not sure if they were kidding or raging or both.) I typically take sprint 3 in more competitive games so that I can have a dominating amount of lane control and map presence. Sprint 3 is basically an unlimited sprint, and after picking up speed drops, she does move very quickly.

    However, experienced players know the difference between speed hacking and sprint 3.
  20. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    LOL. At least he's got a friend to support him. :)

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