Overtime does not need a tweaking, it needs to go.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Goose, September 18, 2010.

  1. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Also if you can't push the bots into a base before overtime, you don't know how to play the game. It isn't hard to get a few bots on the enemies money ball within the first couple of waves if you aren't playing team death match.
  2. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Wow, you must be really good!

    Seriously, in one botlane, either you or the other team can bring bots to the other side, not both teams, since bots do not pass each other. So it's as easy as beating the opposing players. If you are facing an equally matched player, you do not get the bots through, but neither will he.

    So basicly what you are saying is, "it's not hard to beat the opposing player", which does not sound like a usefull thing to say.
  3. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    That is correct. If you use your bots as a shield, push through the opponents bots and kill any pros, it isn't all the hard to knock down the money ball. Of course I play with people that I can communicate with, we all push together getting 2 or 3 on 1 advantages. And we all seem to know where we need help, maybe it is good communication, maybe it is watching the screen and not having tunnel vision, maybe it is good team synergy. But I've played many games where we drop the money ball before over time.
  4. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Hey brah, if you aren't going to give us anything more than the vaguest hints or say "we are working on all sorts of stuff, but we can't tell you what," then quit taunting us. Because really that is how it is coming off. I get it, don't get me wrong, I know you are working on it, and I don't see anything as hasty or rushed, I do see somethings as this is the first game the studio has made and I don't hold that against. I really do like what you have to offer, but it is getting old hearing "We got all sorts in store, but we can't tell you what it is or when." I understand some of this is out of your control and you are waiting on Microsoft to certify something or other. Fine whatever. But quit taunting us with your insider knowledge that you can't release.
  5. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    sure thing brah, I'll stop talking *edit* about upcoming features. :) That's better.
  6. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    You must not be a Sadist like some of us then. I love hearing news about upcoming things that can't be discussed yet. Knowing good stuff is coming our way brings me great pleasure...in my pants. (10 points for the Harvey Birdman reference woo!)
  7. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    At least stop talking down to us when we give the feedback you claim to want.
  8. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Way to be passive aggressive and not take constructive criticism. I never said stop talking, I said stop taunting.
  9. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Maybe it is because I'm use to hearing things being over hyped.

    Haha, sadist. [/Phil Ken Sebben]
  10. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    There's a line. And I think "you guys don't understand because you're playing a broken version of the game" really comes off as well over it. Then again, I speak only for myself, and can't tell you what rudigar hauer is thinking.

    Part of it, I guess, is that I can't see any fixes that will make overtime seem any less absurd or more integral. I'm still hoping that the slim chance that they can pull something brilliant out with DLC and whatnot. But if they do, they're a pack of freaking McGyvers. I understand they've got some related fixes in the title update. That will fix some elements like the Sniper/moneyball issue, but not the overarcing issue that's largely brought up time and again.

    It's hard to buy that any fixes will satisfactorally alter overtime. It is possible that OT as is is not what was intended, but the tips within the game would imply otherwise. Not to mention calling it an important part of the game. That alone flies in the face of widely held opinion in a way that makes it unlikely ANY patch will reconcile it. Without radical alteration or backpedalling, it's unlikely this changes anything fundamentally.
  11. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    I can see where you're coming from. If the discussion is about juice the only possible change I could come up with that would completely "fix" overtime juicing is that all players lose any and all juice they have, juiced players lose their juiced state as OT starts and the juice machines are shut down. In this situation no one would be able to obtain juice unless they earn it over again or it can possibly be nullified completely with players not gaining any for their actions. The game would still most likely come down to ranged classes shooting the ball from as far as possible but would require much more strategy to win.

    That or the team with more health on their moneyball wins and if it's tied then overtime kicks in.

    Random 2 cents basically.
  12. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    I'm not talking down to any of you guys. Of course we want feedback but don't expect everything you ask for to make it into the game because everyone wants different things. Just the title of this thread "Overtime does not need a tweaking, it needs to go" is not constructive criticism because it's the same thing as saying "get rid of the Assassin, she's OP". Both are integral parts of the game. Some people want to know that we're working on stuff while others feel like we're taunting. That being said, there was a ton of stuff we addressed in the Title Update because of feedback from the forums. As I've said in other threads, we won't talk specifics about changes until they are tested, balanced, and seem doable technically for a shipping update. But if you rather not hear that we're working on stuff, thats fine, we can wait to talk about it when its ready.

    Also, we CAN"T WAIT for the Title Update to come out. Every day feels like an eternity because we've been playing with an updated build internally for awhile now and makes it harder to hear comments about things that were already fixed.
  13. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Way to mash everyone's comments together. I said you are taunting us by always saying "We are working on stuff you can't understand." I personally don't have a problem with overtime. It works for me. By mentioning what I do like and don't like and offering advice, I am giving constructive criticism. I am only talking for me, and reverse-wise, I would like to see you no just lump me in with everyone else when my views and other people's view are different.
  14. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    No worries eh. There are tons of people out there patiently waiting just as there are those saying "Wurs da update? OMFG! Uber sux taken time for update 2 com out!". This age we live in warrants instant gratification because we have the internet and events happen seamlessly in most cases. Good things come to those who wait sha?

    AND YES! I can't wait for the thing myself. I've grown accustomed to the stuck animations but the constant juice bar/not being able to activate juice I just bought (Possibly lag problem?) are killer for sure. The maps are tickle my fancy in which case I like many others would have happily bought them but it's awesome of you guys to hand them out. Thanks lots.
  15. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Sorry about that, it's not my morning.
  16. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Look, I'm glad to hear Uber is working on things. But again you come off as talking down to use when you say things like "...we've been playing with an updated build internally for awhile now and makes it harder to hear comments about things that were already fixed." It comes off as "We have the good version, so your comments don't mean anything to us." There are better ways to say things. Something like "We are working on things, but we can't tell you specifics until they are finalized. But until then your comments are greatly appreciated," sounds a lot better than "We've got the updated build, till then we can't be bothering with your comments."
  17. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. I'm not saying your comments don't mean anything, I'm trying to say that the Title Update is taking too long to come out and that's frustrating to us, not your comments.
  18. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Bull. the passive aggression is rather tiresome.

    But whatever, you want to dismiss people, you will dismiss people. Not like you give a damn, since you already have my money. So I guess this is impotent whining you can "ignore," as you've said before.

    So whatever.

    I notice, however, a certain selectivity in terms of when you don't discuss things. It hinges on convenience and confrontation. You seem to be very forthcoming when challenged directly, and prompt at it as well, but then lag on other questions. Whatever the guy's name who said he was done with the game because of your unavailability did get an answer--after he huffed and puffed and got called a troll.

    Maybe he was a troll, but that kind of behaviour certainly merits frustration.

    Further, you talk about not getting what we want. You, Ekanaut, know that's not what I'm talking about, because I've told you directly twice now. Or rather, you should know better. This thread, and specifically my frustration is not about instant gratification, and even if you're "too busy" to remember everything I say, nothing about this thread should have implied "it must immediately go my way or you're evil!"

    That still doesn't make you any less dismissive. You're telling us virtually mutually exclusive things about the game: That OT is important and unlikely to go anywhere, and that we're not judging the final product, which is going to change (but not change, because that would be hasty and it's important) things.

    Damn right we can't judge that. It's nonsense. It's like saying "The next sentence is true. The last sentence is false."

    In terms of having trouble hearing us, unless the things that are already fixed include "OT optional" material, something you have spoken against right now, it's hard to say that they're already fixed. That comes off as both antagonistic and dishonest. I'd be more refreshed by simply hearing "we're keeping OT; we think it's a vital part of the game" instead of "we have trouble hearing you" and "things are already fixed" being tacked on to blow smoke up our arses.

    Finally, unless I missed a "NT" label instead of text in the first post and moved on, I'm pretty sure it didn't end with the topic title. If you guys can spend two years on a game, I'm sure you can read beyond the title and look at what the poster said. Goose starts off by saying it's not a "this is OP" thread and proceeds to break it down. And it looks like you just dismissed that, too. Four paragraphs, and you focus on the title not being conducive to discussion. Come on. Goose put thought and effort into actually making constructive criticism, and you're telling me the TITLE is not constructive criticism.

    Since it's already been mentioned that every criticism was "mashed" into one post, I'll leave that alone. Some of these are not my arguments. However, I can see a disingenuous argument a mile away, and will argue against it. You whitewashed an entire argument the way the l2playnoobzlololol folks do. You whitewashed my argument specifically, and you will likely whitewash this post as well. As such, I'm not sure the point. There's not much I can do, because you guys don't care. And I don't say that because you haven't killed overtime or given us a separate playlist, I say it because you immediately resorted to talking about it as though that's why I have a problem here INSTEAD of what I actually said. Like I said, you neatly painted over any criticism I had and turned it into a case of "OT is still in the game so you're mean."

    I was sold on MNC for many reasons, one of the big ones being interaction and feedback requests. I want to support a company that listens, but what you did isn't listening. I would be fine with intelligent discourse, or even specific answers actually addressing what was said, but to reiterate for effect, you aren't addressing what is said. That level of indifference is really annoying. I'm not really sure I want to send more money your way. Maybe you don't care about that, either. You have a lot of diehard fans who will throw money your way. What's five, ten, twenty dollars anyway?

    And to clarify, that has nothing to to with whether or not there's Overtime. It has to do with the company as it is reflected here and now.

    If you actually read this, thanks for your time.
  19. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    I'm going to try to get us back on topic here, as I'd like to see some changes made by, hopefully, the first DLC release. Yelling at Uber isn't going to solve anything, guys, but if we have an open discussion and raise valid points, perhaps we can all come to a reasonable solution on this whole thing.

    I really think Overtime would work well if the shields didn't go down automatically. Everyone in bacon-mode, pushing up Jackbots and juicing is enough of a big finish to me, and if neither team succeeds, then whoever was winning in regulation will come out on top, which is how it should be. It's basically either a huge last push, or a final line of defense, as opposed to two huge pushes that basically result in coin-toss victories. I might even say to add in an extra minute or two, but without playing it this way, it's hard to know for sure.
  20. kirkkh

    kirkkh New Member

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    "Many companies approach their social media strategies by first appointing dedicated employees who are tasked with the job of handling any social media initiatives and efforts the company has invested in."

    "...Most consumers are pretty savvy and can tell the difference between a customer service representative who is simply trying to pacify and one that is actually trying to strive towards a resolution. If a customer complaint arises, it is important to acknowledge the problem the customer has. Even if there is issue with the basis of the problem and/or the customer is wrong, always acknowledge their frustration and then work quickly towards resolution. On a public social network, in addition to one customer's issue, it is important to keep in mind others are reading. Ignoring customer problems is poor business practice."

    http://www.helium.com/items/1960520-tip ... a-websites

    -Just a thought :)

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