How do you feel about Accuracy endorsements?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Vuther, September 19, 2010.

  1. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    I was, naturally, wondering - since they only affect a single weapon 4 classes, does anyone feel like it's really worth getting accuracy aside from Gunner's? I pretty much find the Gunner's the only one who can use it, with a dual minigun, as the assault rifle and SMG's clip is too small, and the damage falloff hurts the Shotgun too much to make it worthwhile.

    So, I'm waiting?
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I like it on assault and gunner

    A sniper who uses mostly SMG might use it too
  3. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Accuracy is great for Assaults. I use gold level with silver fire rate. It allows me to harrass well at range, because even though the enemy isn't taking much damage they're taking rapid hits so they instinctively think to get their head down. Up close, I don't have to aim and I have better accuracy than an aiming assault without accuracy, WITH full mobility.

    As a gunner, I prefer being able to spam many many bullets at an area. I use bronze accuracy. With Gold Clip size and Silver fire rate, you're able to point, and fire today and reload tomorrow. Also saves on reloads with the mortar, and keeps a decent fire rate with it due to silver.

    I've thought of switching accuracy for the silver fire rate and adding critical shot on silver, and using a deploy heavy build for massive wall of critical lead. I'll have to test it, of course.
  4. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I always run some kinda accuracy on my assault, usually gold

    Also run gold accuracy on my sniper

    Under rated endorsement imo
  5. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Accuracy is annoying for me as a gunner. The last time I got bacon in a game I lost quite a few kills because my reticle grew very tiny.

    Juice works better on a gunner with a big golf ball sized reticle because everyone dies in 1-2 bullets. If you're spraying everywhere then more people will die. There actually is a pattern to the 'random' spray and I'm pretty used to it now. I finish off people across the map every now and then on Grenade III and that tells me I don't need more accuracy. When I want more accuracy I just deploy. I find accuracy to be a waste of an endorsement for a gunner.
  6. drunken feedle

    drunken feedle New Member

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    why do people never use reload on gunner?
    he has the worst reload in the game
    reload and clip size= must for gunner
  7. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    If I told you why I don't use reload on gunner then you might steal my recipe...
  8. Zelandia

    Zelandia New Member

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    I actually use it on my assassin. It makes using the Shuriken Gun a whole lot easier. Otherwise trying to kill turrets from a distance is a pain, especially if there is a support near by healing it.
  9. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    Does accuracy on the gunner do anything other than shrink the reticule? It doesn't make the bullet spray tighter, does it?

    I'm having difficulty settling on a new build...I used to run armor / accuracy / clip size, but I want to work rof in, so I'm now doing armor / rof / clip size. The reticule is huge!
  10. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    On sniper it allows for better no-scoping but worse sniping, defeating the purpose of the gun.

    If you aim at something with the shuriken gun and it doesn't move, 95% of them will hit regardless, and to stop those pesky supports, cloak3, if you fire while cloaked at lvl3, your whole clip is auto critical.
  11. drunken feedle

    drunken feedle New Member

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    accuracy is best for guns with waves of bullets which dont stay near the middle

    Having it on sniper is a waste due to the zoom is almost dead on when you shoot
    out of zoom is different

    It works best on gunner and assault since they have waves of bullets
  12. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Or you can go with better endorsements and charge in to fight at a more effective range.

    But accuracy is great for the uzi; without accuracy the smg is complete garbage. But accuracy does not do much for the rifle.

    Debatable..... assault characters can already zoom in with left trigger. Gunners can deploy for more accuracy.
  13. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    i prefer crit and rof over acc for assault/gunner.

    The uzi is amazing at close range, that's what it's for, especially paired with flak

    And with the assault, giving him gold/silver acc, will make the aiming useless, and let you move at your normal pace with great acc, allowing you to throw bombs and charge too.

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