Full Disc Sequel

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by Shammas, September 17, 2010.

  1. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    This game so far is shaping up to be my favorite XBL title since Shadowrun, and with the update it will be near perfect. I can tell you already that I'll be buying all the DLC and I've been ignoring Reach because this game has a better multiplayer IMO. Anyway, the point of the thread is to encourage the great minds at Uber Entertainment to create a full-fledged 360 title as a sequel, not just another arcade game. I'm sure there are plenty of casual fans who love the game, and it would most likely be supported by competitive organizations as well. This game and this company are 2 shining beacons of hope in the gloomy and greed-fueled gaming industry of today (Thanks Microsoft and Activision) and I will 100% support any future projects put out by Uber.
  2. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Totally with ya there, i think MNC2 could make a legendary disc game.

    Eventhough the currrent MNC is easely more then what most 60 bucks disc games offer already, a Disc sequel would be -awesome-.
    Last edited: September 17, 2010
  3. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    The problem with that is the game has now been released @ $15 for XBLA. For it to warrant a full disc release at a full (or near full) retail price of $60, it would have to be "Orange Box-eque" with other features, game types, game modes, etc.

    Don't get me wrong, I think Uber could pull it off, but it would be a huge undertaking for their limited staff, IMO.
  4. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Retail is difficult to get into. It requires a publisher. Making a $60 game earns almost the same money for Uber as a XBLA title does after publisher and retailer cuts. The only difference is retail is more powerful than digital download.
  5. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    XBLA requires a publisher too though ;)

    Not sure how close the XBLA and Retail profits are to eachother, where did you learn this?
  6. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I don't mean re-releasing it. I mean when they make Monday Night combat 2, make it a full game.
  7. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Agreed OP, and also with DR0KZ comment about this game offering more game play wise than lots of full titles out there. I've said it a few times before, I'll say it again, Uber has mine and my friends support.
  8. Porshapwr

    Porshapwr New Member

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    I :lol:

    That said, I do agree with what you said. The game is a lot of fun and Uber seems like a solid development group. I'm certainly supporting them going forward.
  9. DUDE98678

    DUDE98678 New Member

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    So true! This arcade game has beaten out the multiplayer experiences Ive seen on any full game to date
  10. Dan Yo

    Dan Yo New Member

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    I finally decided to make an account because I felt I needed to say this.

    I originally purchased this game tepidly, only really buying it because I needed another game to get the 400 MS points back deal. My friend said he thought the demo was decent enough to buy so we both agreed to buy it if the other would.

    To make a long story short, this quickly became one of the most addictive experiences I have ever had on XBL. My circle and I have always been big shooter fans and play a great variety of them, and the big events for us have been the Halo/CoD/Gears releases for some time now. It's disappointing to know that this game will never do the numbers those games do, as I feel this game deserves to sell a few million, rather than a few hundred thousand.

    It really boggles my mind that this game was mostly developed by a team of under 20. The game single-handedly put my most anticipated title of the year (Halo: Reach) on the back burner, and has me anticipating a sequel to MNC even over the next Gears, CoD, Halo, or really any other title I can think of.

    Let me also add that the demo is a really poor representation of this game. I have sold the game to various people on my friends list, all who were similarly tepid about buying the game after the demo, and every single one of them is just as head over heels about the game as I am.

    I really hope this game does well enough for a full-fledged sequel someday, because the premise alone is genius, and the execution is really a marvel to behold considering the size of the team. It would be phenomenal to see where this franchise could go with more support, and I hope the team knows all of us really want to see that happen.

    Thanks, guys, and good luck!
  11. RAGE I V3NOM

    RAGE I V3NOM New Member

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    I have to say you're missing out. Reach is awesome IMO.
  12. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    So your plan was to take a net loss of ten bucks? Good thing you got addicted to the game.

    Anyway, a full disc sequel would be awesome, but only if there's content to justify it. I'm personally hoping we see this title get more and more DLC support before a sequel is brought up.
  13. Dan Yo

    Dan Yo New Member

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    No. My plan was to have a few hours or more of fun with a game that seemed somewhat decent, and since I would have had enough games for the deal if I bought it, I decided to go ahead since my friend was going to as well.

    The game being as great as it is was a very pleasant surprise to say the least.

    Also, of course I'm not saying the game is ready to be replaced with a sequel, just that hopefully MNC becoming a franchise will be a foregone conclusion.
  14. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Just out of curiosity why do you think the demo is not representative? You can play the game online in exactly the same way, it's just time limited. Or are you saying that more time is needed to get into the game?
  15. Galcian420

    Galcian420 New Member

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    The time limit for the online component is really not sufficient. IMO the best way to approach the demo time length, I'd say 30 minutes of gameplay -per class- would be far more effective in selling people dubious over purchasing, since 30 minutes flat lets you play 2 matches if they both go to overtime. That means some people won't even get to see all 4 maps before they are forced to purchase or make a new 1-month, let alone give them enough time to toy around with all 6 classes in those environments.

    Edit:Also, if it were possible, make available one custom class slot to demo versions only, that will get relocked and need to be purchased like normal when the full version is downloaded.
  16. akzzskillz

    akzzskillz New Member

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    Halo reach butt ***** this game quite well imo .... -.-
  17. Dan Yo

    Dan Yo New Member

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    I'd like to say I have the right answer for you but I don't. All I know is that every one of my friends that has purchased it wasn't too enthusiastic about doing so, even after much pushing and prodding on my end, only to shower me with thanks for getting them to buy it at the end of every match afterward.

    My gut tells me that the amount of time allowed is not sufficient or that the tutorial is not detailed enough. The game is a great deal more complex than it initially seems, and I still seem to be learning new things about how the game is played and how various classes work to this day. The demo allows enough time for maybe two crossfire matches, not giving nearly enough time for someone to learn even half of what one class can do and what other classes can do to them, much less give time for someone to figure out which class or classes they like to play.

    Perhaps a more comprehensive tutorial? One that takes you through the skills of all of the pros, rather than just the assault? Maybe even a short skirmish demonstration of exactly how crossfire works rather than just one that shows a blitz arena? I really felt the sense that I was dumped into the middle of nowhere when first entering crossfire and looking at all of these classes placed before me when I had really only learned how to use one. And even then wasn't sure how the abilities of other classes would affect me.

    It has to be difficult figuring out exactly how much to give in a demo for a game like this, so I won't criticize too much, but I will say that everyone I play with admits the demo did absolutely nothing for them. I think a great deal of people that would love this game are passing it up based on what little they were able to learn by the demo.
  18. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I think a proper demo would have been unlimited time, but only one map available and two classes. Assault, since its in the tutorial, and the Assassin since it plays COMPLETELY differently and is a GREAT sell for the game (admit it, EVERYONE tried to be assassin in at least one of their first three matches.)

    Probably Steel Peel would be a good demo map. Good maneuvering opportunities for demo assaults and relatively closed in for the assassins. Maybe make the matches 5 minutes, plus overtime of 1 minutes. You get a taste of the full deal, to get it all you have to buy.
  19. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    And you would only be able to play versus other demo-players? If not, i do not see how this would work. If so, i am not really sure how many demo-players are currently on, but i doubt it's a lot.
    Also SteelPeel is the map with the worst design.
  20. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Yup, this is the issue. There wouldn't be enough players and you wouldn't get the real experience of playing the game.

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