The Uber Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Hildogen, March 30, 2010.

  1. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    Ran across a glitch on Ammo Mule. I got killed while triggering the Annhilator and it didn't go off but it took my money. I know it didn't go off because the other team triggered it about 10 seconds after I respawned.
  2. faits

    faits New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    I've had this happen a few times. Seems to happen if you get killed after the money is subtracted but before the annihilator actually activates.

    I've seen other people complain about it too. Always makes me nervous when I make a dash for the annihilator.
  3. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    Do level up affects abilities in use? For example, you lay down a sniper trap at level 1, then it's still there when you upgrade the skill to level 2, will that trap freeze enemies still?

    Also, are the railgun and sniper rifle hitscan? I'm pretty sure the sniper rifle isn't supposed to be, but the railgun is more confusing.
  4. trash-berd

    trash-berd New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    Hopefully a developer can answer this cause I don't feel like a bunch of people answering this. Can any gun get a headshot bonus? If not, which guns do and which don't
  5. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Certain skills do... traps do not. But the Support's Firebase will.

    hitscan? What exactly do you mean by hitscan?
  6. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Only a zoomed in Sniper Rifle can headshot.
  7. TouchFuzzy

    TouchFuzzy New Member

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    Hitscan means that whether the shot hit or not depends entirely on where you are aiming and doesn't take bullet travel time into account. Essentially, instant bullet travel time.
  8. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    All of our bullet weapons are 'hitscan' weapons. (Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Rail Gun, Minigun, SMG)
    Anything that you actually see a projectile are simulated projectiles.
  9. TouchFuzzy

    TouchFuzzy New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    Now THAT'S interesting.
  10. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    Very true.

    Could UberEnt ever consider updating the graphics for those projectiles to be faster? Because right now, they look awfully slow and are very confusing that way.
  11. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Faster than an instant-hit? I'm confused.
    Are you talking about the tracer fire? The tracer fire is meant to be just that, tracer fire.
    The Sniper Rifle effect is an instant straight line.
  12. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    I just feel like the appearance and travel speed of the tracer fire doesn't feel very instant when I play.

    But that's really unimportant if the stuff that counts is hitscan anyway, so it's probably just lag.
  13. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I've always understood hitscan to mean the projectile instantly travels to the impact point (your cursor/crosshairs) of the bullet, regardless of the range of the target.

    Example: Every non shotgun bullet based weapon in MW2. If you single shot fired any of the full auto weapons while ADS, the first shot would go EXACTLY where you were aiming instantly, with no maximum range. In MNC, the Sniper and Railgun certainly fit this bill. I am unsure about all of the other weapons that have a circular based reticle and bullet spread (IE: Minigun, AR, SMG). I don't know if your first bullet will fly in the center of the reticule, or in a random location in that reticule.

    I don't know if every bullet based weapon in MNC is capable of hitting targets at the maximum possible range (IE: Sniping Coast to Coast on any of the larger maps). They might hit and do no damage at that range, or they might disappear at a certain range. I know the rail gun and the sniper have no maximum range (and also don't diminish their damage over ranges), I am unsure about the others.
  14. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I have to second your doubt. The SMG, assault rifle, and minigun definitely do not seem like hitscan weapons. I'm just going off of my in game experience, so it seems silly to question someone from within Uber, but it just doesn't seem correct to me.

    EDIT: Actually, I was just in a game and did a little test. If you take the SMG and shoot it at a far away wall, you'll see the sparks from the bullets hitting right away, even though you can see the tracers still flying through the air. I assume the AR and minigun are the same. Also, I don't believe there is any range limit or any loss in the bullet's damage over range.
  15. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    Is there an official release date for the upcoming patch? I can't find one.
  16. TouchFuzzy

    TouchFuzzy New Member

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    There is a damage fall-off over distance for most weapons, except for the Railgun and Sniper Rifle. This is pretty easy to spot with the assault rifle. Grab gold accuracy and try aiming and shooting at someone long distance. You'll hit, but do very little damage.

    There is also a spread of the bullets from inaccuracy, as well. In MNC, not all of the bullets will go exactly where you aim, but instead they are guaranteed to land within the circular aiming reticle, with the majority firing at the center of your crosshairs. The fact that they are hitscan means that there is no need to lead your target with any weapon to compensate for bullet travel time, it doesn't mean every bullet will go exactly where you aim unless you are using a weapon with very high accuracy.

    Obviously hitscan only applies to weapons with bullets, since the grenade launcher and mortar have travel time (and bounce).
  17. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    It's still working its way through MS. You guys will know when it's ready when we do. :(
    TouchFuzzy is correct about the damage fall off.

    The inaccuracy is close. The accuracy of the weapon determines it's random direction out of the muzzle. The circle reticule on the screen is an approximation. You can't get an exact representation of the spread of a weapon with a 2D circle on your screen when the gun has infinite distance.
  18. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    Exactly my complaint. It's hard to tell if the weapons Scathis mentioned hit instantly with the tracer fire potentially travelling much slower then when the damage is inflicted.

    But I guess I do know now, that's the important part.
  19. EvilGoatee

    EvilGoatee New Member

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    Re: The Unofficial Official Q&A Thread

    I've got 2 questions for the devs, will we get more loading screens for the game or is it just gonna be the bacon high five'n the bullet(still awesome)? Will there be anymore maps coming in the first dlc or is it just spunky cola?
  20. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    I suggest having the pair rock out on guitars as a loading screen. It'd go perfectly with the title music.

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