A Comprehensive GUNNER Guide (Guide 1)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Shammas, August 16, 2010.

  1. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    I use one of two set-ups depending on my mood:


    Armor lets me survive more shots and stuff, and more importantly Assassinations. But now I've switched out Armro for RoF and am liking it a lot more. It turns me into a "glass cannon" so to speak. I am able to kill everyone in my path non-stop, but the problem is I'm fragile. I've adjusted my play-style so I am near cover, pop out to kill a person, then run back into hiding. If you're out in the open for even a second you die.
  2. Sloth_Mayne

    Sloth_Mayne New Member

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    It has to be said, anyone who has any type of skill at keeping their distance and not rushing can go e-z mode with the gunner. Im not saying there isnt any skill required but there is definitely a major difference in ease of a successful streak with the gunner. The first time i played gunner i got the mvp achievement by going 31:3 on lazerazer arena and all i did was sit in front of their base keeping my distance and firing my entire clip at anything coming my way and when they got close i would belly flop and either knock them off the map or far enough away that the minigun was more effective than their weapons. Btw quick tip: If a ninja is trying to grab you just deploy and then immedately undepoly so you can either slam them away or counter grapple them.
  3. ITBlogger

    ITBlogger New Member

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    Good stuff...odd that your Gunner guide is so far down on the forums and is the only one. Funny that almost no one talks about one of the most powerful, in my opinion, classes in the game.

    I've been using Armor, RoF and Accuracy as my build and do well with it, but I will try out your suggestions and see how it works out.

    Just so easy to own with this class that I love it.
  4. deathpython

    deathpython New Member

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    i use
    Gold:Armor:so you live longer and dish out more ownage
    Silver:RoF:so you dish out more ownage
    bronze:Accuracy:so you dish out more ownage in a smaller area

    i use mortar for weak pros that are behind cover or pretty much dead and for wrecking turrets which is surprisingly easy with passive 3

    i upgrade passive to 3 then slam to 3 (only upgrade slam if assasins are getting annoying)

    i have gotten 60kills-8assists-2deaths on spunky cola with gunner and this build it works wonders :D
  5. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I stopped reading after seeing the lack of ROF and Accuracy.

    Gah I hate grave diggers. They confuse me.
  6. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    LuLz. Yea, I almost posted in this thread last night but decided not to. I'm tempted to find out how many pages this thread was in the back. There's 3 gunner guides on the front page, and this kid bumps the one that's been idle for a month, made by someone who doesn't play gunner anymore.

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    and you just helped bump it up again. and so did i oops.

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