Why do you play a certain class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Vigil80, September 17, 2010.

  1. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    If you have a favorite class, or one that you consider your main class, what made you choose it? What do you like about that class?

    For me, it's Assassin. There are the obvious reasons, of course. Speed and mobility, cloaking, the humiliation of a good backstab.

    But, she's also my favorite because she's the least annoying or goofy. She has a full helmet, so if she really is as ugly as a tree full of possums, I don't know it. And she's actually kind of attractive in her sleek, armored catsuit. Not like the Tank, whose armor was fashioned from an old VW Beetle, or the Support, Mario and Luigi's down syndrome clone.

    She's also a pro of few words, which I appreciate. (Let's do this tiki style!)

    So who's your go-to pro, and why?
  2. TheRealBowser

    TheRealBowser New Member

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    To be honest, I'm a team player. I don't pick any class just because it's my favorite. For instance, if I see no supports I'll do a support, if I see a support but no assassins, I'll grab one to even the odds.

    The only class I really do not enjoy playing is a sniper, but I've never had a situation where it was the only class no one picked or anything.

    My favorite class though, is the tank. I love charging in, being the middle of the action and taking down pros fast. I also like being the one class that assassins fear; you can't one shot me from behind!

    I mean, I could make a big list of every skill a tank has and tell you that I like each one, but that's probably just a waste. The only ability I don't like is the 'tank deploy' which I only find occasionally useful against a moneyball (if maxed out, rarely happens), jackbots, and in blitz games. Deploying in a crossfire game always feels like I'm asking people to headshot me for free kills.

    Also, I lol'd at this. But really, support always make me chuckle, I love playing as them.

    Also, ironically enough, I'm better at sniping with a tank's railgun than I am with a sniper rifle. Nothing makes me happier than outsniping a sniper with a railgun. God that feels good!
  3. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    Less affected by lag issues, versatile in offensive, defensive and bot control.
  4. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Support. because 80% of the time, nobody else on my team plays it.

    The other 20% of the time, 2-3 will play it, and I'm an Assassin (because I like mobility) or Gunner (Because I like to hit hard). Depends on whether we need a skirmisher or a frontal assault.

    More people seem to be playing Support. With luck, I will get to be more flexible in the future.
  5. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Depends on what the team's calling for. For the most part, I'll end up playing as the Support, as he is a well rounded class, both offensively and defensively.

    However, if I see we don't have much on the offensive (ie: no Assaults, Assassins, Gunners), or there's already 2+ Supports on our team, then I'll likely run as the Gunner. He can mow down bots, chew through pros, and take down turrets, all while still maintaining at least 10-15 kills a match.
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Assassin because I like making the most money and juicing 8 times in a match for 20 turret kills
  7. monmaker

    monmaker Active Member

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    I mainly like to play as an Assassin, because i LOVE stealthy characters, and i love to imagine what the person i just killed is probably thinking/saying, ESPECIALLY if it's a tank xD (And because i play as a rogue in D&D xD)

    And i also like to play as the Tank, even though it sometimes seems like i die too fast, especially to Assaults and gunners >_>
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Assault...because he is the star of the show of course!
  9. OhGypsy

    OhGypsy New Member

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    i like to play tank cause everyone downs on him it seems, he is most certainly a worthy class in the hands of the right player.

    but something i've found out is you cant go tank on a team thats awful, you simply cannot take on a team alone.

    so in that case i play assault or gunner, and tear **** up solo
  10. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    Assault because he is by far the best pro killer in the game and my team depends on me to take them out and they know I will. If you know all the tricks and played halo like I did for the strafing/grenade jumping, then your pretty much unbeatable until triple teamed by 3 other good players. Overall assault is very fast when used right, best pro killer (imo), and best rounded for lane control and pro killing.
  11. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I love being a Rogue in D&D. Of course, they're not the red-headed stepchild in that game....
  12. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I prefer devastating power and durability to speed and mobility. If I were a combat vehicle I'd want to be an ATAT. And while the gunner is somewhat silly, his taunt has grown on me (I'm close to 3,000 tiki styles). Not to mention double miniguns are sexy!
  13. banaqior

    banaqior New Member

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    My main would be Support because I like to build up my base and I love kiting enemies around my turrets. I also love the weapons he has.

    If there is already 2 support classes I would probably go with Gunner or Assault depending on which there is more of.
  14. sebastiannz

    sebastiannz New Member

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    Gunner...nothing like tearing up mofos with minigun...then going into deployed mode and dishing out even more pain!
  15. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    I love Assassin. I enjoy that I can push the line better than anyone else. I love the mobility and that I can rush around to put out fires or slow down an opposition's push until my team can collect themselves and get our defenses ready or re-aligned. I like the patience envolved in stalking someone that's a destroying our turrets or harrassing our Support. I like that I can free lance and be a team player at the same time. That I have my own personal strategies that can quickly adapt to the situation at hand and the team's needs.
  16. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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    1. When the update comes, pushing the bots up or back, is going to become 100% required to take down the shield [which is how its intended and wont change my playstyle]

    2. He is a fantastic juiced machine that wrecks turrets and players with the railgun.

    3. If people think hes underpowered nobody can complain when he does well, not to mention hes possibly safe from being nerfed :lol:

    4. Product Grenade Kills.

    5. There's enough Assassins to take down an elephant and he tears through them no problem. [Hoping to learn to play assassin better when the update comes out so I dont develop any "bad habits."]
  17. Greg7777777

    Greg7777777 New Member

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    Tank, he has a beard, and everyone thinks he's bad when he certainly is not
  18. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    I play sniper and assassin and very rarely assault, If there's no assassin, her, if there is one, sniper, if there's a sniper AND assassin already, assault
  19. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    Assassin. I like the speed and overall mobility, being able to go anywhere at any moment, lunging off ledges, flash jumping onto walls, bouncing shurikens around corners. She simply rocks.
  20. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I play gunner because I like being a sturdy death machine.

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