I don't know about you guys...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by JohntheShrubber, September 16, 2010.

  1. JohntheShrubber

    JohntheShrubber New Member

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    ...but i plan on sticking with this game.

    I am impressed. Thats about all that I can say. This game, the developers, and the community have never ceased to amazed me.

    I know that some big titles are coming out soon. Reach came out this week, and CoD: Black Ops will be out soon. I've been a long time lurker/member of the bungie and CoD online communities for a long time, and my experience has left me somewhat jaded. But for the short time that i've been playing MNC and bouncing around on the forums, I have always been impressed.

    So i just wanted to say thanks to the community and to Uber for what i feel is a breath of fresh air for the online gaming population in general. Keep up the great work, and I can't wait for what comes next.
  2. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    I also will be sticking with MNC, although Reach will be top on my list for a little while (it is very good)...at least until the multiplayer reminds me why I stopped playing Halo 3 (maybe that won't happen...).

    MNC allows EVERYONE to play and enjoy...even if you aren't an "elite" player, you can still have fun and contribute. In Halo (and CoD), you get seriously berated if you have a k/d of 7/15...it doesn't matter if you had 20 assists...I feel in MNC assists are extremely valued by players.
  3. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Well, I won't be leaving this game for Reach, Black Ops, etc. The only things that can really kill this game for me are the community and the developers.
  4. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    I'm a cheap bastard and don't really buy into the super main stream games, there is something lacking there.
  5. ChaRaa

    ChaRaa New Member

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    Actually I ran into a lot of low levels today I guess that meansthere are more new players. This means a few games with 3-4 Assasins in a team. I don't mind though, I"m just happy that there are still new players. I even stand there and let an Assasin finish me off after she front grapple-slap me. :)
  6. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    I prefer slaughtering the lambs...but I'm glad they are they.
  7. ChaRaa

    ChaRaa New Member

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    Well, after I did a bit of slaughtering of my own of course. (and we were clearly winning by then)
  8. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Yeah, I'll be sticking with the game too.
  9. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    You don't count, because you have to. :p
  10. RACIN N420N

    RACIN N420N New Member

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    I would play MNC 24 hours a day 7 days a week, if it meant that I would never have to play Halo ugh

    LOVE MNC!! Most addictive game I have probably ever played! I will continue to enjoy and support it as more content becomes available.
  11. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Side note, I keep seeing pictures of merch to buy, but I have yet to see real merch to buy. What is up with that?
  12. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Guess we aren't SO different after all haha
  13. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    I've bought 5 games this year. Either X-Box Arcade games for $15 or used games for no more than $20. RDR is the only one I bought at $60 new. So to get this kind of value out of a $15 arcade game, I'm really impressed. I almost feel like paying them more because the game is worth at least $30. But I already got it for $15.
  14. Lane528

    Lane528 New Member

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    (I apologize for the long life story, please don't think badly of me.)

    I'm definitely sticking around as long as possible. When I first saw pictures of MNC I thought what a lot of others did, "Oh hey this looks a lot like TF2". But I liked the arena atmosphere, checked out some videos, and followed it until release, realizing that while the basic concept was similar, MNC was a unique game that definitely looked like fun. It became one of those 'Must have Day 1' games for me, and I got it that day and played it for several hours. I loved it right away; the style, the humor, the gameplay all were right up my alley. The atmosphere is exciting, when that organ melody plays I yell Bullseye! with the crowd, everything Mickey Cantor says makes me crack up.

    My friends are Halo addicted screamers and so while some of them tried MNC and said they liked it, they won't buy it or play it unless I ask them directly. The Halo games are fine but I've never had any fun in multiplayer, it just isn't exciting or interesting to me, so I didn't even care that Reach came out. Even if I get some cool games this holiday season, I jump between a lot of games at a time, so MNC will continue to get played frequently.

    I think the $10 Live hike is stupid, I barely play any online multiplayer, so basically the only reason I am continuing to get Live is so I can play MNC. I love this game, I am thankful to the developers for making such a unique game that fits right into my interests. I know there are some bugs and problems right now, but they can't ruin such a good game for me, and I am anxiously awaiting the patches and DLC that will improve an already impressive arcade title. If this game keeps growing, as I hope it does, and eventually gets a large non-arcade full release (or equivalent) I will be there on Day 1 again.
  15. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I wouldn't be so sure. bdcjacko is Amish.
  16. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Mennonite, I can use technology..
  17. RACIN N420N

    RACIN N420N New Member

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    just not your tool, right? :p
  18. Bonedust

    Bonedust New Member

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    I love this game as well.
    It reminds me of Team Fortress and I loved that game too.
    I just found this site by accident and joined and read up on how UBER started and It's very inspiring.
    In any case I'll be playing this one for some time and can't wait for the updates.
    Keep up your amazing work UBER!
  19. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    For this being Uber's first major title, I am astounded at how well put together and entertaining MNC is, ESPECIALLY for an XBLA game. Since it's release, even after unlocking all custom classes, highlight protags, and reaching level 99, I STILL find the urge to play this game every night I possibly can.

    I applaud you all at Uber for making such a fantastic start in the gaming industry, and will continue to support your company as long as I am able.

    Once again, great job.
  20. banaqior

    banaqior New Member

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    Yeah, I love MNC. My friend just got Halo: Reach and I have played it with him, but I don't have as much fun as I would with MNC. I have no urge to buy Reach when it isn't even that fun anymore. If you have played Halo 2 you have played them all pretty much.

    So yeah, I'm sticking with MNC and I am excited for the DLC and updates. As if this game wasn't awesome enough.

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