The times they are a changin...........

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by HOOOFARTED, September 19, 2010.


    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    There was a time where I was telling everyone to get MNC if they were bored with their usual games.
    I just got it and thought it was an awesome change of pace from the usual multi games.
    Now after a few weeks I realize its a lag ridden mess and wont recommend it to anyone.
    I have never seen a game take this long in certification so Ive decided it was a canned answer to tell your fanbase to shut them up.
    I know the forum diehards dont care but I know Uber does cuz they just lost a volunteer salesman and converted me into a bad word of mouther and thats what small games like this need to keep them going.
    "Hows MNC I notice you have it on your games list?"
    "Umm its cool but its a lagfest so dont waste your time on it."
    It had potential but there supposed DLC took waay too long to keep most people interested.
    Later much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    Lol yeah less than a month is WAY too long for FREE dlc. if you are going to stop playing please stay off these boards too cause you mostly were just a sheet talker...mostly.

    (edit) Honestly search this kid's thread almost everyone is bitching about somthing and there is about 10 on lag alone.

    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    Ok fanboy.
    Its a PUBLIC forum.
    I made threads about things I had a problem with.
    Like lag.
    And never got a definitive answer if it was going to be fixed.
    Every game has a loyal nerdbase that blindly defends their game and doesnt take kindly to anyone saying anything negative about it lol.
    You honestly think a game with 3 maps and horrendous lag is enough to keep people other than its loyal nerdbase?
    I asked multiple times about lag and never got an anwer.
    Thats why Im giving thisd game a thumbs down in the long run and will tell friends to not buy this game.
    Uber should care.
    Its loyal nerdbase should not cuz they can play a game with 3 maps and alot of lag over and over and over.........................
  4. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    you can insult the"nerd"base all you want but the fact remains many of your posts are just baseless rants about one bad game you had with a 99 assualt going sniper and headshotting you or LAGLAGLAGLAGLAGLAGLAG. Yes lag is a problem but from what i have seen and i play everynight not a gamebreaking one. Maybe you have bad internetz. P2P will have lag...simple as that. I'm sure they are working on making it not as bad.

    I am not blindly defending this game all i am saying is its crazy to be mad about no FREEEEE dlc in under a month of launch...and if you think about it this game has seen more dev. input on a forum and through patches (which MS is in charge of confirming) i have ever seen so that argument is baseless as well.

    Once again not blindly defending just saying good riddance. :D
  5. cipe

    cipe New Member

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    If you are lagging so much check your internet. I lag maybe once every 10 games, and it is host sided then. Also i dont know why you bring up 3 maps when there are more, but that's your problem not mine. Also if under 1 month is too long for DLC, maybe you should quit. You also have to realize that the dlc wasnt done at day one, but probably shortly before that post.
  6. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Uber cares, they are just limited to M$'s terrible (but neccesairy) procedures.

    The patch is coming and if it passes whatever they do with it we will be playing it this or next week. That means like what one and a half month before a patch, usually it takes much longer with games. A multimillion game like BC2 was lagging like crazy for half a year for instance. Ever played GoW2? yeah that just got fixed recently with 2 years passed.
    This might be news to you but making games is pretty tricky so chances are that something that you can't really test unless it's on hundreds of thousands of different consoles comes up is hard, especially if it involves a overwhelming amount of different types of internet connection setups.

    If you can't bring up some patience then you are probebly better off with another hobby.
  7. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    I hate to play this card but im pretty sure HOO is 15 or under. Being 15 is cool but being this crazy impatient is not. Also im sure he rage quits after a little lag so he's constantly joing matches in progress when staying in a lobby will usually get you in a better game.
  8. Stayzer

    Stayzer New Member

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    Whats wrong with leaving due to lag?
  9. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    You're free to do what you want and not play. That's your choice. If you really care about getting answers to your questions, dial the hostility down. The game has only been out for 5 weeks and we plan on being here for a very long time. Along the way, we will lose fans and gain others. Such is life since there are so many good games out there. We understand that not everyone is going to be happy and we can only work so fast to correct issues. Which by the way I think we're doing alright with the Title Update coming soon and first DLC soon after. This may be a public forum, but doesn't mean you can behave anyway you want on here. I think you'll find the community much more responsive to help you if you ask nicely.

    As far as your lag, it could be many different issues. We will be refining that process with future updates. The reason we don't specifically say it's fixed or otherwise is because we don't know until it's done. It's as simple as that, no conspiracy, honest. The Title Update could definitely help some of your issues and the first DLC will address it as well.
  10. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Really? I'm guessing you have not played MW2 or BC2 and followed the patch notes vs certification process in those games. In MW2 it took them well over a month or so to patch and certify the 1887's range, and then a workaround was found THE SAME DAY THE PATCH FINALLY REACHED CERTIFICATION. It took close to another two months for them to certify the patch for the work around. Meanwhile the PC crowd got theirs INSTANTLY. Same thing with the major re-balancing in BC2 (M60 damage nerf and Tracer Dart speed increase among other things) PC got these immediately when they were available, while the consoles had to wait another month or so.

    Assuming the Cert process has not changed, the amount of time we have been waiting so far is not surprising in the least, ESPECIALLY SINCE THE GAME HAS NOT BEEN OUT FOR 2 MONTHS YET. Certification process might also take more time if there are more changes, and this first patch has MANY changes. (If anyone has a LINK to prove/disprove this possibility, please feel free to post.)

    Well, Uber probably does not need your "salesman" skills if you don't differentiate between host migration issues and client side lag issues. Host migration/selection issues are being addressed in the next patch (according to the patch notes), client side lag issues exist in EVERY game that is P2P including MW2, HALO, etc. The proper response to the lag issue is: Like any P2P game, it lags if a bad host is selected. The host migration system could use some work, but thats being sorted out in the next patch. You should download the demo and see if you like it. :)

    This game has a MUCH smaller pool of players than most of the popular online shooters, and we don't really have a way of measuring the average user of this game's internet connectivity. Whenever anyone from my team pulls host, we have 0 lag issues for the rest of the evening.

    You realize this company came up with a PATCH for the game responding to the community and internal testing less than 30 days after the game has been released...right? That's pretty insane for a non-pc platform company.

    They have said NOTHING about the details of upcoming DLC (different from a re-balancing/maintenance patch) other than it will be free, and you are complaining that they have not done enough in the first month and a half of its release? Honestly, you were not going to like this game anyway if you are relying on DLC to keep your interest this far in its early life cycle. Enjoy MW2/Reach whatever game you are gonna go play now.
  11. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    im not saying there is anything wrong with leaving a game due to excessive lag...and i'm just speculating anyways.
  12. Galcian420

    Galcian420 New Member

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    HOOOFARTED, for the love of god, go back to GameFAQs and don't come back. Thanks.

    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    So you dont give answer based on the tone of the thread?
    Ok got it.
    The Op has no hostility in it whatsoever and what I say to other forum users has no relevance to my intial post so not sure why it matters to you.
    You want my business but not my attitude.
    Good business model.
    Personally I would want imput on how others perceive my product and wouldnt put their "tone" in front of their actual issue but whatevs.
    Good game though congrats on that.
    I do think its a well done game and a nice change.
    Too bad its more time spent resquadding and dealing with lag than actual playtime.
  14. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    It's easier to get answers before you say you're no longer a customer.

    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    Wildly innaccurate speculation always makes people look retarded.
    You should get a psychic hotline.
    Your powers are sad.

    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    Ive asked multiple times.
    I guess my tone wasnt good enough.
    Now im no longer saying this is a game to get.
    You guys dont care.
    Uber should.
  17. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    I did answer your question. The fixes in the Title Update and DLC1 should help your lag issues.
  18. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Good, we're dropping some of the dead weight. While all the wannabe pros and fair weather fans are on Reach and Black Ops, we'll be enjoying ourselves.
    Btw Uber you are a horrible, HORRIBLE company. Please cater to this "man's" every need before we lose him for good!

    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    You did this time and I appreciate it.

    HOOOFARTED New Member

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    Nerdbase member # 125543807

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