Is it rage quitting?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by bdcjacko, September 13, 2010.

  1. BeJeeZiS

    BeJeeZiS New Member

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    If I lag coming out of the gate, I quit. Imma call it rage quit because I am usually angry that I wasted my time finding a lagged game and 1 out of 3 games is usually laggy. It's not what you would typically call "rage quit" but I am enraged often by the lag. So, to me, it is.
  2. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    Here's a good way to avoid being labelled a rage quitter:

    Test out the connection. Run, lunge, jump, whatever. If the connection isn't to your liking. Leave before anyone gets a kill on you. They can't call that rage. Just common sense.

    When I play, I usually have 4 or more people with me. WE ALL LEAVE TOGETHER if we agree the connection sucks.

    A rage quitter is someone who lets themselves get killed over and over almost always quits immediately following their own death.

    That's how I usually can tell the difference.

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